Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/python
00003 import numpy as np, math
00004 import scipy.stats as stats
00005 from threading import RLock
00007 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_pr2_lib')
00008 import rospy
00010 from hrl_lib.util import save_pickle, load_pickle
00011 from hrl_lib.msg import FloatArray
00012 from hrl_lib.rutils import GenericListener, ros_to_dict, RateCaller
00013 from hrl_lib.data_process import signal_smooth, signal_variance, signal_list_variance
00014 from tf.transformations import *
00016 from std_msgs.msg import Float64MultiArray
00017 from pr2_msgs.msg import AccelerometerState, PressureState
00018 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
00020 import threading
00021 import functools as ft
00022 import Queue
00024 import time, string
00026 node_name = "arm_perception_monitor" 
00028 def log(str):
00029     rospy.loginfo(node_name + ": " + str)
00031 ##
00032 # Processes the AccelerometerState message, returning an average of the
00033 # sample values and the timestamp in nanoseconds
00034 #
00035 # @param msg AccelometerState message
00036 # @return (t, (x, y, z))
00037 def accel_state_processor(msg):
00038     xyz = np.array([0.]*3)
00039     if msg.samples is None or len(msg.samples) == 0:
00040         return None
00041     for samp in msg.samples:
00042         xyz[0] += samp.x
00043         xyz[1] += samp.y
00044         xyz[2] += samp.z
00045     xyz[0] /= len(msg.samples)
00046     xyz[1] /= len(msg.samples)
00047     xyz[2] /= len(msg.samples)
00048     return (msg.header.stamp.to_nsec(), xyz)
00050 r_jt_idx_list = [17, 18, 16, 20, 19, 21, 22]
00051 l_jt_idx_list = [31, 32, 30, 34, 33, 35, 36]
00052 joint_nm_list = ['shoulder_pan', 'shoulder_lift', 'upper_arm_roll',
00053                  'elbow_flex', 'forearm_roll', 'wrist_flex',
00054                  'wrist_roll']
00055 ##
00056 # Callback for /joint_states topic. Updates current joint
00057 # angles and efforts for the arms constantly
00058 #
00059 # @param data JointState message recieved from the /joint_states topic
00060 def joints_state_processor(msg, right_arm=True, angles_velocities_efforts=0):
00061     ret = np.array([0.] * 7)
00062     for i,nm in enumerate(joint_nm_list):
00063         if right_arm:
00064             idx = r_jt_idx_list[i]
00065             if[idx] != 'r_'+nm+'_joint':
00066                 raise RuntimeError('joint angle name does not match. Expected: %s, Actual: %s i: %d'%('r_'+nm+'_joint',[idx], i))
00067             if angles_velocities_efforts == 1:
00068                 ret[i] = msg.velocity[idx]
00069             elif angles_velocities_efforts == 2:
00070                 ret[i] = msg.effort[idx]
00071             else:
00072                 ret[i] = msg.position[idx]
00073         else:
00075             idx = l_jt_idx_list[i]
00076             if[idx] != 'l_'+nm+'_joint':
00077                 raise RuntimeError('joint angle name does not match. Expected: %s, Actual: %s i: %d'%('r_'+nm+'_joint',[idx], i))
00078             if angles_velocities_efforts == 1:
00079                 ret[i] = msg.velocity[idx]
00080             elif angles_velocities_efforts == 2:
00081                 ret[i] = msg.effort[idx]
00082             else:
00083                 ret[i] = msg.position[idx]
00084     return (msg.header.stamp.to_nsec(), ret)
00086 def pressure_state_processor(msg, right_finger_tip=True, indicies=None):
00087     ret = np.array([0.] * len(indicies))
00088     if indicies is None:
00089         indicies = range(len(msg.r_finger_tip))
00090     for i, ind in enumerate(indicies):
00091         if right_finger_tip:
00092             ret[i] = msg.r_finger_tip[ind]
00093         else:
00094             ret[i] = msg.l_finger_tip[ind]
00095     return (msg.header.stamp.to_nsec(), ret)
00097 ##
00098 # Periodically logs the output of a callback function by calling it at a certain
00099 # rate and gathering up the results into a list
00100 class PeriodicLogger():
00101     ##
00102     # initializes the logger but doesn't start it
00103     #
00104     # @param callback the function to be called each time
00105     # @param rate the rate in seconds at which to call the callback
00106     # @param args the function arguments to pass into the callback
00107     def __init__(self, callback, rate=0.01, args=None):
00108         self.ret = []
00109         self.cb = callback
00110         self.rate = rate
00111         self.args = args
00112         self.is_running = False
00113         self.max_calls = None
00114         self.num_calls = 0
00115         self.beg_time = 0.
00116         self.thread = None
00118     ##
00119     # begins the logger 
00120     # @param max_calls the maximum number of times to call the callback
00121     def start(self, max_calls=None):
00122         if self.is_running:
00123             return
00124         self.max_calls = max_calls
00125         self.is_running = True
00126         self.num_calls = 0
00127         self.beg_time =
00128         self.thread = threading.Timer(self.rate, self._run)
00129         self.thread.start()
00131     def _run(self):
00132         if not self.is_running:
00133             return
00135         act_time = self.beg_time + self.rate * (self.num_calls + 2)
00136         interval = act_time -
00137         self.thread = threading.Timer(interval, self._run)
00138         self.thread.start()
00140         if self.args is None:
00141             retval = self.cb()
00142         else:
00143             retval = self.cb(*self.args)
00144         self.ret += [retval]
00146         self.num_calls += 1
00147         # break if we have called the sufficent number of times
00148         if self.max_calls is not None:
00149             if self.num_calls == self.max_calls:
00150                 self.is_running = False
00151                 return
00153     ##
00154     # stops the monitor
00155     # @return the result of the monitor
00156     def stop(self):
00157         self.thread.cancel()
00158         if not self.is_running:
00159             return None
00160         self.is_running = False
00161         return self.ret
00163     ##
00164     # If max_calls sets to automatically terminate, return the ret vals
00165     def get_ret_vals(self):
00166         if self.is_running:
00167             return None
00168         return self.ret
00170 ##
00171 # Periodically monitors the output of a callback function by calling it at a certain
00172 # rate and compares it with a provided model to insure the value doesn't vary greatly
00173 # within a degree of tolerance provided by the variance function
00174 class PeriodicMonitor():
00175     ##
00176     # initializes the monitor but doesn't start it
00177     #
00178     # @param callback the function to be called each time
00179     # @param rate the rate in seconds at which to call the callback
00180     # @param args the function arguments to pass into the callback
00181     def __init__(self, callback, rate=0.01, args=None):
00182         self.ret = []
00183         self.cb = callback
00184         self.rate = rate
00185         self.args = args
00186         self.is_running = False
00187         self.num_calls = 0
00188         self.beg_time = 0.
