This is the complete list of members for
InteractivePointCloud, including all inherited members.
box_movement_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
Config typedef | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
configCallback(Config &config, uint32_t level) | InteractivePointCloud | [private, virtual] |
current_box_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
current_croud_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
exist_handle_tf_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
handle_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
handle_tf_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
handlePoseAndBoundingBoxCallback(const jsk_pcl_ros::Int32StampedConstPtr &index, const geometry_msgs::PoseArrayConstPtr &pa, const jsk_pcl_ros::BoundingBoxArrayConstPtr &box) | InteractivePointCloud | |
handlePoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &ps) | InteractivePointCloud | |
hide(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | |
initial_handle_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
input_bounding_box_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
input_pointcloud_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
InteractivePointCloud(std::string marker_name, std::string topic_name, std::string server_name) | InteractivePointCloud | |
leftClickPoint(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
makeMarker(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr cloud, float size) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
makeMarker(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr cloud, const jsk_pcl_ros::BoundingBoxArrayConstPtr box, const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr handle, float size) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
makeMenu() | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
marker_name_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
marker_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
marker_server_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
markerFeedback(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
menu_handler_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
MenuHandler typedef | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
menuPoint(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
move(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
msg_cloud_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
mutex_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
nh_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pickup(const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pnh_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
point_size_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pointCloudAndBoundingBoxCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, const jsk_pcl_ros::BoundingBoxArrayConstPtr &box, const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &handle) | InteractivePointCloud | |
pointCloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud) | InteractivePointCloud | |
pub_box_movement_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_click_point_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_grasp_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_handle_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_handle_pose_array_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_left_click_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
pub_marker_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
publishGraspPose() | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
publishHandPose(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped box_pose) | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
setHandlePoseCallback(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr &ps) | InteractivePointCloud | |
srv_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_bounding_box_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_handle_array_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_handle_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_initial_handle_pose_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_point_cloud_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sub_selected_index_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sync_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
sync_handle_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
SyncHandlePose typedef | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
SyncPolicy typedef | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
tfl_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
topic_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
use_bounding_box_ | InteractivePointCloud | [private] |
~InteractivePointCloud() | InteractivePointCloud | |