Description: kinect_near_mode_calibration
License: BSD
roslaunch kinect_near_mode_calibration acquire_data.launch
roslaunch kinect_near_mode_calibration kinect_near_mode_calibration.launch
This node is to calibrate kinect with Nyko zoom lens( To get more accurate depth information, we apply hyperboloid fitting for depth data.
First, prepare these goods.
svn co jsk-ros-pkg
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:`pwd`/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_ros_patch/image_view_jsk_patch:`pwd`/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_ros_patch/depth_image_proc_jsk_patch:`pwd`/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_openni_kinect/kinect_near_mode_calibration
rosmake kinect_near_mode_calibration
fix zoom lens to kinect. We use xtion and fix zoom lens to xtion with jig.
fix kinect to a stable position.
set cover to IR projector. It should be change cover state with not moving kinect.
sample of IR projector cover |
uncover IR projector |
cover IR projector |
First, acquire images of chessboard using kinect_calibration package. You have to correct RGB, IR and depth images sets with fixing relative coordinate between kinect and chessboard. However, you cannot get these three images simultaneously. The reason is to get chessboard image in IR image, you have to light with IR light, but in IR illumination kinect cannot get IR projected pattern. Also, you cannot subscribe RGB image and IR image simultaneously. So you have to switch two mode: RGB-Depth mode and IR mode.
Switch off IR light and uncover projector.
RGB-Depth mode environment setting RGB image Depth image
Switch on IR light and cover projector. Depth image should be black since the IR projector is covered.
IR mode environment setting IR image Depth image
Input these commands to the terminal you launch acquire_data.launch.
roslaunch openni_launch openni.launchIn another terminal,
mkdir MY_DATA_DIR roslaunch kinect_near_mode_calibration acquire_data.launch grid_x:=CHESS_COLUMNS_NUM grid_y:=CHESS_ROWS_NUM dir_name:=path-to-MY_DATA_DIR
We have to compute these parameters.
Compute D, offset, U and V of fitting coefficients below (please refer The value (u, v) are pixels, z is depth value got from openni_driver, (cx, cy) is image center, d’ is fitted disparity value.
d’ = offset + D*d + U*(u-cx)^2 + V*(v-cy)^2
rosrun kinect_near_mode_calibration calibrate -c CHESS_COLUMNS_NUM -r CHESS_ROWS_NUM -s CHESS_GRID_SIZE[m] path-to-MY_DATA_DIR
You can get files below inside MY_DATA_DIR:
We attached the data we calibrate in our lab. You can try this package instantly using this calibration data.
svn co
rosmake openni_launch_jsk_patch
roslaunch openni_launch_jsk_patch sample_zoom.launch
If you calibrate zoomed kinect with setting output directry to MY_DATA_DIR, please create a launch file like below.
cat sample_zoom.launch
<include file="$(find depth_image_proc_jsk_patch)/launch/openni.launch">
<arg name="depth_camera_info_url" value="file://(path-to-data_dir)/calibration_depth.yaml"/>
<arg name="rgb_camera_info_url" value="file://(path-to-data_dir)/calibration_rgb.yaml"/>
<arg name="kinect_params_url" value="(path-to-data_dir)/kinect_params.yaml"/>
Pointcloud before calibration | Pointcloud after calibration |
![]() |
![]() |
HRP-2 robot looks OpenCV book. The distance between Kinect and book is about 350mm.
left : pointcloud of the book acquired with non-calibrated Kinect. right : pointcloud acquired with calibrated Kinect. You can find out that the distortion is improved.
<arg default="8" name="rows" />
<arg default="6" name="cols" />
<arg default="0.108" name="size" />
<arg default="." name="my_data_dir" />
<node args="-r $(arg rows) -c $(arg cols) -s $(arg size) $(arg my_data_dir)" name="kinect_near_mode_calibration" pkg="kinect_near_mode_calibration" type="calibrate" />