Changelog for package eus_qp
0.1.2 (2014-09-08)
- eigen is no longer ros package
- add catkin_package()
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.1 (2014-09-04)
- use find_package(catkin COMPONENTS cmake_modules)
- add dependancies of euslisp and eigen
- bag fix load-library functions
- fix eiquadprog.l, plugin load from LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- add package.xml,
- add solve-eiquadprog-raw-with-error function, solve qp with error tolerance, usage=solve-eiquadprog :eiquadprog-function 'solve-eiquadprog-raw-with-error,
- bug fix of check_constraints function, args order change
- eq constraints check fix, but this is unbeliabable mistake, why it could be move?
- returns nil if eiquadprog is not solved
- fix args for qp_lib.cpp change
- add some comment, and constrants check result set in global value flag
- add constraints check functions
- remove unused comment
- fix debug mode stop the main functino
- rename state variable name from f0
- rename eq -> equality , non-eq -> inequality
- fix typo ;; min->max
- .l bug fix, eq constraints mean CEx + ce = 0
- fix test function, plus minus changed
- add Makefile
- add eus_qp dir, solve qp problem with euslisp, use eigenquadprog library
- Contributors: Shintaro Noda, Shunichi Nozawa