Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
00002 import sqlite3
00003 import roslib
00004 roslib.load_manifest('face_contour_detector')
00005 import rospy
00006 import os
00007 import image_information
00008 import cv
00009 import cv_bridge
00010 from face_contour_detector.srv import *
00011 from face_contour_detector.msg import *
00013 ## @package face_contour_detector.image_information.sql_database
00014 #  This package contains only one class: SQLImageDatabase
00016 ## @brief maximum image count that is allowed in the database (keep file small and increase runtime)
00017 MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 50000
00019 ## @brief class that is used to interact with a sqlite database that stores image information.
00020 #  The image information are stored in a sqlite database with two tables: one holding the images itself. For an image we save its brightness, the standard deviation of the brightness and the user raiting. There's also an id field used as primary key.
00021 #  The second tables hold information about image areas. For each area we save the image id this area belongs to, the name of the area and parameter values for the blur and canny filter.
00022 #  The ER-diagram looks like this (not with the exact names as used in the tables):
00023 #  @image html image_er.png
00024 class SQLImageDatabase:
00025     def __init__(self, bridge=None):
00026         if bridge is None:
00027             bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
00028         self.bridge = bridge
00029         self.connection = None
00031     # variable documentation
00032     ## @var bridge 
00033     #  cv_bridge that is used to convert images
00035     ## @var connection
00036     #  a sqlite Connection object - the connection to the image database. Is initially set to None
00038         ## @brief try to load the sqlite database with the given file name.
00039         #  @param self the object pointer
00040         #  @param file_name the file name of the database. If the file_name is None a default path is used as file name. The path is package_dir/data/image_information.db
00041         #
00042         #  If file_name does not exists a new database is created on that location. May throw an exception if something went wrong.
00043     def load_file(self, file_name=None):
00044         if file_name is None:
00045             pkg_dir = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir("face_contour_detector")
00046             data_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "data")
00048             if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
00049                 try:
00050                     os.mkdir(data_dir)
00051                     rospy.loginfo("created directory " + data_dir + " required for image information database")
00052                 except Exception as e:
00053                     rospy.logerr("cant create directory " + data_dir + " required for image information database")
00054                     raise e
00055             file_name = os.path.join(data_dir, "image_information.db")
00057         existed = os.path.exists(file_name)
00058         if not existed:
00059             rospy.loginfo("no database found. Try to create new one...")
00060         try:
00061             self.connection = sqlite3.connect(file_name)
00062             rospy.loginfo("opened / created image information database " + file_name)
00063         except Exception as e:
00064             rospy.logerr("unable to open / generate image information database file " + file_name)
00065             raise e
00066         if not existed:
00067             self._create_tables()
00068         return existed
00070     ## @brief Create on self.connection the two tables
00071     #  @param self the object pointer
00072     def _create_tables(self):
00073         cmd = """
00074             CREATE TABLE images
00075             (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
00076             brightness FLOAT,
00077             brightness_sdeviation FLOAT,
00078             raiting INT
00079             )"""
00080         self.connection.execute(cmd)
00081         cmd = """
00082             CREATE TABLE image_areas
00083             (
00084             image_id INTEGER,
00085             area_name TEXT,
00086             blur_width INTEGER,
00087             blur_height INTEGER,
00088             c_threshold1 FLOAT,
00089             c_threshold2 FLOAT
00090             )"""
00091         self.connection.execute(cmd)
00092         self.connection.commit()
00094     ## @brief add information about a new image to the database
00095     #  @param self the object pointer
00096     #  @param image: a cvMat (RGB color) the image to store information about
00097     #  @param raiting the raiting of the image (between 1 and 6)
00098     #  @param areas the image areas with their settings
00099     def add_image(self, image, raiting, areas):
00100         extractor = image_information.InformationExtractor()
00101         extractor.information_extractors = [ image_information.AverageValueExtractor() ]
00102         information = extractor.to_dict(image)
00103         cmd = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images"
00104         cursor = self.connection.execute(cmd)
00105         count = None
00106         # there's only one result row...