00189         self.thread = None
00190         self.mean_model = None
00191         self.variance_model = None
00192         self.std_devs = 0.
00193         self.failure = False
00195     ##
00196     # begins the monitor
00197     # TODO DOCS
00198     # @param max_calls the maximum number of times to call the callback
00199     def start(self, mean_model, variance_model, std_devs=2.5, max_calls=None, 
00200                                                 contingency=None, contingency_args=None):
00201         if len(mean_model) != len(variance_model):
00202             log("Models must be of same length")
00203             return
00204         if self.is_running:
00205             return
00206         self.is_running = True
00207         self.mean_model = mean_model
00208         self.variance_model = variance_model
00209         self.std_devs = std_devs
00210         self.max_calls = max_calls
00211         self.contingency = contingency
00212         self.contincency_args = contingency_args
00213         self.model_index = 0
00214         self.failure = False
00216         self.num_calls = 0
00217         self.beg_time =
00218         self.thread = threading.Timer(self.rate, self._run)
00219         self.thread.start()
00221     def _run(self):
00222         if not self.is_running:
00223             return
00225         act_time = self.beg_time + self.rate * (self.num_calls + 2)
00226         interval = act_time -
00227         self.thread = threading.Timer(interval, self._run)
00228         self.thread.start()
00230         if self.args is None:
00231             retval = self.cb()
00232         else:
00233             retval = self.cb(*self.args)
00235         # go through each coordinate in the vector
00236         for coord_i in len(retval[1]):
00237             diff = abs(retval[1][coord_i] - self.mean_model[self.model_index][coord_i])
00238             deviation = np.sqrt(self.variance_model[self.model_index][coord_i])
00239             if diff > self.std_devs * deviation:
00240                 # signal is outside allowable range
00241                 self.failure = True
00242                 self.is_running = False
00243                 # call contingency function
00244                 if contingency_args is None:
00245                     self.contingency()
00246                 else:
00247                     self.contingency(*contingency_args)
00248                 return
00249         self.ret += [retval]
00250         self.model_index += 1
00251         if self.model_index == len(self.mean_model):
00252             self.is_running = False
00253             return
00255         # break if we have called the sufficent number of times
00256         if not self.max_calls is None:
00257             self.max_calls -= 1
00258             if self.max_calls == 0:
00259                 self.is_running = False
00260                 return
00262     ##
00263     # stops the monitor
00264     # @return the result of the monitor
00265     def stop(self):
00266         self.thread.cancel()
00267         if not self.is_running:
00268             return None
00269         self.is_running = False
00270         return self.ret
00272     ##
00273     # If max_calls sets to automatically terminate, return the ret vals
00274     def get_ret_vals(self):
00275         if self.is_running:
00276             return None
00277         return self.ret
00279     # TODO DOCS
00280     def has_failed():
00281         return self.failure
00283     # TODO DOCS
00284     def wait_for_completion(rate=0.01):
00285         while self.is_running and not rospy.is_shutdown():
00286             rospy.sleep(rate)
00287         return not self.failure
00289 ##
00290 # Monitors perception channels on the robot arms. Important: rate must be the same for both
00291 # training and monitoring. Values are gathered timestep by timestep.
00292 #
00293 # Usecase:
00294 # apm = ArmPerceptionMonitor(0)
00295 # for trajectory in trajectories:
00296 #     apm.start_training()
00297 #
00298 #     trajectory.wait_for_completion()
00299 #     apm.stop_training()
00300 # mean_function, variance_function = apm.generate_model(...)
00301 # 
00302 class ArmPerceptionMonitor( ):
00304     ##
00305     # Initializes the listeners on the perception topics
00306     #
00307     # @param arm 0 if right, 1 if left
00308     # @param rate the rate at which the perception should capture states
00309     # @param percept_mon_list list of perceptions to monitor; if None, do all
00310     def __init__(self, arm, tf_listener=None, rate=0.001, 
00311                  percept_mon_list=None, model_zeros=None):
00312         log("Initializing arm perception listeners")
00314         self.rate = rate
00316         if arm == 0:
00317             armc = "r"
00318             is_right_arm = True
00319         else:
00320             armc = "l"
00321             is_right_arm = False
00323         self.model_zeros = model_zeros
00325         self.perceptions = {}
00327         self.perception_names = [ "accelerometer",
00328                                   "joint_angles",
00329                                   "joint_velocities",
00330                                   "joint_efforts",
00331                                   "r_finger_periph_pressure",
00332                                   "r_finger_pad_pressure", 
00333                                   "l_finger_periph_pressure",
00334                                   "l_finger_pad_pressure",
00335                                   "gripper_pose"]
00337         if percept_mon_list is None:
00338             percept_mon_list = self.perception_names
00340         if "accelerometer" in percept_mon_list:
00341             accel_listener = GenericListener("accel_mon_node", AccelerometerState, 
00342                                      "accelerometer/" + armc + "_gripper_motor",
00343                                      rate, accel_state_processor)
00344             self.perceptions["accelerometer"] =
00346         if "joint_angles" in percept_mon_list:
00347             joint_angles_processor = ft.partial(joints_state_processor, 
00348                                                 right_arm=is_right_arm, 
00349                                                 angles_velocities_efforts=0)
00350             joint_angles_listener = GenericListener("joint_angles_mon_node", JointState, 
00351                                                "joint_states", rate, joint_angles_processor)
00352             self.perceptions["joint_angles"] =
00354         if "joint_velocities" in percept_mon_list:
00355             joint_velocities_processor = ft.partial(joints_state_processor, 
00356                                                 right_arm=is_right_arm, 
00357                                                 angles_velocities_efforts=1)
00358             joint_velocities_listener = GenericListener("joint_efforts_mon_node", JointState, 
00359                                               "joint_states", rate, joint_velocities_processor)
00360             self.perceptions["joint_velocities"] =
00362         if "joint_efforts" in percept_mon_list:
00363             joint_efforts_processor = ft.partial(joints_state_processor, 
00364                                                 right_arm=is_right_arm, 
00365                                                 angles_velocities_efforts=2)
00366             joint_efforts_listener = GenericListener("joint_efforts_mon_node", JointState, 
00367                                               "joint_states", rate, joint_efforts_processor)
00368             self.perceptions["joint_efforts"] =
00370         if "r_finger_periph_pressure" in percept_mon_list:
00371             r_finger_periph_pressure_processor = ft.partial(pressure_state_processor, 
00372                                             right_finger_tip=True, indicies=range(1,7))
00373             r_finger_periph_pressure_listener = GenericListener("pressure_mon_node", PressureState, 
00374                                                          "pressure/" + armc + "_gripper_motor", rate, 
00375                                                          r_finger_periph_pressure_processor)
00376             self.perceptions["r_finger_periph_pressure"] =
00378         if "r_finger_pad_pressure" in percept_mon_list:
00379             r_finger_pad_pressure_processor = ft.partial(pressure_state_processor, 
00380                                             right_finger_tip=True, indicies=range(7,22))
00381             r_finger_pad_pressure_listener = GenericListener("pressure_mon_node", PressureState, 
00382                                                          "pressure/" + armc + "_gripper_motor", rate, 
00383                                                          r_finger_pad_pressure_processor)
00384             self.perceptions["r_finger_pad_pressure"] =
00386         if "l_finger_periph_pressure" in percept_mon_list:
00387             l_finger_periph_pressure_processor = ft.partial(pressure_state_processor, 
00388                                             right_finger_tip=False, indicies=range(1,7))
00389             l_finger_periph_pressure_listener = GenericListener("pressure_mon_node", PressureState, 
00390                                                          "pressure/" + armc + "_gripper_motor", rate, 
00391                                                          l_finger_periph_pressure_processor)
00392             self.perceptions["l_finger_periph_pressure"] =
00394         if "l_finger_pad_pressure" in percept_mon_list:
00395             l_finger_pad_pressure_processor = ft.partial(pressure_state_processor, 
00396                                             right_finger_tip=False, indicies=range(7,22))
00397             l_finger_pad_pressure_listener = GenericListener("pressure_mon_node", PressureState, 
00398                                                          "pressure/" + armc + "_gripper_motor", rate, 
00399                                                          l_finger_pad_pressure_processor)
00400             self.perceptions["l_finger_pad_pressure"] =
00402         for k in self.perceptions:
00403             self.perceptions[k] = ft.partial(self.perceptions[k], willing_to_wait=False, 
00404                                              quiet=True,
00405                                              warn=False, allow_duplication=True)
00407         if "gripper_pose" in percept_mon_list:
00408             def gripper_pose_lookup():
00409                 lct = tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime("/torso_lift_link", "/" + armc + "_wrist_roll_link")
00410                 pos, quat = tf_listener.lookupTransform("/torso_lift_link", "/" + armc + "_wrist_roll_link", lct)
00411                 return (lct.to_nsec(), np.array(pos + quat))
00413             self.perceptions["gripper_pose"] = gripper_pose_lookup
00416         # all callbacks should return data in this format:
00417         # (t, np.array([x1, x2, ...]))
00418         # t is time in nanoseconds
00422         self.clear_vars()
00424         self.logger = RateCaller(self._gather_perception, self.rate)
00426         log("Finished initialization")
00428     def _gather_perception(self):
00429         t1 =
00430         for k in self.perceptions:
00431             self.datasets[k][-1] += [self.perceptions[k]()]
00432         t2 =
00433         import random
00434         if random.randint(0,100)==0:
00435             print "Time:", t1-t2
00437     ##
00438     # Initialize variables
00439     def clear_vars(self):
00440         self.datasets = {}
00441         self.models = {}
00442         for k in self.perceptions:
00443             self.datasets[k] = []
00444             self.models[k] = {"mean" : None, "variance" : None}
00446 = False
00448     ##
00449     # Begin capturing peception data for all of the listeners
00450     #
00451     # @param duration If None, continue capturing until stop is called.
00452     #                 Else, stop capturing after duration seconds have passed.
00453     def start_training(self, duration=None):
00454         if
00455             log("Perception already active.")
00456             return
00457 = True
00459         for k in self.perceptions:
00460             self.datasets[k] += [[]]
00463         if not duration is None:
00464             threading.Timer(self.stop_training, duration)
00466     ##
00467     # Stop capturing perception data.  Store output data in datasets list for
00468     # later statistics.
00469     def stop_training(self):
00470         if not
00471             log("Nothing to stop.")
00472             return
00474         self.logger.stop()
00476 = False
00477         return len(self.datasets[self.datasets.keys()[0]][-1])
00479     ##
00480     # Save training data as a pickle with given filename
00481     #
00482     # @param filename name of the pickle
00483     def save(self, filename):
00484         save_pickle((self.datasets, self.models), filename)
00486     ##
00487     # Load training data as a pickle with given filename
00488     #
00489     # @param filename name of the pickle
00490     def load(self, filename):
00491         self.datasets, self.models = load_pickle(filename)
00493     ##
00494     # Generates model functions of all the perceptions over several
00495     # identical trajectories. Each of the parameters is a dictionary
00496     # directing perceptions to their parameters.
00497     # 
00498     # @param smooth_wind_dict the window size of the smoothing function
00499     # @param var_wind_dict window size of the variance function
00500     # @param var_smooth_wind_dict window size of the smoothing function on the variance
00501     # @return mean function, variance function
00502     # def generate_models(self, smooth_wind_dict=None, var_wind_dict=None):
00504     #     smooth_wind_default = 234
00505     #     var_wind_default = 400
00506     #     var_smooth_wind = 143
00507     #     for perception in self.perceptions:
00508     #         data_list = self.datasets[perception]
00509     #         
00510     #         if data_list is None:
00511     #             log("No data to generate model for")
00512     #             return None
00514     #         if
00515     #             log("Perception already active.")
