Changelog for package ar_sys
1.0.4 (2014-09-26)
- Added install instructions
- Contributors: Hamdi Sahloul
1.0.3 (2014-09-23)
- Changed size to support small screens
- Prefixed frame_ids by / for topic_tools/relay compatibility in groovy
- Employed topic_tools/relay to monitor both single and multi boards transform
- Update the package URL
- Remove false dependency
- Correct the default path of boards_config
- Contributors: Hamdi Sahloul
1.0.2 (2014-09-17)
- Update the package to declare its visualization_msgs dependency
- Initial tracks.yaml
- Contributors: Hamdi Sahloul
1.0.1 (2014-09-17)
- Fix the single marker coordinates to match ROS
- Introducing system viewer; a node that is capable of handling input from multi-cameras and display all the boards and virtual relative points in 3D using Rviz
- Replaced arrays and its count by vectors of enums
- Fixed the rotation of ArUco and OpenCV coordinates to match the camera and ROS specifications
- Enhanced time and source tracking of images
- Prevented a buffer overflow and made a naming convention
- Enhanced the multi detector performance by drawing the markers once, calculating the markers once using the minimum indicated size
- Fixed a bug in identification due to changes made to the orginal image
- Added launch command for the multi boards detector
- Added multi-boards detection capability
- Added a test board image for testing purposes
- Initial package: single board detection
- Contributors: Hamdi Sahloul