Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * volt_distr_viz.cpp
00003  * Copyright 2013 University of Massachusetts Lowell
00004  * Author: Jonathan Hasenzahl
00005  */
00007 #include "volt_distr/volt_distr_viz.h"
00009 #define ROWS        8
00010 #define COLS        ROWS
00011 #define C_WIDTH     75                  // Width of each channel (px)
00012 #define C_HEIGHT    C_WIDTH             // Height of each channel (px)
00013 #define P_WIDTH     (C_WIDTH * COLS)    // Width of plotter window (px)
00014 #define P_HEIGHT    (C_HEIGHT * ROWS)   // Height of plotter window (px)
00015 #define X_START     0
00016 #define Y_START     X_START
00017 #define X_STEP      C_WIDTH
00018 #define Y_STEP      X_STEP
00019 #define MAX_COLOR   65535
00021 VoltDistrViz::~VoltDistrViz()
00022 {
00023     delete plotter_;
00024 }
00029 void VoltDistrViz::init(const std::string& file_name)
00030 {
00031     is_ok_ = true;
00032     file_.open(file_name.c_str());
00034     if (!file_.is_open())
00035     {
00036         ROS_ERROR("Cannot open %s. Imaging will be disabled.",
00037                   file_name.c_str());
00038         is_ok_ = false;
00039         return;
00040     }
00042     // Set plotter parameters
00043     PlotterParams params;
00044     //ostringstream bitmapsize;
00045     //bitmapsize << P_WIDTH << 'x' << P_HEIGHT;
00046     //params.setplparam("BITMAPSIZE", (void*) bitmapsize.str().c_str());
00047     params.setplparam("BG_COLOR", (char*) "none");
00049     plotter_ = new SVGPlotter(cin, file_, cerr, params);
00051     if (plotter_->openpl() < 0)
00052     {
00053         ROS_ERROR("Cannot initialize plotter. Imaging will be disabled.");
00054         is_ok_ = false;
00055         return;
00056     }
00058     // Drawing boundaries: lower left X/Y, upper right X/Y (px)
00059     plotter_->space(0, 0, P_WIDTH, P_HEIGHT);
00060     plotter_->pencolorname("white");
00061     plotter_->filltype(1);
00062     plotter_->erase();
00064     // Calculate coordinates of the channels
00065     for (int y = ROWS - 1; y >= 0; y--)
00066     {
00067         for (int x = 0; x < COLS; x++)
00068         {
00069             if (!((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == 0 && y == ROWS - 1) ||
00070                     (x == COLS - 1 && y == 0) ||
00071                     (x == COLS - 1 && y == ROWS - 1)))
00072             {
00073                 boost::array<int, 4> coords;
00074                 coords[0] = x * X_STEP + X_START; // x1
00075                 coords[1] = y * Y_STEP + Y_START; // y1
00076                 coords[2] = (x + 1) * X_STEP + X_START; // x2
00077                 coords[3] = (y + 1) * Y_STEP + Y_START; // y2
00078                 coords_.push_back(coords);
00079             }
00080         }
00081     }
00082 }
00089 void VoltDistrViz::draw(const boost::array<double, 60>& percents)
00090 {
00091     if (!is_ok_)
00092         return;
00094     for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
00095     {
00096         // Draw the colored box
00097         if (percents[i] > 0.5)
00098         {
00099             // Channel has more than 50% negative voltages
00100             int red = MAX_COLOR * 2 * (percents[i] - .5);
00101             plotter_->fillcolor(red, 0, 0);
00102         }
00103         else
00104         {
00105             // Channel has not more than 50% negative voltages
00106             int blue = MAX_COLOR * 2 * (.5 - percents[i]);
00107             plotter_->fillcolor(0, 0, blue);
00108         }
00109         plotter_->box(coords_[i][0], coords_[i][1], coords_[i][2], coords_[i][3]);
00110         plotter_->endpath();
00112         // Draw the label over the center/center of the box
00113         plotter_->move((coords_[i][0] + coords_[i][2]) / 2,
00114                        (coords_[i][1] + coords_[i][3]) / 2);
00115         ostringstream volt;
00116         volt << fixed << setprecision(2) << (percents[i] * 100) << '%';
00117         plotter_->alabel('c', 'c', volt.str().c_str());
00118         plotter_->endpath();
00119     }
00121     plotter_->closepl();
00122     file_.close();
00123 }
00125 /*
00126  * Reference
00127  *
00128  * move(x,y) <-- cursor
00129  * box(x1,y1,x2,y2) or circle(xc,yc,r)
00130  * pencolor(r,g,b)
00131  * fillcolor(r,g,b)
00132  * color(r,g,b) = pen + fill
00133  * endpath()
00134  * alabel (int horiz_justify, int vert_justify, const char *s);
00135  */

Author(s): Jonathan Hasenzahl
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:12:31