arm is a ROS package for controlling a Manus ARM. The package consists of one control node and two teleop nodes. You must have a Manus ARM properly connected and configured in order for this package to be of any use. You must have both a teleop node and the control node running in order to move the ARM. There is a node for keyboard teleop and a node for neuron dish activity teleop.
arm is a ROS package for controlling a Manus ARM. The package consists of one control node and two teleop nodes. You must have a Manus ARM properly connected and configured in order for this package to be of any use. You must have both a teleop node and the control node running in order to move the ARM. There is a node for keyboard teleop and a node for neuron dish activity teleop.
List of nodes:
arm_control controls the ARM. It receives movement commands from teleop nodes and moves the arm hardware appropriately.
$ rosrun arm arm_control
Subscribes to:
Publishes to:
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Sets the following parameters on the parameter server
teleop_arm_dish creates movement commands for the arm based on CAT (center of activity trajectory) data received from the CAT creator node.
$ rosrun arm teleop_arm_dish
Subscribes to:
Publishes to:
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Sets the following parameters on the parameter server
teleop_arm_key creates movement commands for the arm based on keyboard input.
$ rosrun arm teleop_arm_key
Subscribes to:
Publishes to:
Reads the following parameters from the parameter server
Sets the following parameters on the parameter server
There are several launch files available to simplify running all of the nodes. Each launch file has a corresponding parameter file. They are as follows:
$ roslaunch [package] [file]
$ roslaunch arm csv.launch