Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('estirabot_apps_base')
00004 import rospy
00005 import smach
00006 import smach_ros
00008 from pprint import pprint
00009 from iri_common_smach.utils_msg import build_pose_stamped_msg, build_transform_msg
00010 from estirabot_msgs.msg         import PomdpGraspConfig
00012 class PomdpConfigFactory():
00013     def __init__(self):
00014         self.config               = PomdpGraspConfig()
00015         self.config.place_point   = build_pose_stamped_msg('/wam_link0',0.5, 0, 0.33, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
00017         self.config.grabbing_zone = self.config.BOTH_ZONES
00018         # pre-grasp is relative to real_grasp and do not change
00019         self.config.approach_config.pre_grasp_modifier = build_transform_msg(0, 0, -0.1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
00020         self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifier_used = 0
00021         # always use GSO at the begging of grasp
00022         self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GSTO")
00024     def get_instance(self, magic_number):
00026         if (magic_number > 999) or (magic_number < 0):
00027             rospy.logfatal("Pomdp magic number is out of ranges")
00029         alg_id      = magic_number / 100
00030         approach_id = (magic_number - (100 * alg_id)) / 10
00031         grasp_id    = (magic_number - (100 * alg_id) - (10 * approach_id))
00033         if (alg_id == 0):
00034             self.config.best_pose_algorithm_id = self.config.MAX_HEIGHT_ALG
00035         elif (alg_id == 1):
00036             self.config.best_pose_algorithm_id = self.config.MAX_WRINKLE_ALG
00037         elif (alg_id == 2):
00038             self.config.best_pose_algorithm_id = self.config.FUSION_ALG
00039         else:
00040             rospy.logfatal("Magic number alg_is it out of range")
00042         if (approach_id == self.config.APPROACH_TOP_DEEP):
00043             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, 0, -0.03, 1, 0, 0, 0))
00044         elif (approach_id == self.config.APPROACH_TOP_SURFACE):
00045             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, 0, 0.05, 1, 0, 0, 0))
00046         elif (approach_id == self.config.APPROACH_SIDE_DEEP):
00047             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0.03, 0, 0, 0, 0.7071, 0, 0.7071))
00048             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, 0.03, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
00049             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(-0.03, 0, 0, -0.7071, 0, 0.7071,0))
00050             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, -0.03, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
00051         elif (approach_id == self.config.APPROACH_SIDE_SURFACE):
00052             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(-0.05, 0, 0, 0, 0.7071, 0, 0.7071))
00053             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, -0.05, 0, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
00054             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0.05, 0, 0, 0, -0.7071, 0, 0.7071))
00055             self.config.approach_config.grasp_modifiers.append(build_transform_msg(0, 0.05, 0, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5))
00056         else:
00057             rospy.logfatal("Magic number approach is out of range")
00059         if (grasp_id == 0):
00060             pass
00061         elif (grasp_id == 1):
00062             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GM 7000")
00063             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00064         elif (grasp_id == 2):
00065             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GM 10000")
00066             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00067         elif (grasp_id == 3):
00068             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("SM 500")
00069             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00070         elif (grasp_id == 4):
00071             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("SM 500")
00072             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GM 7000")
00073             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00074         elif (grasp_id == 5):
00075             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("STC")
00076             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00077         elif (grasp_id == 6):
00078             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("SM 1500")
00079             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("3TC")
00080             self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00082         else:
00083             rospy.logfatal("Magic number grasp is out of range")
00085         #closing grasp config
00086         #self.config.fingers_grasp_configs.append("GTC")
00087         return self.config
00089 def get_config_from_pomdp_action(pomdp_action):
00090     """
00091     Translate a pomdp_action number into a PomdpConfig object
00092     """
00094     if (pomdp_action > 21):
00095         rospy.logfatal("Pomdp action id out of range: " + str(pomdp_action))
00097     server = PomdpConfigFactory()
00099     if  (pomdp_action == 20):
00100         magic_number = 114
00101     elif (pomdp_action == 21):
00102         magic_number = 114
00103     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 0):
00104         magic_number = 1
00105     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 1):
00106         magic_number = 3
00107     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 2):
00108         magic_number = 5
00109     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 3):
00110         magic_number = 11
00111     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 4):
00112         magic_number = 14
00113     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 5):
00114         magic_number = 101
00115     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 6):
00116         magic_number = 103
00117     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 7):
00118         magic_number = 105
00119     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 8):
00120         magic_number = 111
00121     elif (pomdp_action % 10 == 9):
00122         magic_number = 114
00124     # From magic number get configuration
00125     config = server.get_instance(magic_number)
00127     config.actiontype = config.GRAB
00128     # Also set the grabbing zone
00129     if (pomdp_action == 20):
00130         config.grabbing_zone = config.RIGHT_ZONE
00131         config.actiontype = config.DROP
00132     elif (pomdp_action == 21):
00133         config.grabbing_zone = config.LEFT_ZONE
00134         config.actiontype = config.DROP
00135     elif (pomdp_action > 9):
00136         config.grabbing_zone = config.LEFT_ZONE
00137     else:
00138         config.grabbing_zone = config.RIGHT_ZONE
00140     # 20 and 21 should get an special value for place.
00141     # Hack for this is set place_point to None and check for it
00142     # in PlaceHandler. Dirty as hell.
00143     if (pomdp_action == 20) or (pomdp_action == 21):
00144         config.place_point = None
00146     return config
00148 # Class moved to each smach app, since it is application-dependant 
00149 class TranslatePomdp(smach.State):
00150     def __init__(self):
00151         pass

Author(s): Jose Luis Rivero
autogenerated on Fri Dec 6 2013 21:07:07