Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 package libsvm;
00002 public class svm_parameter implements Cloneable,
00003 {
00004         /* svm_type */
00005         public static final int C_SVC = 0;
00006         public static final int NU_SVC = 1;
00007         public static final int ONE_CLASS = 2;
00008         public static final int EPSILON_SVR = 3;
00009         public static final int NU_SVR = 4;
00011         /* kernel_type */
00012         public static final int LINEAR = 0;
00013         public static final int POLY = 1;
00014         public static final int RBF = 2;
00015         public static final int SIGMOID = 3;
00016         public static final int PRECOMPUTED = 4;
00018         public int svm_type;
00019         public int kernel_type;
00020         public int degree;      // for poly
00021         public double gamma;    // for poly/rbf/sigmoid
00022         public double coef0;    // for poly/sigmoid
00024         // these are for training only
00025         public double cache_size; // in MB
00026         public double eps;      // stopping criteria
00027         public double C;        // for C_SVC, EPSILON_SVR and NU_SVR
00028         public int nr_weight;           // for C_SVC
00029         public int[] weight_label;      // for C_SVC
00030         public double[] weight;         // for C_SVC
00031         public double nu;       // for NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, and NU_SVR
00032         public double p;        // for EPSILON_SVR
00033         public int shrinking;   // use the shrinking heuristics
00034         public int probability; // do probability estimates
00036         public Object clone() 
00037         {
00038                 try 
00039                 {
00040                         return super.clone();
00041                 } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) 
00042                 {
00043                         return null;
00044                 }
00045         }
00047 }

Author(s): Scott Niekum
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:30:23