Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <hrl_phri_2011/ellipsoid_space.h>
00002 #include <ros/ros.h>
00003 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h>
00004 #include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
00005 #include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
00006 #include <pcl/point_types.h>
00007 #include <pcl/kdtree/kdtree_flann.h>
00008 #include <Eigen/Eigen>
00009 #include <tf_conversions/tf_eigen.h>
00010 #include <hrl_phri_2011/EllipsoidParams.h>
00011 #include <hrl_phri_2011/hsl_rgb_conversions.h>
00012 #include <hrl_phri_2011/ForceProcessed.h>
00013 #include <hrl_phri_2011/pcl_basic.h>
00014 #include <hrl_phri_2011/utils.h>
00016 #define NORMAL(x, sig) ( std::exp( - (x) * (x) / (2.0 * (sig) * (sig))) / std::sqrt(2.0 * 3.14159 * (sig) * (sig)))
00018 void projectEllipsoid(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, PCRGB& pc_ell);
00019 void createForceCloud(const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, PCRGB& fpc);
00020 void colorPCHSL(const PCRGB& in_pc, const vector<double>& values, PCRGB& out_pc, double hue=0);
00021 void createPriorCloud(const PCRGB& in_pc, const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, PCRGB& out_pc);
00022 void marginalEllipsoid(const PCRGB& pc, const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, 
00023                        const PCRGB& fpc, PCRGB& pc_ell, double sigma = 0.01);
00024 void projectEllipsoidDense(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, 
00025                            int num_lat, int num_lon, double sigma = 0.01, int k = 10);
00027 void projectEllipsoid(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, PCRGB& pc_ell) 
00028 {
00029     double lat, lon, height, x, y, z, h, s, l;
00030     BOOST_FOREACH(PRGB const pt, pc.points) {
00031         PRGB npt;
00032         extractHSL(pt.rgb, h, s, l);
00033         ell.cartToEllipsoidal(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z, lat, lon, height);
00034         ell.ellipsoidalToCart(lat, lon, ell_height, x, y, z);
00035         npt.x = x; npt.y = y; npt.z = z;
00036         writeHSL(0, 0, l, npt.rgb);
00037         pc_ell.points.push_back(npt);
00038     }
00039     pc_ell.header.frame_id = "base_link";
00040     //pubLoop(pc_ell, "/proj_head");
00041 }
00043 void createForceCloud(const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, PCRGB& fpc) 
00044 {
00045     /*
00046     Affine3d a3d_tf(Quaternion<double>(0.994613, 0.0269077, -0.00270719, 0.100069));
00047     a3d_tf = Translation3d(0, 0.0284424, 0.0108643) * a3d_tf;
00048     */
00049     for(uint32_t i=0;i<fps.size();i++) {
00050         /*
00051         Affine3d a3d = a3d_tf * Translation3d(fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.x,
00052                                               fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.y,
00053                                               fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.z);
00054         pt.x = a3d(0, 3);
00055         pt.y = a3d(1, 3);
00056         pt.z = a3d(2, 3);
00057         */
00058         PRGB pt;
00059         pt.x = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.x;
00060         pt.y = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.y;
00061         pt.z = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.z;
00062         ((uint32_t*) &pt.rgb)[0] = 0xffffffff;
00063         fpc.points.push_back(pt);
00064     }
00065 }
00067 void createPriorCloud(const PCRGB& in_pc, const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, PCRGB& out_pc) 
00068 {
00069     double prior_sigma;
00070     ros::param::param<double>("~prior_sigma", prior_sigma, 0.01);
00072     pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> kd_tree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> ());
00073     kd_tree.setInputCloud(in_pc.makeShared());
00074     vector<int> inds1(1), inds2;
00075     vector<float> dists1(1), dists2;
00076     vector<double> pdf(in_pc.size());
00077     double normal, Z = 0;
00078     for(uint32_t i=0;i<fps.size();i++) {
00079         PRGB pt;
00080         pt.x = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.x;
00081         pt.y = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.y;
00082         pt.z = fps[i]->tool_frame.transform.translation.z;
00083         inds1[0] = -1;
00084         kd_tree.nearestKSearch(pt, 1, inds1, dists1);
00085         if(inds1[0] == -1)
00086             continue;
00087         inds2.clear(); dists2.clear();
00088         kd_tree.radiusSearch(pt, 3 * prior_sigma, inds2, dists2);
00089         for(size_t j=0;j<inds2.size();j++) {
00090             normal = NORMAL(dists2[j], prior_sigma);
00091             pdf[inds2[j]] += normal;
00092             Z += normal;
00093         }
00094     }
00095     colorPCHSL(in_pc, pdf, out_pc, 0);
00096 }
00098 void colorPCHSL(const PCRGB& in_pc, const vector<double>& values, PCRGB& out_pc, double hue)
00099 {
00100     double max_val = *max_element(values.begin(), values.end());
00101     double h, s, l;
00102     for(size_t i=0;i<in_pc.size();i++) {
00103         const PRGB pt = in_pc.points[i];
00104         PRGB npt;
