Glossary -------- .. glossary:: catkin.conf A file that lives on a special orphan branch `catkin` in a :term:`GBP repository` which contains catkin meta-information (like upstream repository location and type) used when making releases with catkin. cmake current files directory A location used by catkin to store intermediate files generated by cmake. Catkin uses ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_FILES_DIRECTORY}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}``, for instance ``... build/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp/CMakeFiles``. (Note the ``CMakeFiles`` at the end of that path) config-mode infrastructure Files named ``-config.cmake`` and ``-config-version.cmake`` which are used by cmake's ``find_package()`` in "config mode". dry a package/stack/whatever not yet converted to catkin/FHS build & install. Environment files The ``, `setup.zsh` and `setup.bash` files generated and installed by catkin. See also :ref:`envfiles`. FHS The Linux `Filesystem Hierarchy Standard `_ generated code Code generated during the build process, typically by a message code generator package. May or may not require compilation. GBP repository A ``git-buildpackage`` repository. Contains released upstream source and the associated debian build files sufficient to assemble binary and source debs. Catkin-controlled repositories also contain a branch ``catkin`` with meta-information. package generally something "smaller" than a stack... but a package can be a stack. pkgutil Nifty python package: project CMake's notion of a buildable subdirectory: it contains a ``CMakeLists.txt`` that calls CMake's ``project()`` macro. stack unit of installation. These get made in to debs. static code Code typed in by a developer, contrast :term:`generated code` wet a package/stack/whatever already converted to catkin/FHS build & install.