Package network_monitor_udp :: Module linktest
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Source Code for Module network_monitor_udp.linktest

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  3  import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('network_monitor_udp') 
  4  from roslib import rostime 
  5  import rospy 
  6  import actionlib 
  7  import network_monitor_udp.msg as msgs 
  8  from network_monitor_udp.msg import LinktestGoal 
  9  import time 
 10  import math 
12 -class MetricLog:
13 """ 14 Maintains a log of measurements for a variable. For each measurement, the 15 time and value of the variable is recorded. Various statistics are computed 16 for the recorded data. 17 """ 18 ALPHA = 0.1 #: the alpha-parameter of the exponential average 19 MOVING_STATS_SAMPLES = 10 #: default number of samples included in moving stats 20
21 - def __init__(self):
22 self.reset_all()
24 - def reset_statistics(self):
25 """ 26 Resets the aggregated statistics. 27 """ 28 self._min = 1e1000 29 self._max = -1e1000 30 self._avg = 0.0 31 self._expavg = 0.0 32 self._count = 0 33 self._sum = 0.0 34 self._curr = 0.0
36 - def reset_history(self):
37 """ 38 Deletes all measurements recorded so far. 39 """ 40 self._history = []
42 - def reset_all(self):
43 """ 44 Resets measurement log and statistics. 45 """ 46 self.reset_statistics() 47 self.reset_history()
49 - def record(self, measurement, meas_time = None):
50 """ 51 Records a measurement. 52 53 @type measurement: float 54 @param measurement: the value being recorded 55 @type meas_time: float 56 @param meas_time: the time of the measurement (if not specified the current time 57 as retrieved by time.time() will be used) 58 """ 59 if meas_time is None: 60 meas_time = time.time() 61 62 self._sum += measurement 63 self._count += 1 64 self._avg = self._sum / self._count 65 self._max = max(self._max, measurement) 66 self._min = min(self._min, measurement) 67 if self._expavg == 0.0: 68 self._expavg = measurement 69 else: 70 self._expavg = MetricLog.ALPHA * measurement + (1 - MetricLog.ALPHA) * self._expavg 71 72 self._history.append((measurement, meas_time)) 73 self._curr = measurement
75 - def movavg(self, samples = MOVING_STATS_SAMPLES):
76 """ 77 Returns the moving average of the recorded measurements. 78 79 @type samples: int 80 @param samples: the number of samples in the moving average 81 82 @rtype: float 83 @return: moving average 84 """ 85 try: 86 return sum(rec[0] for rec in self._history[-samples:])/samples 87 except IndexError: 88 return 0.0
90 - def movstdev(self):
91 """ 92 Returns the moving standard deviation of the recorded measurements. 93 94 @type samples: int 95 @param samples: the number of samples in the moving standard deviation 96 97 @rtype: float 98 @return: moving standard deviation 99 """ 100 try: 101 return math.sqrt(sum([(x[0] - self.movavg())**2 for x in self._history[-MetricLog.MOVING_STATS_SAMPLES:]])/ 102 (MetricLog.MOVING_STATS_SAMPLES - 1)) 103 except IndexError: 104 return 0.0
106 - def stdev(self):
107 """ 108 Returns the standard deviation of the recorded measurements. 109 110 @rtype: float 111 @return: standard deviation 112 """ 113 try: 114 return math.sqrt(sum([(x[0] - self._avg)**2 for x in self._history])/(self._count - 1)) 115 except ZeroDivisionError: 116 return 0.0
118 - def empty(self):
119 """ 120 @rtype: boolean 121 @return: True if the measurement log is empty 122 """ 123 return self._count == 0
125 - def min_time(self):
126 """ 127 Returns the time of the first measurement recorded. 128 129 @rtype: float 130 @return: First measurement time or 0.0 if the log is empty. 131 """ 132 try: 133 return self._history[0][1] 134 except IndexError: 135 return 0.0
137 - def max_time(self):
138 """ 139 Returns the time of the last measurement recorded. 140 141 @rtype: float 142 @return: Last measurement time or 0.0 if the log is empty. 143 """ 144 try: 145 return self._history[-1][1] 146 except IndexError: 147 return 0.0
149 - def duration(self):
150 """ 151 Returns the period during which measurements where made (the time 152 elapsed from the first to the last measurement). 153 154 @rtype: float 155 @return: duration in seconds 156 """ 157 try: 158 return self.max_time() - self.min_time() 159 except IndexError: 160 return 0.0
162 - def min(self):
163 """ 164 @rtype: float 165 @return: minimum value in the log 166 """ 167 return self._min
169 - def max(self):
170 """ 171 @rtype: float 172 @return: maximum value in the log 173 """ 174 return self._max
176 - def avg(self):
177 """ 178 @rtype: float 179 @return: the mean of the values in the log 180 """ 181 return self._avg
183 - def expavg(self):
184 """ 185 @rtype: float 186 @return: the exponential average of the values in the log 187 """ 188 return self._expavg
190 - def count(self):
191 """ 192 @rtype: float 193 @return: the number of values in the log 194 """ 195 return self._count
197 - def curr(self):
198 """ 199 @rtype: float 200 @return: the last value recorded 201 """ 202 return self._curr
204 - def history(self):