00516     #             return None
00518     #         # get the minimum model length
00519     #         lens = [len(m) for m in data_list]
00520     #         max_len = np.max(lens)
00522     #         # dynamic finding of parameters
00523     #         if smooth_wind_dict is None or smooth_wind_dict[perception] is None:
00524     #             smooth_wind = smooth_wind_default
00525     #         else:
00526     #             smooth_wind = smooth_wind_dict[perception]
00528     #         ret_means, ret_vars, ret_mean_models, ret_noise_vars = [], [], [], []
00529     #         ret_times, noise_vars = [], []
00530     #         # find the number of coordinates from the first element
00531     #         num_coords = len(data_list[0][0][1])
00532     #         for coord in range(num_coords):
00533     #             mean_models, variance_models = [], []
00534     #             times = None
00535     #             for stream in data_list:
00536     #                 # extract only the data stream for a single coordinate (all x values)
00537     #                 stream_coord = np.array(zip(*zip(*stream)[1])[coord])
00538     #                 cur_mean_model = signal_smooth(stream_coord, smooth_wind)
00539     #                 mean_models += [cur_mean_model]
00540     #             
00541     #                 # sum up the squared difference over the whole model
00542     #                 noise_vars += [ ( sum([(x - y) ** 2 for x,y in zip(cur_mean_model,stream_coord)]) /
00543     #                                                  len(cur_mean_model) ) ]
00545     #             # find the average case over the several runs
00546     #             avg_means_model = np.array([0.] * max_len)
00547     #             for i in range(max_len):
00548     #                 n = 0
00549     #                 for j in range(len(mean_models)):
00550     #                     if i < len(mean_models[j]):
00551     #                         avg_means_model[i] += mean_models[j][i]
00552     #                         n += 1
00553     #                 avg_means_model[i] /= n
00555     #             if var_wind_dict is None or var_wind_dict[perception] is None:
00556     #                 var_wind = var_wind_default
00557     #             else:
00558     #                 var_wind = var_wind_dict[perception]
00559     #             # find the variance of the signal but use var_wind points around the centers
00560     #             # to increase the sample size
00561     #             vars_model = signal_list_variance(mean_models, avg_means_model, var_wind)
00562     #             vars_model = signal_smooth(vars_model, var_smooth_wind)
00563     #             vars_model = signal_smooth(vars_model, var_smooth_wind + 23)
00565     #             ret_times += [times]
00566     #             ret_means += [avg_means_model]
00567     #             ret_vars += [vars_model]
00568     #             ret_mean_models += [mean_models]
00569     #             ret_noise_vars += [np.average(noise_vars)]
00571     #         # TODO deal with timestamp data in some way?
00572     #         # self.models[perception]["time"] = ret_times
00573     #         self.models[perception]["mean"] = np.array(zip(*ret_means))
00574     #         self.models[perception]["variance"] = np.array(zip(*ret_vars))
00575     #         a = ret_mean_models
00576     #         b = []
00577     #         for stream in range(len(a[0])):
00578     #             t1 = []
00579     #             for val in range(len(a[0][0])):
00580     #                     t2 = []
00581     #                     for coord in range(len(a)):
00582     #                             if val < len(a[coord][stream]):
00583     #                                 t2 += [a[coord][stream][val]]
00584     #                     t1 += [np.array(t2)]
00585     #             b += [t1]
00587     #         self.models[perception]["smoothed_signals"] = b
00588     #         self.models[perception]["noise_variance"] = np.array(ret_noise_vars)
00590     #     return self.models
00592     def get_zeros(self, time=4.):
00593         self._zeros = {}
00594         for k in self.perceptions:
00595             self._zeros[k] = None
00596         self._n = 0
00598         monitor = RateCaller(self._sum_values, self.rate)
00600         rospy.sleep(time)
00601         monitor.stop()
00603         for k in self.perceptions:
00604             self._zeros[k] /= self._n
00605         return self._zeros
00607     def _sum_values(self):
00608         for k in self.perceptions:
00609             add_data = np.array(self.perceptions[k]()[1])
00610             if self._zeros[k] is None:
00611                 self._zeros[k] = np.copy(add_data)
00612             else:
00613                 self._zeros[k] += add_data
00614         self._n += 1
00616     ##
00617     # Sets up monitoring parameters
00618     def setup_monitoring(self, models,
00619                                std_dev_dict=None, noise_dev_dict=None, duration=None,
00620                                std_dev_default=2.0, noise_dev_default=0.25,
00621                                tol_thresh_dict=None,
00622                                contingency=None, window_size=70, current_zeros=None,
00623                                sampling_rate = 1,
00624                                transform_dict=None, verbose=True, collide=True):
00625         self.std_dev_default = std_dev_default
00626         self.noise_dev_default = noise_dev_default
00628         self.models = models
00629         self.current_data = {}
00630         self.std_dev_dict = std_dev_dict
00631         self.noise_dev_dict = {}
00632         self.contingency = contingency
00633         self.window_size = window_size
00634         self.current_zeros = {}
00635         self.transform_dict = transform_dict
00636         self.tol_thresh_dict = tol_thresh_dict
00637         self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
00638         self.verbose = verbose
00639         self.collide = collide
00640         self.sum_data = {}
00641         self.cur_pt = 0
00642         self.failure = False
00643         self.dur_timer = None
00644         self.avg_list = {}
00645         self.cum_avg = {}
00646         self.c = {}
00647         self.locks = {}
00649         for k in self.perceptions:
00650             self.current_data[k] = [None] * window_size
00651             self.sum_data[k] = None
00652             self.avg_list[k] = []
00653             self.c[k] = None
00654             self.locks[k] = threading.Lock()
00656         self.create_max_min()
00659     # Checks percept to see if the model indicates a collision with the current
00660     # smoothed perception avg
00661     # Returns index of perception and difference if collision, -1, 0 else
00662     def create_max_min(self):
00663         for k in self.models:
00664             deviation = self.models[k]["variance"]
00665             # noise_deviation = np.sqrt(self.models[k]["noise_variance"])
00666             if self.std_dev_dict is not None and k in self.std_dev_dict:
00667                 std_dev = np.array(self.std_dev_dict[k])
00668             else:
00669                 std_dev = self.std_dev_default
00670             # if self.noise_dev_dict is not None and k in self.noise_dev_dict:
00671             #     noise_dev = np.array(self.noise_dev_dict[k])
00672             # else:
00673             #     noise_dev = self.noise_dev_default
00674             if self.tol_thresh_dict is not None and k in self.tol_thresh_dict:
00675                 tol_thresh = np.array(self.tol_thresh_dict[k])
00676             else:
00677                 tol_thresh = 0.
