Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 import pygame
00003 import pygame.midi
00004 import select
00005 import sys
00006 import yaml
00007 import rospy
00008 import roslib
00010 try:
00011   from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy, JoyFeedbackArray
00012   from jsk_teleop_joy.midi_util import MIDIParse, MIDICommand, MIDIException, openMIDIInputByName, openMIDIOutputByName
00013 except:
00014   roslib.load_manifest('jsk_teleop_joy')
00015   from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy, JoyFeedbackArray
00016   from jsk_teleop_joy.midi_util import MIDIParse, MIDICommand, MIDIException, openMIDIInputByName, openMIDIOutputByName
00018 def feedback_array_cb(out_controller, config, msg_arr):
00019   output_config = config["output"]
00020   for msg in msg_arr.array:
00021     if len(output_config) <= msg.id:
00022       rospy.logerr("%d is out of output configuration (%d configurations)" % (msg.id, len(output_config)))
00023       return
00024     the_config = output_config[msg.id]
00025     command = the_config[0]
00026     channel = the_config[1]
00027     val = int(msg.intensity * 127)
00028     if val < 0:
00029       val = 0
00030     elif val > 127:
00031       val = 127
00032     if the_config[2]:
00033       out_controller.write_short(command | channel, val, 0)
00034     else:
00035       param1 = the_config[3]
00036       out_controller.write_short(command | channel, param1, val)
00039 def main():
00040   pygame.midi.init()
00041   rospy.init_node('midi_joy')
00042   # parse the arg
00043   argv = rospy.myargv()
00044   if len(argv) == 0:
00045     rospy.logfatal("You need to specify config yaml file")
00046     sys.exit(1)
00047   config_file = argv[1]
00048   joy_pub = rospy.Publisher("/joy", Joy)
00049   with open(config_file, "r") as f:
00050     config = yaml.load(f)
00051     # open the device
00052     controller = openMIDIInputByName(config["device_name"])
00054     joy = Joy()
00055     joy.axes = [0.0] * len(config["analogs"])
00056     # automatically mapping to buttons from axes if it has NOTE_OFF or NOTE_ON MIDI commands
00057     button_configs = [c for c in config["analogs"]
00058                       if c[0] == MIDICommand.NOTE_ON or c[0] == MIDICommand.NOTE_OFF]
00059     if config.has_key("output"):
00060       out_controller = openMIDIOutputByName(config["device_name"])
00061       s = rospy.Subscriber("~set_feedback", JoyFeedbackArray, lambda msg: feedback_array_cb(out_controller, config, msg))
00062     joy.buttons = [0] * len(button_configs)
00063     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
00064       joy.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
00065       while controller.poll():
00066         data = controller.read(1)
00067         for elem_set in data:
00068           (command, ind, val) = MIDIParse(elem_set)
00069           try:
00070             index = config["analogs"].index((command, ind))
00071             joy.axes[index] = val
00072             if command == MIDICommand.NOTE_ON or command == MIDICommand.NOTE_OFF:
00073               button_index = button_configs.index((command, ind))
00074               if val == 0.0:
00075                 joy.buttons[button_index] = 0
00076               else:
00077                 joy.buttons[button_index] = 1
00078           except:
00079             rospy.logwarn("unknown MIDI message: (%d, %d, %f)" % (command, ind, val))
00080       joy_pub.publish(joy)
00081       rospy.sleep(1.0 / 100.0)
00082 if __name__ == '__main__':
00083   main()

Author(s): Ryohei Ueda
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 01:11:11