205 """ 206 @rtype: [(float, float)] 207 @return: the list of measurements recorded. Each measurement is a tuple (value, measurement_time). 208 """ 209 return self._history
211 -class LinkTest:
212 """ 213 This class implements a udpmon link test. It handles communication 214 with the udpmonsourcenode via actionlib. Feedback information 215 (bandwidth, loss, latency) is recorded into L{MetricLog} objects. The 216 class has support for pre-empting a running test. 217 """
218 - def __init__(self, name, goal, actionclient):
219 """ 220 Builds a LinkTest object. The test will not be active until explicitly 221 started with the L{start} function. 222 223 @type name: string 224 @param name: test name (used for logging information) 225 @type goal: LinktestGoal 226 @param goal: the goal object describing the link test 227 @type actionclient: actionlib.ActionClient 228 @param actionclient: the action client object 229 """ 230 = name 231 self.goal = goal 232 self.actionclient = actionclient 233 self.custom_feedback_handler = None 234 235 self.latency = MetricLog() 236 """Latency measurement log. \n@type: L{MetricLog}""" 237 self.loss = MetricLog() 238 """Packet loss measurement log. \n@type: L{MetricLog}""" 239 self.bandwidth = MetricLog() 240 """Bandwidth measurement log. \n@type: L{MetricLog}""" 241 242 self.overall_latency = None #: Average latency over the test duration (available when test is done) 243 self.overall_loss = None #: Average loss over the test duration (available when test is done) 244 self.overall_bandwidth = None #: Average bandwidth over the test duration (available when test is done) 245 self.overall_latency_histogram = None #: Latency histogram of all packets received during the test (available when test is done) 246 247 self.started = False #: True if test was started 248 self.done = False #: True if test has finished (or was preempted succesfully)
250 - def start(self):
251 """ 252 Starts the test. 253 """ 254 self.goal_handle = self.actionclient.send_goal(self.goal, self._handle_link_transition, self._handle_link_feedback) 255 self.started = True
257 - def stop(self):
258 """ 259 Stops (preempts) a running test. 260 """ 261 if self.started: 262 self.goal_handle.cancel()
264 - def reset_statistics(self):
265 """ 266 Resets bandwidth, latency and loss statistics. 267 """ 268 self.latency.reset_all() 269 self.loss.reset_all() 270 self.bandwidth.reset_all()
271 289 299
300 - def linkdown(self):
301 """ 302 @rtype: boolean 303 @return: True if the link is currently down (last measured bandwidth is close to zero). 304 """ 305 return self.bandwidth.curr() < 0.00001
307 - def set_custom_feedback_handler(self, custom_feedback_handler):
308 """ 309 Sets a custom feedback handler. 310 311 @type custom_feedback_handler: func(GoalHandle, LinktestFeedback) 312 @param: the custom feedback handler that gets called whenever feedback is received 313 """ 314 self.custom_feedback_handler = custom_feedback_handler
315 316
317 -class UdpmonsourceHandle :
318 """ 319 This class maintains a handle to a L{} action server. 320 It is used to create link tests that have as source a particular C{} node. 321 """ 322
323 - def __init__(self, action_name = "performance_test"):
324 """ 325 Creates an L{actionlib.ActionClient} object and waits for connection to the action server. 326 327 @raise Exception: if the connection does not succeed 328 329 @type action_name: str 330 @param action_name: action server name, by default this is C{"performance_test"}, but if the action 331 server lives in a different namespace than the full path should be given 332 (e.g. C{"/source2/performance_test"}) 333 """ 334 self.actionclient = actionlib.ActionClient(action_name, msgs.LinktestAction) 335 self.count = 0 336 started = self.actionclient.wait_for_server() # wait until the udpmonsourcenode has started up 337 if started is False: 338 raise Exception, "could not connect to action server"
340 - def _generate_name(self, action_name):
341 count = self.count 342 self.count += 1 343 return ("%s_%04d")%(action_name, self.count)
345 - def create_test(self, name = None, **kwargs):
346 """ 347 Creates and returns a link test. The link test will need to be started with its C{start()} function. 348 349 @type name: str 350 @param name: an optional test name. This name will be used for log mesages. 351 352 @type kwargs: dict 353 @param kwargs: a dictionary of test parameters. These are the .action file parameters. See the wiki page 354 at U{} for a full description. 355 """ 356 if name is None: 357 name = self._generate_name("bwtest") 358 goal = msgs.LinktestGoal(**kwargs) 359 test = LinkTest(name, goal, self.actionclient) 360 return test
362 - def cancel_all_tests(self):
363 """ 364 Cancels all currently running tests. As a precaution, this function should be 365 called at the beginning of any test "session" as there may be orphan link tests 366 still being run from the C{} node, if that node has not been restarted. 367 """ 368 self.actionclient.cancel_all_goals() 369 # to prevent a race condition betwen creating a new goal and 370 # the cancel_all_goals request 371 time.sleep(2)