00679             self.models[k]["dev"] = (std_dev * deviation + tol_thresh)
00680             # self.models[k]["dev"] = (std_dev * deviation + noise_dev * noise_deviation + tol_thresh)
00683             # This is the monitoring equation
00684             self.models[k]["max"] = self.models[k]["mean"] + self.models[k]["dev"]
00685             self.models[k]["min"] = self.models[k]["mean"] - self.models[k]["dev"]
00687     ##
00688     # Begin monitoring peception data to make sure it doesn't deviate from
00689     # the model provided.
00690     #
00691     # TODO DOCS
00692     # @param duration If None, continue capturing until stop is called.
00693     #                 Else, stop capturing after duration seconds have passed.
00694     def begin_monitoring(self, models=None, model_zeros=None,
00695                                std_dev_dict=None, noise_dev_dict=None, duration=None,
00696                                std_dev_default=2.0, noise_dev_default=0.25,
00697                                tol_thresh_dict=None,
00698                                contingency=None, window_size=70, current_zeros=None,
00699                                sampling_rate = 1,
00700                                only_pressure=False,
00701                                transform_dict=None, verbose=True, collide=True):
00702         if
00703             log("Perception already active.")
00704             return
00705 = True
00708         self.setup_monitoring(models, 
00709                                std_dev_dict=std_dev_dict, noise_dev_dict=noise_dev_dict,
00710                                duration=duration, std_dev_default=std_dev_default, 
00711                                noise_dev_default=noise_dev_default,                         
00712                                tol_thresh_dict=tol_thresh_dict,
00713                                contingency=contingency, window_size=window_size, 
00714                                sampling_rate=sampling_rate,
00715                                current_zeros=current_zeros, transform_dict=transform_dict, 
00716                                verbose=verbose, collide=collide)
00717         # if models is not None:
00718         #     self.models = models
00719         if model_zeros is not None:
00720             self.model_zeros = model_zeros
00721         self.cur_pt = 0
00722         self.collision_times = {}
00723         self.collision_sums = {}
00724         self.cur_col_time = 0
00725         self.current_zeros = {}
00726         self.z_sum = {}
00727         self.z_rsum = {}
00728         self.z_list = {}
00729         self.min_prob = 100000.0
00730         self.cur_mals = {}
00731         self.mals = None
00732         self.only_pressure = only_pressure
00734         self.monitor = RateCaller(self._monitor_data, self.rate * self.sampling_rate)
00736         # self.sumcalls = {}
00737         # self.sumsave = {}
00739         if not duration is None:
00740             self.dur_timer = threading.Timer(self.end_monitoring, duration)
00741             self.dur_timer.start()
00743     def _stable_summer(self, percept, data):
00744         # kahanSum
00745         k = percept
00746         # if percept not in self.sumcalls:
00747         #     self.sumcalls[percept] = 1
00748         #     self.sumsave[percept] = []
00749         # else:
00750         #     self.sumcalls[percept] += 1
00752         if self.c[k] is None:
00753             self.c[k] = np.array([0.]*len(data))
00754         if self.sum_data[k] is None:
00755             self.sum_data[k] = np.copy(data)
00756         else:
00757             y = data - self.c[k]
00758             t = self.sum_data[k] + y
00759             self.c[k] = (t - self.sum_data[k]) - y
00760             self.sum_data[k] = t
00761             # self.sumsave[percept] += [self.sum_data[k]]
00764     def _monitor_data(self):
00765         avg_dict = {}
00766         sttime =
00767         for k in self.perceptions:
00768             # update the running sum
00769             add_data = self.perceptions[k]()[1]
00771             # apply necessary transforms
00772             # if self.transform_dict is not None:
00773             #     if k in self.transform_dict:
00774             #         add_data = self.transform_dict[k](add_data)
00776             self._stable_summer(k, add_data)
00778             # If we have enough data to monitor, we check to see if the values are in range
00779             if self.cur_pt >= self.window_size: #self.current_data[k].full():
00780                 # self.prev_sum = copy.deepcopy(self.sum_data)
00781                 avg_dict[k] = self.sum_data[k] / self.window_size
00782                 if not k in self.current_zeros:
00783                     if not self.only_pressure:
00784                         mean = np.array(self.models[k]["mean"][self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate])
00785                     else:
00786                         mean = np.array(self.models[k]["mean"][0])
00787                     self.current_zeros[k] = mean - avg_dict[k]
00788                     # self.current_zeros[k] = - avg_dict[k]
00790                 avg_dict[k] += self.current_zeros[k]
00791                 self.avg_list[k] += [avg_dict[k]] * self.sampling_rate
00792                 # if self.cur_pt == self.window_size:
00793                 #     print self.avg_list[k]
00795                 # self.prev_avg = copy.deepcopy(avg)
00796                 # offset zeros into original perception frame
00797                 # if self.current_zeros is not None:
00798                 #     if False and self.model_zeros is not None:
00799                 #         avg_dict[k] += self.model_zeros[k] - self.current_zeros[k]
00800                 #     else:
00801                 #         # this is hacky, need to use zeros during training instead of first pt
00802                 #         # print "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!\n"*10
00803                 #         avg_dict[k] +=  np.array(self.models[k]["mean"][self.window_size]) - self.current_zeros[k]
00805                 # if collision_detected:
00806                 #     log("Value %d of the perception %s failed with difference %f"
00807                 #                                                % (index, k, diff))
00808                 #   # if diff > 5. and k == "accelerometer":
00809                 #   #     print "avg_list", self.avg_list
00810                 #   #     print "avg", avg
00811                 #   #     for i in range(self.window_size+1):
00812                 #   #         d = self.current_data[k].get()
00813                 #   #         print d
00814                 #   #         self.current_data[k].put(d)
00817                 #   self.failure = True
00818                 #   self.contingency()
00819                 #   self.monitor.stop()
00821                 rem_data = self.current_data[k][self.cur_pt % self.window_size]
00822                 self._stable_summer(k, -rem_data)
00824             self.current_data[k][self.cur_pt % self.window_size] = add_data
00826         if self.cur_pt >= self.window_size: #self.current_data[k].full():
00827             collision_detected = self.collision_detect(avg_dict)
00828             if self.collide and collision_detected:
00829                 print "collision reported"
00830                 self.failure = True
00831                 if not self.contingency is None:
00832                     self.contingency()
00833                 self.monitor.stop()
00834                 return
00837         self.cur_pt += 1
00839         if not self.only_pressure:
00840             if self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate >= 1.00 * len(self.models[self.models.keys()[0]]["mean"]):
00841                 print "ending early:", self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate
00842                 self.end_monitoring()
00843         endtime =
00844         # if self.cur_pt % 10 == 0:
00845         #     print "dur:", sttime - endtime
00849     ##
00850     # Stop capturing perception data.  Store output data in datasets list for
00851     # later statistics.
