Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * graph_learner.cpp
00003  *
00004  *  Created on: Jul 25, 2010
00005  *      Author: sturm
00006  */
00008 #include "graph_learner.h"
00009 #include "hogman_wrapper.h"
00011 PoseMap GraphLearner::getPrediction(double timestamp, KinematicGraphType &tree,
00012                 PoseMap &observedMarkers,PoseMap &predictedEmpty) {
00013         return hogman_solver(tree, poseIndex, observedMarkers, sigma_position,
00014                         sigma_orientation, timestamp);
00015 }
00017 void GraphLearner::sendTreeTransforms(KinematicGraphType graph) {
00018         if (graph.size() == 0)
00019                 return;
00021         double latestTimestamp = stampedMarker.rbegin()->first;
00023         PoseMap observation = getObservation(latestTimestamp);
00024         PoseMap prediction = getPrediction(intersectionOfStamps().back(), graph,
00025                         observation);
00027         // send transform for root node
00028         static tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
00029         const PoseStamped &latestPose =
00030                         stampedMarker[latestTimestamp].begin()->second->pose;
00031         for (auto it = prediction.begin(); it != prediction.end(); it++) {
00032                 br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(poseToTransform(it->second),
00033                                 latestPose.header.stamp, "/camera", boost::str(boost::format(
00034                                                 "/pred/%1%") % it->first)));
00035         }
00036 }
00038 //void GraphLearner::selectSceneModel() {
00039 //      std::vector<double> stamps = intersectionOfStamps();
00040 //
00041 //      if (stamps.size() == 0) {
00042 //              cout << "no intersecting timestamps.." << endl;
00043 //              return;
00044 //      }
00045 //      KinematicGraphType bestGraph;
00046 //      map<double, pair<string, KinematicGraphType> > graphMap;
00047 //      double bestBIC = DBL_MAX;
00048 //      int bestDOF = -1;
00049 //      double best_avg_pos_err = -1;
00050 //      double best_avg_orient_err = -1;
00051 //      double best_loglh = DBL_MAX;
00052 //
00053 //      map<int, int> marker_to_vertex;
00054 //      map<int, int> vertex_to_marker;
00055 //      int n = 0;
00056 //      for (map<int, double>::iterator it = latestTimestamp.begin(); it
00057 //                      != latestTimestamp.end(); it++) {
00058 //              marker_to_vertex[it->first] = n;
00059 //              vertex_to_marker[n] = it->first;
00060 //              n++;
00061 //      }
00062 //
00063 //      int vertices = models.size();
00064 //      int edges = vertices * vertices;
00065 //
00066 //      for (long graph = 1; graph < (1 << (edges - 1)); graph++) {
00067 //              // iterate over all possible graphs
00068 //              std::vector<bool> connected(vertex_to_marker.size(), false);
00069 //              connected[0] = true;
00070 //              KinematicGraphType tree;
00071 //              for (int e = 0; e < edges; e++) {
00072 //                      if ((graph & (1 << e)) > 0) {
00073 //                              // edge is present in this particular graph
00074 //                              int e_from = vertex_to_marker[e / vertices];
00075 //                              int e_to = vertex_to_marker[e % vertices];
00076 //                              if (e_from >= e_to) {
00077 //                                      tree.clear();
00078 //                                      break;
00079 //                              }
00080 //                              connected[e % vertices] = connected[e / vertices];
00081 //                              if (!models[e_from][e_to]) {
00082 //                                      tree.clear();
00083 //                                      break;
00084 //                              }
00085 //                              if (!models[e_to][e_from]) {
00086 //                                      tree.clear();
00087 //                                      break;
00088 //                              }
00089 //                              tree.push_back(pair<pair<int, int> , GenericModelPtr> (pair<
00090 //                                              int, int> (e_from, e_to), models[e_from][e_to]));
00091 //                      }
00092 //              }
00093 //              if ((int) tree.size() < vertices - 1)
00094 //                      continue;
00095 //              if (restrict_graphs) {
00096 //                      if ((restricted_graphs.find(" " + getTreeName(tree, false, false)
00097 //                                      + " ") == restricted_graphs.npos)
00098 //                                      && (restricted_graphs.find(" " + getTreeName(tree, true,
00099 //                                                      false) + " ") == restricted_graphs.npos)
00100 //                                      && (restricted_graphs.find(" " + getTreeName(tree, true,
00101 //                                                      true) + " ") == restricted_graphs.npos))
00102 //                              continue;
00103 //              }
00104 //
00105 //              bool allConnected = true;
00106 //              for (size_t i = 0; i < connected.size(); i++) {
00107 //                      if (!connected[i])
00108 //                              allConnected = false;
00109 //              }
00110 //              if (allConnected) {
00111 //                      // generate tree with all possible link models
00112 //                      // find the number of possible combinations
00113 //                      KinematicGraphType basetree = tree;
00114 //                      tree.clear();
00115 //                      int combination_total = 1;
00116 //                      for (KinematicGraphType::iterator it = basetree.begin(); it
00117 //                                      != basetree.end(); it++) {
00118 //                              combination_total
00119 //                                              *= models_all[it->first.first][it->first.second].size();
00120 //                      }
00121 //                      if (search_all_models)
00122 //                              cout << "need to evaluate n=" << combination_total
00123 //                                              << " different versions of tree " << getTreeName(
00124 //                                              basetree, true, true) << endl;
00125 //                      for (int combination = 0; combination < combination_total; combination++) {
00126 //                              if (search_all_models) {
00127 //                                      tree.clear();
00128 //                                      int c_tmp = combination;