00107         for row in cursor:
00108             count = row[0]
00109         rospy.loginfo("Image database contains information about " + str(count) + " images")
00110         # check if table is full according to MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
00111         if count >= MAX_IMAGE_SIZE:
00112             cmd = "SELECT id FROM images LIMIT 1"
00113             cursor = self.connection.execute(cmd)
00114             delete_id = None
00115             # only one entry...
00116             for row in cursor:
00117                 delete_id = row[0]
00118             # delete all information associated with this id
00119             cmd = "DELETE FROM images WHERE id = ?"
00120             self.connection.execute(cmd, (delete_id,))
00121             cmd = "DELETE FROM image_areas WHERE image_id = ?"
00122             self.connection.execute(cmd, (delete_id,))
00123         t = information["AveragePixelBrightness"][0], information["StandardBrightnessDeviation"][0], raiting
00124         cmd = """
00125             INSERT INTO images (brightness, brightness_sdeviation, raiting)
00126             VALUES(?, ?, ?)
00127             """
00128         cursor = self.connection.execute(cmd, t)
00129         _id = cursor.lastrowid
00130         for area in areas:
00131             blur_width, blur_height, treshold1, threshold2 = None, None, None, None
00132             for _filter in area.filters:
00133                 if _filter.name == "GaussianBlur":
00134                     blur_width, blur_height = 0, 0
00135                     for parameter in _filter.parameters:
00136                         if parameter.name == "blurwidth":
00137                             blur_width = int(parameter.value)
00138                         elif parameter.name == "blurheight":
00139                             blur_height = int(parameter.value)
00140                 elif _filter.name == "Canny":
00141                     for parameter in _filter.parameters:
00142                         if parameter.name == "threshold1":
00143                             threshold1 = float(parameter.value)
00144                         elif parameter.name == "threshold2":
00145                             threshold2 = float(parameter.value)
00146             cmd = "INSERT INTO image_areas (image_id, area_name, blur_width, blur_height, c_threshold1, c_threshold2) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
00147             t = _id, area.area.name, blur_width, blur_height, threshold1, threshold2
00148             self.connection.execute(cmd, t)
00149         self.connection.commit()
00151     ## @brief apply the filters on image and return the result image
00152     def _apply_filter(self, image, areas):
00153         img_msg = self.bridge.cv_to_imgmsg(image)
00154         f = rospy.ServiceProxy("apply_filters", ApplyFilters)
00155         resp = f(img_msg, areas)
00156         return self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(resp.result_image, "mono8")
00158     ## @brief returns a list of image information from the database
00159     #  @param self the object pointer
00160     #
00161     #  The return value is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary stores data about an image.
00162     #  The keys of the dictionary are: "AveragePixelBrightness" : float, "StandardBrightnessDeviation" : float, "Raiting" : int between 1 and 6, "Areas" : a new dictionary.
00163     #  "Areas" is a dictionary that stores the areas. Each entry of this dictionary is again a dictionary with the filter settings of this area.
00164     #  It's values are: "blurwidth", "blurheight", "threshold1", "threshold2"
00165     def get_images(self):
00166         cmd = """
00167                 SELECT * FROM images
00168               """
00169         cursor = self.connection.execute(cmd)
00170         images = []
00171         for _id, brightness, brightness_sderivation, raiting in cursor:
00172             #print(_id)
00173             image = {}
00174             image["AveragePixelBrightness"] = brightness
00175             image["StandardBrightnessDeviation"] = brightness_sderivation
00176             image["Raiting"] = raiting
00177             image["Areas"] = areas = {}
00178             # get all associated areas
00179             cmd = """
00180                     SELECT * FROM image_areas WHERE image_id = ?
00181                   """
00182             cursor2 = self.connection.execute(cmd, (_id,))
00183             for image_id, name, blur_width, blur_height, threshold1, threshold2 in cursor2:
00184                 area = {}
00185                 area["blurwidth"] = blur_width
00186                 area["blurheight"] = blur_height
00187                 area["threshold1"] = threshold1
00188                 area["threshold2"] = threshold2
00189                 areas[name] = area
00190             images.append(image)
00191         return images
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Author(s): Fabian Wenzelmann and Julian Schmid
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 16:18:17