00852     # TODO DOCS
00853     def end_monitoring(self):
00854         if not
00855             log("Nothing to stop.")
00856             return self.avg_list 
00858         print "-------------------------"
00859         print "z averages:"
00860         self.z_avg = {}
00861         for k in self.z_sum:
00862             self.z_avg[k] = self.z_sum[k] / self.cur_pt
00863             print k, ":", self.z_avg[k]
00864         print "-------------------------"
00865         print "MINIMUM PROB"
00866         print self.min_prob
00867         print "-------------------------"
00868         # print "Sum calls", self.sumcalls
00869         # if self.sumcalls["r_finger_periph_pressure"] == 202:
00870         #     print self.sumsave
00871         self.monitor.stop()
00872         if self.dur_timer is not None:
00873             self.dur_timer.cancel()
00874             self.dur_timer = None
00876 = False
00877         return self.avg_list
00879     # Checks percept to see if the model indicates a collision with the current
00880     # smoothed perception avg
00881     # Returns index of perception and difference if collision, -1, 0 else
00882     def collision_detect(self, avg_dict):
00883         # is_outside_range_dict = {}
00884         z = {}
00885         mal_sum = 0.
00886         for k in avg_dict:
00888             # This is the monitoring equation
00889             # is_outside_range_dict[k] = ((avg_dict[k] > self.models[k]["max"][self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate]) +
00890             #                             (avg_dict[k] < self.models[k]["min"][self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate]))
00891             # Uses both variance from various grasp tries and general noise variance
00892             if not self.only_pressure:
00893                 mean = self.models[k]["mean"][self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate]
00894                 dev = self.models[k]["dev"][self.cur_pt * self.sampling_rate]
00895             else:
00896                 mean = self.models[k]["mean"][0]
00897                 dev = self.models[k]["dev"][0]
00899             cur_mal = ((avg_dict[k] - mean) / dev) ** 2
00900             self.cur_mals[k] = cur_mal
00901             mal_sum += np.add.reduce( ( (avg_dict[k] - mean) / dev) ** 2 )
00902             z[k] = np.fabs(avg_dict[k] - mean) / dev 
00904             if not k in self.z_sum:
00905                 self.z_sum[k] = np.copy(z[k])
00906             else:
00907                 self.z_sum[k] += z[k]
00909         # print "incoldet"
00910         # collision_detected = self.collision_filtering(is_outside_range_dict)
00912         # collision_detected = self.collision_filtering_mal(np.sqrt(mal_sum))
00913         # return collision_detected
00915         collision_detected = self.collision_filtering(z)
00917         # print "coldete", collision_detected
00918         return collision_detected
00920     def collision_filtering_mal(self, mal):
00921         prob = 1.
00922         TIME_WINDOW = 4
00923         if self.mals is None:
00924             self.mals = np.array([0.] * TIME_WINDOW)
00925         self.mals[self.cur_pt % TIME_WINDOW] = mal
00927         if self.cur_pt < TIME_WINDOW:
00928             return False
00929         mal_avg = np.add.reduce(self.mals / TIME_WINDOW)
00931         MAL_THRESH = 8.0
00932         if mal_avg > MAL_THRESH:
00933             print "Collision with mal dist:", mal_avg
00934             for k in self.cur_mals:
00935                 print k, self.cur_mals[k]
00936             return True
00937         return False
00939     def collision_filtering(self, z):
00940         prob = 1.