00129 //                                      for (KinematicGraphType::iterator it = basetree.begin(); it
00130 //                                                      != basetree.end(); it++) {
00131 //                                              int
00132 //                                                              idx =
00133 //                                                                              c_tmp
00134 //                                                                                              % models_all[it->first.first][it->first.second].size();
00135 //                                              tree.push_back(
00136 //                                                              pair<pair<int, int> , GenericModelPtr> (
00137 //                                                                              pair<int, int> (it->first.first,
00138 //                                                                                              it->first.second),
00139 //                                                                              models_all[it->first.first][it->first.second][idx]));
00140 //                                              c_tmp
00141 //                                                              /= models_all[it->first.first][it->first.second].size();
00142 //                                      }
00143 //                              } else {
00144 //                                      tree = basetree;
00145 //                              }
00146 //
00147 //                              int DOFs = getDOFs(tree);// compute sum
00148 //                              for (int reducedDOFs = (reduce_dofs ? 1 : DOFs); reducedDOFs
00149 //                                              <= DOFs; reducedDOFs++) {
00150 //                                      KinematicGraphType copyOfTree = copyTree(tree);
00151 //                                      if (reducedDOFs != DOFs) {
00152 //                                              //                                                      cout <<"reducing dofs"<<endl;
00153 //                                              projectConfigurationSpace(copyOfTree, reducedDOFs,
00154 //                                                              stamps);
00155 //                                      }
00156 //
00157 //                                      string gname_short = boost::str(boost::format("%1%-DOF ")
00158 //                                                      % reducedDOFs) + getTreeName(copyOfTree, false,
00159 //                                                      false);
00160 //                                      string gname_models = boost::str(boost::format("%1%-DOF ")
00161 //                                                      % reducedDOFs) + getTreeName(copyOfTree, true,
00162 //                                                      false);
00163 //                                      string gname_models_samples = boost::str(boost::format(
00164 //                                                      "%1%-DOF ") % reducedDOFs) + getTreeName(
00165 //                                                      copyOfTree, true, false);
00166 //                                      double avg_pos_err, avg_orient_err, loglh;
00167 //                                      double BIC = evalTree(copyOfTree, gname_models_samples,
00168 //                                                      stamps, avg_pos_err, avg_orient_err, loglh);
00169 //                                      if (reducedDOFs < DOFs) {
00170 //                                              BIC -= (((DOFs - reducedDOFs) * stamps.size() + (DOFs
00171 //                                                              * reducedDOFs)) * log(stamps.size()));
00172 //                                      }
00173 //                                      evalGraphBIC[gname_models][stamps.size()] = BIC;
00174 //                                      graphMap[BIC] = pair<string, KinematicGraphType> (
00175 //                                                      gname_models, copyOfTree);
00176 //                                      if (BIC < bestBIC) {
00177 //                                              bestGraph = tree;
00178 //                                              bestBIC = BIC;
00179 //                                              bestDOF = reducedDOFs;
00180 //                                              best_avg_pos_err = avg_pos_err;
00181 //                                              best_avg_orient_err = avg_orient_err;
00182 //                                              best_loglh = loglh;
00183 //                                      }
00184 //                                      //                                      cout <<"BIC="<<BIC <<": "<<boost::str(boost::format( "%1%-DOF ") % reducedDOFs ) + graphname.str() <<endl;
00185 //
00186 //                                      // should we finish?
00187 //                                      static ros::NodeHandle n;
00188 //                                      if (!n.ok())
00189 //                                              return;
00190 //                              }
00191 //                              if (!search_all_models)
00192 //                                      break;
00193 //                      }
00194 //              }
00195 //      }
00196 //      saveGraphEval();
00197 //      sendModels(bestGraph);
00198 //      sendStructureVisualization(bestGraph, bestBIC, bestDOF, best_avg_pos_err,
00199 //                      best_avg_orient_err, best_loglh);
00200 //      cout << "Evaluation @ t=" << stamps.size() << endl;
00201 //      for (map<double, pair<string, KinematicGraphType> >::iterator it =
00202 //                      graphMap.begin(); it != graphMap.end(); it++) {
00203 //              cout << it->first << "      " << it->second.first << endl;
00204 //      }
00205 //      cout << "---" << endl;
00206 //}
00208 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
00209         ros::init(argc, argv, "graph_learner");
00211         GraphLearner learner;
00213         ros::NodeHandle nh;
00214         ros::Publisher lifebeat_pub =
00215                         nh.advertise<std_msgs::Empty> ("/lifebeat", 1);
00216         while (nh.ok()) {
00217                 cout << "lifebeat.." << learner.intersectionOfStamps().size() << endl;
00218                 ros::Rate loop_rate(3);
00219                 loop_rate.sleep();
00220                 ros::spinOnce();
00222                 lifebeat_pub.publish(std_msgs::Empty());
00223         }
00224 }
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Author(s): sturm
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 15:37:59