Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/python
00003 import yaml
00004 import types
00006 #EPSILON = 1e-6
00007 EPSILON = 1e-5
00009 def get_yaml_data (fname):
00010     return yaml.load(open(fname).read());
00012 def eps_equal (v1, v2, eps=EPSILON):
00013     return abs(v1 - v2) < eps;
00015 def list_eps_equal (v1, v2, eps=EPSILON):
00016     return all(map (lambda x, y : eps_equal (x,y, eps), v1, v2))
00018 def check_var (t1, t2, prop_name, eps=EPSILON):
00019     if type(t1.get(prop_name)) == types.StringType:
00020         v1 = map (lambda x : float(x), t1.get(prop_name).split(','))
00021         func = list_eps_equal
00022     else:
00023         v1 = t1.get(prop_name)
00024         func = eps_equal
00025     if type(t2.get(prop_name)) == types.StringType:
00026         v2 = map (lambda x : float(x), t2.get(prop_name).split(','))
00027     else:
00028         v2 = t2.get(prop_name)
00029     if v1 == None and v2 == None:
00030         print "Neglected"
00031         return True
00032     elif v1 != None and v2 != None:
00033         if func(v1, v2, eps):
00034             print "OK"
00035             return True;
00036         else:
00037             print "NG, check fail ", v1, " vs ", v2
00038             return False;
00039     else:
00040         print "NG, data missing among ", v1, " ", v2
00041         return False;
00043 def check_str_var (t1, t2, prop_name):
00044     v1 = t1.get(prop_name)
00045     v2 = t2.get(prop_name)
00046     if v1 and v2:
00047         if v1 == v2:
00048             print "OK"
00049             return True;
00050         else:
00051             print "NG", v1, v2
00052             return False;
00053     else:
00054         print None
00055         return True
00057 import unittest
00058 class TestRobotModelYaml(unittest.TestCase):
00059     def check_var(self, prop_name, param_name='Links', check_func=check_var):
00060         print "  check", param_name
00061         ret = []
00062         for f in test2.get(param_name).keys():
00063             t2 = test2.get(param_name).get(f)
00064             t1 = test1.get(param_name).get(f)
00065             print "    ", f, prop_name,
00066             if t1 and t2:
00067                 ret.append(check_func(t1, t2, prop_name))
00068             else:
00069                 print None
00070         return all(ret)
00072     # def test_total_joints (self):
00073     #     self.assertTrue(check_str_var(test1.get('total'), test2.get('total'), 'joints'))
00074     # def test_total_actjoints (self):
00075     #     self.assertTrue(check_str_var(test1.get('total'), test2.get('total'), 'actjoints'))
00076     def test_Total_Mass (self):
00077         print 'check Total'
00078         print '  Mass ',
00079         self.assertTrue(check_var(test1.get('Total'), test2.get('Total'), 'Mass', 1e-3))
00080     def test_Total_GlobalCom (self):
00081         print 'check Total'
00082         print '  GlobalCom ',
00083         self.assertTrue(check_var(test1.get('Total'), test2.get('Total'), 'GlobalCom'))
00084     def test_Total_GlobalInertia (self):
00085         print 'check Total'
00086         print '  GlobalInertia ',
00087         self.assertTrue(check_var(test1.get('Total'), test2.get('Total'), 'GlobalInertia', 1e-4))
00088     def test_Link_Mass (self):
00089         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('Mass'))
00090     def test_Link_LocalCom (self):
00091         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalCom'))
00092     def test_Link_GlobalCom (self):
00093         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalCom'))
00094     def test_Link_ComNorm (self):
00095         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('ComNorm'))
00096     def test_Link_LocalInertia (self):
00097         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalInertia'))
00098     def test_Link_GlobalInertia (self):
00099         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalInertia'))
00100     def test_Link_InertiaNorm (self):
00101         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('InertiaNorm'))
00102     def test_Link_LocalPos (self):
00103         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalPos'))
00104     def test_Link_LocalRot (self):
00105         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalRot'))
00106     def test_Link_GlobalPos (self):
00107         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalPos'))
00108     def test_Link_GlobalRot (self):
00109         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalRot'))
00110     def test_Joint_LowerLimit (self):
00111         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LowerLimit', 'Joints'))
00112     def test_Joint_UpperLimit (self):
00113         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('UpperLimit', 'Joints'))
00114     def test_Joint_VelocityLimit (self):
00115         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('VelocityLimit', 'Joints'))
00116     def test_Sensor_LocalPos (self):
00117         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalPos', 'Sensors'))
00118     def test_Sensor_LocalRot (self):
00119         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('LocalRot', 'Sensors'))
00120     def test_Sensor_GlobalPos (self):
00121         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalPos', 'Sensors'))
00122     def test_Sensor_GlobalRot (self):
00123         self.assertTrue(self.check_var('GlobalRot', 'Sensors'))
00125 if __name__ == '__main__':
00126     import sys
00127     import rostest
00128     global test1, test2
00129     test1=get_yaml_data(sys.argv[1])
00130     test2=get_yaml_data(sys.argv[2])
00131     str1=sys.argv[1].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].replace('_robot_model', '')
00132     str2=sys.argv[2].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].replace('_robot_model', '')
00133     rostest.unitrun('euslisp_model_conversion_tester', 'test_robot_model_yaml_'+str1+"_"+str2, TestRobotModelYaml)

Author(s): nozawa
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 01:10:06