Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import pyproj
00004 import math
00005 import sys
00006 from optparse import OptionParser
00007 from math import atan2, cos, sin, sqrt
00010 def pythagoras(a, b):
00011     return sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
00014 class WGS84():
00015     A = 6378137.0
00016     recf = 298.257223563
00017     B = A * (recf - 1.0) / recf
00018     eSquared = ((A * A) - (B * B)) / (A * A)
00019     e2Squared = ((A * A) - (B * B)) / (B * B)
00020     tn = (A - B) / (A + B)
00021     ap = A * (1.0 - tn + 5.0 * ((tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn)) / 4.0 + 81.0 * ((tn * tn * tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn * tn * tn)) / 64.0)
00022     bp = 3.0 * A * (tn - (tn * tn) + 7.0 * ((tn * tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn * tn)) / 8.0 + 55.0 * (tn * tn * tn * tn * tn) / 64.0) / 2.0
00023     cp = 15.0 * A * ((tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn) + 3.0 * ((tn * tn * tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn * tn * tn)) / 4.0) / 16.0
00024     dp = 35.0 * A * ((tn * tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn * tn) + 11.0 * (tn * tn * tn * tn * tn) / 16.0) / 48.0
00025     ep = 315.0 * A * ((tn * tn * tn * tn) - (tn * tn * tn * tn * tn)) / 512.0
00028 def ecef_to_utm(x, y, z):
00029     xyz = (x, y, z)
00030     a2 = WGS84.A * WGS84.A
00031     b2 = WGS84.B * WGS84.B
00032     p = pythagoras(xyz[0], xyz[1])
00033     theta = atan2((xyz[2] * WGS84.A) , (p * WGS84.B))
00034     esq = 1.0 - (b2 / a2)
00035     epsq = (a2 / b2 - 1.0)
00036     sth = sin(theta)
00037     sth3 = sth**3
00038     cth = cos(theta)
00039     cth3 = cth**3
00040     lat = atan2((xyz[2] + epsq * WGS84.B * sth3) , (p - esq * WGS84.A * cth3))
00041     if (lat > (math.pi/2)):
00042         lat = math.pi - lat
00043     lon = atan2(xyz[1],xyz[0])
00044     hgt = (p / cos(lat)) - (a2 / sqrt(a2 * cos(lat) * cos(lat) +  b2 * sin(lat) * sin(lat)))
00045     lat = lat * (180/math.pi)
00046     lon = lon * (180/math.pi)
00047     return latlon_to_utm(lat, lon)
00050 def latlon_to_utm(latitude, longitude, height=0):
00051     """calculate UTM projection"""
00052     lon_6 = math.floor(longitude / 6.0)
00053     utmXZone = (longitude <= 0.0) and (30 + lon_6) or (31 + lon_6)
00054     p = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=utmXZone, ellps='WGS84')
00055     easting, northing = p(longitude, latitude)
00056     return (easting, northing)
00058 if __name__ == "__main__":
00059     parser = OptionParser()
00060     parser.add_option('--latitude', help='Latitude value in float degrees [-90.0:90]')
00061     parser.add_option('--longitude', help='Longitude value in float degrees [-180.0:180]')
00062     parser.add_option('-x', help='ECEF-X')
00063     parser.add_option('-y', help='ECEF-Y')
00064     parser.add_option('-z', help='ECEF-Z')
00065     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
00066     if options.latitude and options.longitude:
00067         en = latlon_to_utm(float(options.latitude), float(options.longitude))
00068     elif options.x and options.y and options.z:
00069         en = ecef_to_utm(float(options.x), float(options.y), float(options.z))
00070     else:
00071         print("Select either latitude/longitude or x, y, z")
00072         sys.exit(1)
00073     print("easting northing: %f %f" % (en[0], en[1]))

Author(s): Manuel Stahl
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:14:19