burst_calc is a ROS package for detecting bursts of spiking activity in a neural network. A center of activity trajectory (CAT) is calculated for each burst which is then forwarded to a dish teleop node to facilitate ARM movement. The package consists of a burst creator node, a CAT creator node, and several helper classes. This package relies on the other packages in the arm_project stack to perform properly.
burst_calc is a ROS package for detecting bursts of spiking activity in a neural network. A center of activity trajectory (CAT) is calculated for each burst which is then forwarded to a dish teleop node to facilitate ARM movement. The package consists of a burst creator node, a CAT creator node, and several helper classes. This package relies on the other packages in the arm_project stack to perform properly.
List of nodes:
arm_control receives dish states from a receiver node and then detects and creates burst sequences, which are forwarded to the CAT creator node.
$ rosrun burst_calc burst_creator
Subscribes to:
Publishes to:
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Sets the following parameters on the parameter server
cat_creator receives bursts from the burst creator node and calculates a CAT for each burst. It then publishes the CAT to the dish teleop node for ARM movement.
$ rosrun burst_calc cat_creator
Subscribes to:
Publishes to:
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Sets the following parameters on the parameter server