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namespace  util


def util._choose_without_replacement
def util.approx_equal
def util.bound
 Bound the value of a number to be above lower, and lower than upper.
def util.cart_of_pol
def util.cartesian_product
 cartesian product of list of lists.
def util.choose_without_replacement
 choose n elements from list without replacement.
def util.cv2np
def util.formatted_time
 returns current time as a string: year|month|date_hours|min|sec.
def util.getTime
 Returns a string that can be used as a timestamp (hours and minutes) in logfiles.
def util.list_mat_to_mat
 Converts a list of numpy matrices to one large matrix.
def util.load_pickle
 read a pickle and return the object.
def util.matrixrank
 compute rank of a matrix.
def util.norm
 Calculate L2 norm for column vectors in a matrix.
def util.np2cv
def util.np2pil
def util.pol_of_cart
def util.save_pickle
 Pickle an object.
def util.say
 use festival text to speech to make a soud.
def util.standard_rad
def util.unipolar_limit
def util.unwrap_np_array
 convert hrl's ros wrapped numpy array to a numpy array
def util.wrap_np_array
 wraps a numpy array into hrl's datatype for sending np arrays over ros.


dictionary util.cv2np_type_dict
dictionary util.cv2np_type_dict_invertible
tuple util.np2cv_type_dict

Author(s): Jason Okerman, Martin Schuster, Advisors: Prof. Charlie Kemp and Jim Regh, Lab: Healthcare Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech
autogenerated on Wed Nov 27 2013 12:07:15