GridMap Member List
This is the complete list of members for GridMap, including all inherited members.
blindPopulate(Vec3 pos)GridMap [inline]
blindPopulate(const PointIndices &pointIndices, const PointCloudType &pointCloud)GridMap
Cell typedefGridMap
Cells typedefPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell >
checkNodesAgainstGridConnection(NodeIndices &outNodeIndices, const NodePointers &inNodeCandidates, float newCellSize, unsigned int minNodesCount) const GridMap
checkPointConnection(const Vec3 &p, const int &connectionNeighbors) const GridMap [inline]
clear()GridMap [inline]
clearIndices()GridMap [inline]
gatherNodesInCC(NodePointers &outputNodes, const ConnectedComponent &conComp, const NodePointers &octreeNodes) const GridMap
gatherNodesInCC(NodeIndices &outputIndices, const ConnectedComponent &conComp) const GridMap
getCells() constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getCells()Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getCellSize() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getConnectedComponentsAndNotConnectedNodes(NodePointersVec &nodesInCC, const NodePointers &inputOctreeNodes, float cellSize, unsigned int minPlaneNodes, unsigned int minCCNodes, NodePointers *notConnectedNodesOutput=NULL)GridMap
getHeight() constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getIndex(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int width)Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline, protected, static]
getIndices(Indices &outIndices, const Vec3 &pos) constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline, protected]
getNeighbors(Cells &cells, const Vec3 &pos, unsigned int neighborhoodRadius) constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D< NodeGridCell >::getNeighbors(Cells &cells, const SignedIndices &indices, unsigned int neighborhoodRadius) constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getNewExtremes(float &xMinOut, float &xMaxOut, float &yMinOut, float &yMaxOut, unsigned int &xOff, unsigned int &xAdd, unsigned int &yOff, unsigned int &yAdd, float xMinIn, float xMaxIn, float yMinIn, float yMaxIn, float stepsize) const GridMap
getPlane3D() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getSignedIndicesNoException(SignedIndices &outIndices, const Vec3 &pos) constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline, protected]
getStartPos() const GridMap [inline]
getWidth() constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getXMax() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getXMin() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getYMax() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
getYMin() constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D()Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D(const unsigned int &width, const unsigned int &height, const NodeGridCell &c=NodeGridCell())Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
GridMap()GridMap [inline]
GridMap(const Plane3D &plane, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, float cellSize)GridMap [inline]
GridMap(const GridMap &gridMap, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, unsigned int xOff, unsigned int xAdd, unsigned int yOff, unsigned int yAdd, float cellSize)GridMap
Indices typedefPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell >
isPopulated(Vec3 pos)GridMap [inline]
mCellSizePositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mGridGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mGridCCStartPosGridMap [protected]
mHeightGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mPlanePositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mWidthGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mXMaxPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mXMinPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mYMaxPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
mYMinPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [protected]
NodeIndices typedefGridMap
NodePointers typedefGridMap
NodePointersVec typedefGridMap
operator()(const Vec3 &pos) constPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
operator()(const Vec3 &pos)PositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D< NodeGridCell >::operator()(unsigned int w, unsigned int h) constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D< NodeGridCell >::operator()(unsigned int w, unsigned int h)Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D< NodeGridCell >::operator()(const Indices &indices) constGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
Grid2D< NodeGridCell >::operator()(const Indices &indices)Grid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
OutOfRange typedefPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell >
PointIndices typedefGridMap
populate(const unsigned int &index, Vec3 pos)GridMap [inline]
populate(const PointIndices &pointIndices, const PointCloudType &pointCloud)GridMap
populate(const NodePointers &nodePointers)GridMap [inline]
PositionedGrid2D()PositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
PositionedGrid2D(const Plane3D &plane, const float &xMin, const float &xMax, const float &yMin, const float &yMax, const float &cellSize)PositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell > [inline]
print() const GridMap
print(const std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > &coords) const GridMap
pushPopulatedUnvisitedNeighbors(std::queue< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > &neighbors, const unsigned int &width, const unsigned int &height) const GridMap
SignedIndices typedefPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell >
startConnectedComponentAt(ConnectedComponent &ccc, const Indices &startPos)GridMap
uints typedefGridMap
value_type typedefGrid2D< NodeGridCell >
Vec3 typedefPositionedGrid2D< NodeGridCell >

Author(s): Bastian Gaspers
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 11:38:09