00941         TIME_WINDOW = 4
00942         for k in z:
00943             if not k in self.z_rsum:
00944                 self.z_rsum[k] = np.copy(z[k])
00945                 self.z_list[k] = [np.array([0.]*len(z[k]))] * TIME_WINDOW
00946             else:
00947                 self.z_rsum[k] += z[k]
00949             self.z_rsum[k] -= self.z_list[k][self.cur_pt % TIME_WINDOW]
00950             self.z_list[k][self.cur_pt % TIME_WINDOW] = z[k]
00952             # print z[k]
00953             prob *= np.multiply.reduce(2 * stats.norm.cdf(-self.z_rsum[k] / TIME_WINDOW))
00954             # print prob
00956         if self.cur_pt < TIME_WINDOW:
00957             return False
00959         if prob < self.min_prob:
00960             self.min_prob = prob
00962         # CONFIDENCE = 1e-6
00963         if not self.only_pressure:
00964             # 4e-7 50/50
00965             CONFIDENCE = 2.0e-6
00966         else:
00967             # pressure only confidence
00968             CONFIDENCE = 1.e-5
00969         if self.cur_pt % 20 == 0:
00970             print "Current pt:", self.cur_pt, ", probability:", prob
00971         if prob < CONFIDENCE:
00972             print "probability:", prob
00973             print "collision returned"
00974             return True
00975     #       print "-------------------------"
00976     #       print num_percep_col
00977     #       for k in sig_counts:
00978     #           if sig_counts[k] >= PERCEPT_SIG_REQ[k]:
00979     #               print k, ":", sig_counts[k]
00980     #       print "-------------------------"
00981     #       return True
00983         return False
00985     # def collision_filtering(self, is_outside_range_dict):
00986     #     isord = is_outside_range_dict
00987     #     TIME_WINDOW = 10
00988     #     NUM_PERCEPT_COL_REQ = 2
00989     #     PERCEPT_SIG_REQ = { "accelerometer" : 2,
00990     #                         "joint_angles" : 2,
00991     #                         "joint_velocities" : 3,
00992     #                         "joint_efforts" : 2,
00993     #                         "r_finger_periph_pressure" : 2,
00994     #                         "r_finger_pad_pressure" : 5, 
00995     #                         "l_finger_periph_pressure" : 2,
00996     #                         "l_finger_pad_pressure" : 5 }
00997     #     num_percep_col = 0
00998     #     sig_counts = {}
00999     #     num_periph = 0
01000     #     for k in isord:
01001     #         # if any(isord[k]):
01002     #         #     print k, isord
01003     #         if not k in self.collision_times:
01004     #             self.collision_times[k] = [np.array([0] * len(isord[k]))] * TIME_WINDOW
01005     #             self.collision_sums[k] = np.array([0] * len(isord[k]))
01007     #         # def queue_sum(q):
01008     #         #     sum = None
01009     #         #     for i in range(TIME_WINDOW):
01010     #         #         val = q.get()
01011     #         #         if sum is None:
01012     #         #             sum = np.copy(val)
01013     #         #         sum += val
01014     #         #         q.put(val)
01015     #         #     return sum
01016     #         # c_sum = queue_sum(self.collision_times[k])
01018     #         self.collision_sums[k] -= self.collision_times[k][self.cur_col_time]
01019     #         self.cur_col_time = (self.cur_col_time + 1) % TIME_WINDOW
01020     #         self.collision_times[k][self.cur_col_time] = np.int32(np.array(isord[k]))
01021     #         self.collision_sums[k] += self.collision_times[k][self.cur_col_time]
01022     #         def g0(x):
01023     #             if x > 0:
01024     #                 return 1
01025     #             return 0
01026     #         sig_count = np.sum(map(g0, self.collision_sums[k]))
01027     #         sig_counts[k] = sig_count
01028     #         if sig_count >= PERCEPT_SIG_REQ[k]:
01029     #             # print "cols", k, isord[k]
01030     #             if k == "r_finger_periph_pressure" or k == "l_finger_periph_pressure":
01031     #                 num_periph += 1
01032     #             num_percep_col += 1
01034     #     # num_periph != 1 eliminates side object collision possibilities
01035     #     if num_percep_col >= NUM_PERCEPT_COL_REQ and num_periph != 1:            
01036     #         print "collision returned"
01037     #         print "-------------------------"
01038     #         print num_percep_col
01039     #         for k in sig_counts:
01040     #             if sig_counts[k] >= PERCEPT_SIG_REQ[k]:
01041     #                 print k, ":", sig_counts[k]
01042     #         print "-------------------------"
01043     #         return True
01045     #     return False
01047         # if self.collide and any(is_outside_range):
01048         #     # sensor has fallen outside acceptable range, trigger
01049         #     for i, x in enumerate(is_outside_range):
01050         #         if x:
01051         #             # print "Average:", avg
01052         #             # print "Last avg:", self.prev_avg
01053         #             # print "Prev sum:", self.prev_sum
01054         #             # print "MOD:", self.model_zeros[k]
01055         #             # print "MON:", self.current_zeros[k]
01056         #             return i, diff[i]
01057         # return -1, 0.
01059 # @TODO add sampling_rate stuff
01060     def simulate_monitoring(self, monitor_data, models=None, model_zeros=None,
01061                                std_dev_dict=None, noise_dev_dict=None, 
01062                                duration=None,
01063                                std_dev_default=2.0, noise_dev_default=0.25,
01064                                tol_thresh_dict=None,
01065                                contingency=None, window_size=70, current_zeros=None,
01066                                transform_dict=None, verbose=True, collide=True):
01067         self.setup_monitoring(std_dev_dict=std_dev_dict, noise_dev_dict=noise_dev_dict,
01068                                duration=duration, std_dev_default=std_dev_default, 
01069                                tol_thresh_dict=tol_thresh_dict,
01070                                noise_dev_default=noise_dev_default,                                                         contingency=contingency, window_size=window_size, 
01071                                current_zeros=current_zeros, transform_dict=transform_dict, 
01072                                verbose=verbose, collide=collide)
01073         if models is not None:
01074             self.models = models
01075         if model_zeros is not None:
01076             self.model_zeros = model_zeros
01077         self.cur_pt = self.window_size
01078         collision = None
01079         # i is the number of samples in the monitor data
01080         for i in range(len(monitor_data[monitor_data.keys()[0]])):
01081             for k in monitor_data:
01082                 index, diff = self.collision_detect(k, monitor_data[k][i])
01083                 if index != -1:
01084                     collision = (k, index, diff)
01085             self.cur_pt += 1
01086         return collision
01088     def resample_and_thin_data(self, monitor_data, sample_rate):
01089         ret_data = {}
01090         for k in monitor_data:
01091             ret_data[k] = {}
01092             ret_data[k]["mean"] = monitor_data[k]["mean"][::sample_rate]
01093             ret_data[k]["variance"] = monitor_data[k]["variance"][::sample_rate]
01094         return ret_data
01096 def split_signals(datasets):
01098     for perception in datasets:
01099         data_list = datasets[perception]
01101         # get the minimum model length
01102         lens = [len(m) for m in data_list]
01103         max_len = np.max(lens)
01105         # dynamic finding of parameters
01106         if smooth_wind_dict is None or smooth_wind_dict[perception] is None:
01107             smooth_wind = smooth_wind_default
01108         else:
01109             smooth_wind = smooth_wind_dict[perception]
01111         ret_means, ret_vars, ret_mean_models, ret_noise_vars = [], [], [], []
01112         ret_times, noise_vars = [], []
01113         # find the number of coordinates from the first element
01114         num_coords = len(data_list[0][0][1])
01115         for coord in range(num_coords):
01116             mean_models, variance_models = [], []
01117             times = None
01118             for stream in data_list:
01119                 # extract only the data stream for a single coordinate (all x values)
01120                 stream_coord = np.array(zip(*zip(*stream)[1])[coord])
01121                 cur_mean_model = signal_smooth(stream_coord, smooth_wind)
01122                 mean_models += [cur_mean_model]
01124                 # sum up the squared difference over the whole model
01125                 noise_vars += [ ( sum([(x - y) ** 2 for x,y in zip(cur_mean_model,stream_coord)]) /
01126                                                  len(cur_mean_model) ) ]
01128             # find the average case over the several runs
01129             avg_means_model = np.array([0.] * max_len)
01130             for i in range(max_len):
01131                 n = 0
01132                 for j in range(len(mean_models)):
01133                     if i < len(mean_models[j]):
01134                         avg_means_model[i] += mean_models[j][i]
01135                         n += 1
01136                 avg_means_model[i] /= n
01138             if var_wind_dict is None or var_wind_dict[perception] is None:
01139                 var_wind = var_wind_default
01140             else:
01141                 var_wind = var_wind_dict[perception]
01142             # find the variance of the signal but use var_wind points around the centers
01143             # to increase the sample size
01144             vars_model = signal_list_variance(mean_models, avg_means_model, var_wind)
01145             vars_model = signal_smooth(vars_model, var_smooth_wind)
01146             vars_model = signal_smooth(vars_model, var_smooth_wind + 23)
01148             ret_times += [times]
01149             ret_means += [avg_means_model]
01150             ret_vars += [vars_model]
01151             ret_mean_models += [mean_models]
01152             ret_noise_vars += [np.average(noise_vars)]
01154         # TODO deal with timestamp data in some way?
