Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # License: BSD
00004 #
00005 #
00006 ##############################################################################
00007 # Imports
00008 ##############################################################################
00010 import roslib
00011 roslib.load_manifest('rocon_orchestra')
00012 import rospy
00013 import re
00014 import concert_msgs.msg as concert_msgs
00015 import concert_msgs.srv as concert_srvs
00016 import pydot
00018 ##############################################################################
00019 # Classes
00020 ##############################################################################
00023 class Implementation:
00024     '''
00025       If a solution implementation is being loaded, this stores the data.
00026     '''
00027     def __init__(self):
00028         # This will need some modification if we go to multiple solutions on file.
00029         self._name = rospy.get_param("~name", "Implementation 42")
00030         self.nodes = rospy.get_param("~nodes", [])
00031         self._topics = rospy.get_param("~topics", [])
00032         self._actions = rospy.get_param("~actions", [])
00033         self._edges = rospy.get_param("~edges", [])
00034         self._dot_graph = rospy.get_param("~dot_graph", "")
00035         self._implementation_publisher = rospy.Publisher("implementation", concert_msgs.Implementation, latch=True)
00036         self.publish()
00037         rospy.loginfo("Orchestration : initialised the implementation server.")
00039     def publish(self):
00040         self._implementation_publisher.publish(self.to_msg())
00042     def to_msg(self):
00043         '''
00044           Might be easier just serving up the whole implementation file and saving that
00045           in a string here.
00046         '''
00047         implementation = concert_msgs.Implementation()
00048 = self._name
00049         for node in self.nodes:
00050             implementation.link_graph.nodes.append(concert_msgs.LinkNode(node['id'], node['tuple']))
00051         for topic in self._topics:
00052             implementation.link_graph.topics.append(concert_msgs.LinkConnection(topic['id'], topic['type']))
00053         for action in self._actions:
00054             implementation.link_graph.actions.append(concert_msgs.LinkConnection(action['id'], action['type']))
00055         for edge in self._edges:
00056             implementation.link_graph.edges.append(concert_msgs.LinkEdge(edge['start'], edge['finish'], edge['remap_from'], edge['remap_to']))
00057         implementation.dot_graph = self._dot_graph
00058         return implementation
00060     def rebuild(self, node_client_pairs):
00061         '''
00062           If the node name and client name don't match, rebuild
00064           @param node_client_pairs : list of node id-client name pairs
00065         '''
00066         for pair in node_client_pairs:
00067             node_id = pair[0]
00068             client_name = pair[1]
00069             if node_id != client_name:
00070                 for node in self.nodes:
00071                     if node['id'] == node_id:
00072                         node['id'] = client_name
00073                 for topic in self._topics:
00074                     if, topic['id']):
00075                         topic['id'] = topic['id'].replace(node_id, client_name)
00076                 for action in self._actions:
00077                     if, action['id']) is not None:
00078                         action['id'] = action['id'].replace(node_id, client_name)
00079                 for edge in self._edges:
00080                     if edge['start'] == node_id:
00081                         edge['start'] = client_name
00082                     if edge['finish'] == node_id:
00083                         edge['finish'] = client_name
00084                     if, edge['remap_from']):
00085                         edge['remap_from'] = edge['remap_from'].replace(node_id, client_name)
00086                     if, edge['remap_to']):
00087                         edge['remap_to'] = edge['remap_to'].replace(node_id, client_name)
00089     def to_dot(self):
00090         graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph')
00091 #        for node in self.nodes:
00092 #            n = pydot.Node(node['id'], style="filled", fillcolor="red")
00093 #            graph.add_node(n)
00094 #        self.nodes = rospy.get_param("~nodes", [])
00095 #        self._topics = rospy.get_param("~topics", [])
00096 #        self._actions = rospy.get_param("~actions", [])
00097 #        self._edges = rospy.get_param("~edges", [])
00098 #        self._dot_graph = rospy.get_param("~dot_graph", "")
00099 #        self._implementation_publisher = rospy.Publisher("implementation", concert_msgs.Implementation, latch=True)
00100 #        self.publish()
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Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Tue Jan 22 2013 13:08:37