00105         npt.x = pt.x; npt.y = pt.y; npt.z = pt.z;
00107         extractHSL(in_pc.points[i].rgb, h, s, l);
00108         s = 100.0 * values[i] / max_val;
00109         writeHSL(0, s, l, npt.rgb);
00110         out_pc.points.push_back(npt);
00111     }
00112 }
00114 void marginalEllipsoid(const PCRGB& pc, const vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr>& fps, 
00115                        const PCRGB& fpc, PCRGB& pc_ell, double sigma) 
00116 {
00117     pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> kd_tree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> ());
00118     kd_tree.setInputCloud(fpc.makeShared());
00119     double h, s, l, normal, normal_sum, val_sum, val;
00120     int k = 5;
00121     vector<int> finds;
00122     vector<float> fdists;
00123     for(uint32_t i=0;i<pc.points.size();i++) {
00124         extractHSL(pc_ell.points[i].rgb, h, s, l);
00125         finds.resize(k, 0); fdists.resize(k, 10000);
00126         kd_tree.nearestKSearch(pc, i, 1, finds, fdists);
00127         normal_sum = 0; val_sum = 0;
00128         for(uint32_t j=0;j<finds.size();j++) {
00129             if(sqrt(fdists[j]) > sigma * 3)
00130                 continue;
00131             if(fps[finds[j]]->force_normal < 0.2)
00132                 continue;
00133             normal = NORMAL(fdists[j], sigma);
00134             val_sum += normal * fps[finds[j]]->force_normal;
00135             normal_sum += normal;
00136         }
00137         if(normal_sum == 0)
00138             continue;
00139         val = val_sum / normal_sum;
00140         s = 20 * val;
00141         if(s < 0)
00142             s = 0;
00143         if(s > 100)
00144             s = 100;
00145         writeHSL(0, s, l, pc_ell.points[i].rgb);
00146     }
00147 }
00149 void projectEllipsoidDense(Ellipsoid& ell, double ell_height, const PCRGB& pc, 
00150                            int num_lat, int num_lon, double sigma, int k) 
00151 {
00152     pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> kd_tree(new pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PRGB> ());
00153     kd_tree.setInputCloud(pc.makeShared());
00154     PCRGB pc_dense;
00155     vector<int> inds;
00156     vector<float> dists;
00157     double h, s, l, h_sum, s_sum, l_sum, normal, normal_sum;
00158     double x, y, z;
00159     double lat = 0, lon = 0;
00160     for(int i=0;i<num_lat;i++) {
00161         lat += PI / num_lat;
00162         lon = 0;
00163         for(int j=0;j<num_lon;j++) {
00164             lon += 2 * PI / num_lon;
00165             PRGB pt;
00166             ell.ellipsoidalToCart(lat, lon, ell_height, x, y, z);
00167             pt.x = x; pt.y = y; pt.z = z;
00168             inds.clear();
00169             dists.clear();
00170             kd_tree.nearestKSearch(pt, k, inds, dists);
00171             normal_sum = 0; h_sum = 0; s_sum = 0; l_sum = 0;
00172             for(uint32_t inds_i=0;inds_i<inds.size();inds_i++) {
00173                 extractHSL(pc.points[inds[inds_i]].rgb, h, s, l);
00174                 normal = NORMAL(dists[inds_i], sigma);
00175                 normal_sum += normal;
00176                 h_sum += normal * h; s_sum += normal * s; l_sum += normal * l;
00177             }
00178             writeHSL(h_sum / normal_sum, s_sum / normal_sum, l_sum / normal_sum, pt.rgb);
00179             pc_dense.points.push_back(pt);
00180         }
00181     }
00182     pc_dense.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
00183     pubLoop(pc_dense, "/proj_head");
00184 }
00187 int main(int argc, char **argv)
00188 {
00189     ros::init(argc, argv, "project_pc_ellipsoid");
00191     PCRGB pc_head;
00192     Ellipsoid ell;
00193     loadRegisteredHead(argv[1], argv[2], pc_head, ell);
00195     // load forces
00196     vector<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed::Ptr> forces;
00197     readBagTopic<hrl_phri_2011::ForceProcessed>(argv[3], forces, "/force_processed");
00199     PCRGB fpc;
00200     createForceCloud(forces, fpc);
00201     fpc.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
00202     pubLoop(fpc, "force_cloud");
00203     return 0;
00204     PCRGB prior_cloud;
00205     createPriorCloud(pc_head, forces, prior_cloud);
00206     prior_cloud.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
00207     pubLoop(prior_cloud, "prior_cloud");
00209     PCRGB pc_ell;
00210     //PCRGB head_temp(*pc_head);
00211     //head_temp.header.frame_id = "/base_link";
00212     projectEllipsoid(ell, ell.height, pc_head, pc_ell);
00213     marginalEllipsoid(pc_head, forces, fpc, pc_ell);
00214     //marginalEllipsoid(*pc_head, forces, fpc, head_temp);
00215     //pubLoop(head_temp, "/proj_head");
00217     int num_lat, num_lon, num_nbrs;
00218     double sigma;
00219     ros::param::param<int>("~num_lat", num_lat, 300);
00220     ros::param::param<int>("~num_lon", num_lon, 300);
00221     ros::param::param<int>("~num_nbrs", num_nbrs, 10);
00222     ros::param::param<double>("~sigma", sigma, 0.01);
00223     projectEllipsoidDense(ell, ell.height, pc_ell, num_lat, num_lon, sigma, num_nbrs);
00224 }

Author(s): Kelsey Hawkins
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:22:40