01155         # self.models[perception]["time"] = ret_times
01156         self.models[perception]["mean"] = np.array(zip(*ret_means))
01157         self.models[perception]["variance"] = np.array(zip(*ret_vars))
01158         a = ret_mean_models
01159         b = []
01160         for stream in range(len(a[0])):
01161             t1 = []
01162             for val in range(len(a[0][0])):
01163                     t2 = []
01164                     for coord in range(len(a)):
01165                             if val < len(a[coord][stream]):
01166                                 t2 += [a[coord][stream][val]]
01167                     t1 += [np.array(t2)]
01168             b += [t1]
01170         self.models[perception]["smoothed_signals"] = b
01171         self.models[perception]["noise_variance"] = np.array(ret_noise_vars)
01173     return self.models
01175 ##
01176 # Generates model functions of all the perceptions over several
01177 # identical trajectories. Each of the parameters is a dictionary
01178 # directing perceptions to their parameters.
01179 # 
01180 # @param smooth_wind_dict the window size of the smoothing function
01181 # @param var_wind_dict window size of the variance function
01182 # @param var_smooth_wind_dict window size of the smoothing function on the variance
01183 # @return mean function, variance function
01184 def generate_mean_grasp(datasets):
01186     smooth_wind_default = 234
01187     means = {}
01188     for perception in datasets:
01189         data_list = datasets[perception]
01191         # get the minimum model length
01192         lens = [len(m) for m in data_list]
01193         max_len = np.max(lens)
01195         ret_means = []
01196         # find the number of coordinates from the first element
01197         num_coords = len(data_list[0][0][1])
01198         for coord in range(num_coords):
01199             mean_models, variance_models = [], []
01200             for stream in data_list:
01201                 # extract only the data stream for a single coordinate (all x values)
01202                 stream_coord = np.array(zip(*zip(*stream)[1])[coord])
01203                 cur_mean_model = signal_smooth(stream_coord, smooth_wind)
01204                 mean_models += [cur_mean_model]
01206             # find the average case over the several runs
01207             avg_means_model = np.array([0.] * max_len)
01208             for i in range(max_len):
01209                 n = 0
01210                 for j in range(len(mean_models)):
01211                     if i < len(mean_models[j]):
01212                         avg_means_model[i] += mean_models[j][i]
01213                         n += 1
01214                 avg_means_model[i] /= n
01216             ret_means += [avg_means_model]
01218         means[perception] = np.array(zip(*ret_means))
01220     return means
01222 if __name__ == '__main__':
01223     rospy.init_node(node_name, anonymous=True)
01225     apm = ArmPerceptionMonitor(0, 0.001)
01226     for x in range(3):
01227         raw_input("Begin arm")
01228         apm.start_training()
01229         rospy.sleep(1.)
01230         apm.stop_training()
01231         rospy.sleep(0.1)
01232     models = apm.generate_models()
01233     apm.pickle_datasets("pickles//apmtest.pickle")
01234     means = models["accelerometer"]["mean"]
01235     vars = models["accelerometer"]["variance"]
01237     xm, ym, zm = zip(*means)
01238     xv, yv, zv = zip(*vars)
01239     xv = map(np.sqrt, xv)
01240     yv = map(np.sqrt, yv)
01241     zv = map(np.sqrt, zv)
01242     std_dev = 2.5
01243     xmmax = [m + np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(xm, xv)]
01244     ymmax = [m + np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(ym, yv)]
01245     zmmax = [m + np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(zm, zv)]
01246     xmmin = [m - np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(xm, xv)]
01247     ymmin = [m - np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(ym, yv)]
01248     zmmin = [m - np.sqrt(v) * std_dev for m, v in zip(zm, zv)]
01250     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
01251     plt.subplot(321)
01252     plt.plot(xm)
01253     plt.plot(xmmax)
01254     plt.plot(xmmin)
01255     #plt.axis([0, len(xm), 0., 15.])
01256     plt.title("X mean")
01257     plt.subplot(323)
01258     plt.plot(ym)
01259     plt.plot(ymmax)
01260     plt.plot(ymmin)
01261     plt.title("Y mean")
01262     plt.subplot(325)
01263     plt.plot(zm)
01264     plt.plot(zmmax)
01265     plt.plot(zmmin)
01266     plt.title("Z mean")
01268     plt.subplot(322)
01269     plt.plot(xv)
01270     plt.title("X variance")
01271     plt.subplot(324)
01272     plt.plot(yv)
01273     plt.title("Y variance")
01274     plt.subplot(326)
01275     plt.plot(zv)
01276     plt.title("Z variance")

Author(s): kelsey
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 11:52:04