motld::Matrix Member List
This is the complete list of members for motld::Matrix, including all inherited members.
affineWarp(const Matrix &t, const ObjectBox &b, const bool &preservear) const motld::Matrix [inline]
avg() const motld::Matrix
clip(float aMin, float aMax)motld::Matrix
copyFromCharArray(unsigned char *source)motld::Matrix
copyFromFloatArray(float *source, int srcwidth, int width, int height)motld::Matrix
copyFromFloatArray(const float *const source, int srcwidth, int srcheight, int x, int y, int width, int height)motld::Matrix
createSummedAreaTable() const motld::Matrix [inline]
createSummedAreaTable2() const motld::Matrix [inline]
createWarpMatrix(const float &angle, const float &scale)motld::Matrix [inline, static]
cut(Matrix &result, const int x1, const int y1, const int x2, const int y2)motld::Matrix
data() const motld::Matrix [inline]
derivativeX(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
derivativeY(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
downsample(int newWidth, int newHeight)motld::Matrix
downsampleBilinear(int newWidth, int newHeight)motld::Matrix
drawBox(ObjectBox b, int value=255)motld::Matrix
drawCross(int x, int y, int value=255, int crossSize=1)motld::Matrix
drawDashedBox(ObjectBox b, int value=255, int dashLength=3, bool dotted=false)motld::Matrix
drawHistogram(const float *histogram, int x, int y, int value=255, int nbins=7, int psize=15)motld::Matrix
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float value=255)motld::Matrix
drawNumber(int x, int y, int n, int value=255)motld::Matrix
drawPatch(const Matrix &b, int x, int y, float avg=0)motld::Matrix
fill(const float value)motld::Matrix
fromRGB(const Matrix &rMatrix, const Matrix &gMatrix, const Matrix &bMatrix)motld::Matrix
fromRGB(unsigned char *source)motld::Matrix
gaussianSmooth(const float sigma, const int filterSize=0)motld::Matrix
getRectSubPix(float centerx, float centery, int width, int height) const motld::Matrix
halfSizeImage(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
ivDatamotld::Matrix [protected]
ivHeightmotld::Matrix [protected]
ivWidthmotld::Matrix [protected]
Matrix()motld::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const int width, const int height)motld::Matrix [inline]
Matrix(const Matrix &copyFrom)motld::Matrix
Matrix(const int width, const int height, const float value)motld::Matrix
norm2() const motld::Matrix
operator()(const int ax, const int ay) const motld::Matrix [inline]
operator*=(const float value)motld::Matrix
operator+=(const float value)motld::Matrix
operator=(const float value)motld::Matrix [inline]
operator=(const Matrix &copyFrom)motld::Matrix
rescale(int newWidth, int newHeight)motld::Matrix
scharrDerivativeX(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
scharrDerivativeY(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
setSize(int width, int height)motld::Matrix
size() const motld::Matrix [inline]
sobelDerivativeX(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
sobelDerivativeY(Matrix &result) const motld::Matrix
upsample(int newWidth, int newHeight)motld::Matrix
upsampleBilinear(int newWidth, int newHeight)motld::Matrix
writeToPGM(const char *filename) const motld::Matrix
xSize() const motld::Matrix [inline]
ySize() const motld::Matrix [inline]
~Matrix()motld::Matrix [virtual]
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Author(s): Jost Tobias Springenberg, Jan Wuelfing
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 16:24:49