00001 // Includes 00002 00003 #include <ros/ros.h> 00004 #include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h> 00005 #include <pcl/point_types.h> 00006 #include "pcl/io/pcd_io.h" 00007 00008 #include <algorithm> 00009 #include <cmath> 00010 #include <iostream> 00011 00012 #include "Eigen/Dense" 00013 00014 #include "Vector3.h" 00015 #include "ClearpathDemoTools.h" 00016 00017 #include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h" 00018 #include "turtlebot_node/SetTurtlebotMode.h" 00019 00020 // Slowest permissible is 5Hz 00021 #define MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS 0.2f 00022 00023 // Typedef PCL Clouds 00024 typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PointType; 00025 typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointType> PCLPointCloud; 00026 00027 // Turtle Structure 00028 struct Turtle 00029 { 00030 double x; 00031 double z; 00032 int count; 00033 }; 00034 00035 // Publishers 00036 ros::Publisher pub; 00037 ros::Publisher pubvel; 00038 00039 // ROS Param Variables 00040 int debug_draw = 0; 00041 int num_ransac_iter = 500; 00042 double angular_vel_correction = 1.0; 00043 double lin_speed = 0.3; 00044 double lin_speed_var = 0.1; 00045 double ang_speed = 0.2; 00046 double cam_height = 0.55; 00047 double bot_window_size = 0.5; 00048 double bot_radius = 0.165; 00049 double ransac_thresh = 0.02; 00050 double ang_speed_gain = 1.0; 00051 double target_dist = 1.2; 00052 double min_stop_dist = 0.9; 00053 00054 // Floor Normal 00055 bool normal_initialized = false; 00056 double base_normal[4] = {0.0}; 00057 double last_normal[4] = {0.0}; 00058 00059 // Target Window 00060 double targetX = 0.0; 00061 double targetZ = 1.5; 00062 00063 // PointClouds 00064 PointCloud cloudCopy; 00065 PointCloud cloudCut; 00066 PointCloud upright; 00067 PointCloud area; 00068 PointCloud slice; 00069 PointCloud inliers; 00070 PointCloud final; 00071 00072 // Trim the cloud by only using points inside a certain a given circle (x, z, radius) 00073 void GetSearchArea(PointCloud* cloud, PointCloud* cloudout, double x, double z, double radius) 00074 { 00075 cloudout->points.clear(); 00076 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i++) 00077 { 00078 double mag = (cloud->points[i].x-x)*(cloud->points[i].x-x) + (cloud->points[i].z-z)*(cloud->points[i].z-z); 00079 if ( mag < radius*radius) 00080 { 00081 cloudout->points.push_back(cloud->points[i]); 00082 } 00083 } 00084 } 00085 00086 // Randomly take 2 points in the cloud, project them on the xz plane and then return the two possible circle centers given a radius 00087 bool GetCircleFromRnd2(PointCloud* cloud, double* xzxz, double radius) 00088 { 00089 int i1, i2, i3, num; 00090 i1 = i2 = i3 = 0; 00091 num = cloud->points.size(); 00092 00093 if (num > 10) // less than 10 points is too few 00094 { 00095 Vector3 a1, a2; 00096 00097 unsigned int counter = 0; 00098 while (i2 == i1 || (a1-a2).Length() > radius*2.0 || (a1-a2).Length() < 0.15) { // choose points that aren't too far away, not too close and not the exact same point 00099 counter++; 00100 if (counter > 5) // if we've done this 5 times without success, just quit, it probably doesn't exist or is hard to find 00101 return false; 00102 i1 = rand() % num; 00103 i2 = rand() % num; 00104 a1.x = cloud->points[i1].x; a1.y = 0.0; a1.z = cloud->points[i1].z; 00105 a2.x = cloud->points[i2].x; a2.y = 0.0; a2.z = cloud->points[i2].z; 00106 } 00107 00108 // Calculate the two circle centers given the two selected points 00109 Vector3 ax, ay, az; 00110 ax = a2 - a1; ax.Normalize(); 00111 ay.x = 0.0; ay.y = 1.0; ay.z = 0.0; 00112 az = ax.Cross(ay); az.Normalize(); 00113 double d1 = ((a1-a2).Length()/2.0); 00114 double d2 = sqrt(radius*radius - d1*d1); 00115 Vector3 p1, p2; 00116 p1 = a1 + ax*d1 + az*d2; 00117 p2 = a1 + ax*d1 - az*d2; 00118 00119 // Fill return array 00120 xzxz[0] = p1.x; 00121 xzxz[1] = p1.z; 00122 xzxz[2] = p2.x; 00123 xzxz[3] = p2.z; 00124 00125 } else { 00126 return false; 00127 } 00128 00129 return true; 00130 } 00131 00132 double distBetweenTurtles(Turtle t1, Turtle t2) 00133 { 00134 return sqrt((t1.x-t2.x)*(t1.x-t2.x) + (t1.z-t2.z)*(t1.z-t2.z)); 00135 } 00136 00137 // Finds all objects with a high enough quality to be considered a turtle 00138 bool FindTurtles(PointCloud* cloud, std::vector<Turtle>* turtles, double radius, double thresh) 00139 { 00140 turtles->clear(); 00141 00142 // Make it more random 00143 srand ( time(NULL) ); 00144 00145 int iter_count = 0; 00146 double bestxz[2]; 00147 while (iter_count < num_ransac_iter) // for x iterations: 00148 { 00149 iter_count++; 00150 00151 double xzxz[4]; 00152 00153 // Get two circle centers from a random 2 points 00154 if (!GetCircleFromRnd2(cloud, &xzxz[0], radius)) 00155 continue; 00156 00157 // Try each circle 00158 for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 2; c++) 00159 { 00160 int count = 0; 00161 00162 Vector3 circ; 00163 circ.x = xzxz[c*2+0]; 00164 circ.y = 0.0f; 00165 circ.z = xzxz[c*2+1]; 00166 00167 // Check to see how many points in the cloud lie on the surface of this cylinder (within a threshold) 00168 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i++) 00169 { 00170 Vector3 a1; 00171 a1.x = cloud->points[i].x; a1.y = 0.0f; a1.z = cloud->points[i].z; 00172 double mag = sqrt((a1.x-circ.x)*(a1.x-circ.x) + (a1.z-circ.z)*(a1.z-circ.z)) - radius; 00173 if ( fabs(mag) < thresh) // Check if distance is less than threshold 00174 count++; 00175 } 00176 00177 // If the current consensus is better than a count of X 00178 if ( count > 75 ) 00179 { 00180 // Make a turtle 00181 Turtle t; t.x = circ.x; t.z = circ.z; t.count = count; 00182 bool replica = false; 00183 00184 // Check to see if we already have this turtle 00185 for (int i = 0; i < turtles->size(); i++) 00186 { 00187 if (distBetweenTurtles((*turtles)[i], t) < radius/2.0) 00188 { 00189 replica = true; 00190 if (t.count > (*turtles)[i].count) 00191 (*turtles)[i] = t; 00192 } 00193 } 00194 00195 // Brand new turtle 00196 if (replica == false) 00197 turtles->push_back(t); 00198 } 00199 } 00200 } 00201 00202 // Check that the best consensus has atleast x votes, otherwise it is probably garbage 00203 if (turtles->size() < 1) 00204 return false; 00205 00206 return true; 00207 } 00208 00209 // Main Callback 00210 void callback(const PCLPointCloud::ConstPtr& cloud) 00211 { 00212 bool found_target = false; 00213 00214 // Clear all point clouds 00215 cloudCopy.points.clear(); 00216 cloudCut.points.clear(); 00217 upright.points.clear(); 00218 area.points.clear(); 00219 slice.points.clear(); 00220 inliers.points.clear(); 00221 final.points.clear(); 00222 00223 // Start Timer 00224 ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now(); 00225 00226 00227 // Convert point cloud to the Clearpath type (could optimize by removing this... unfortunately ClearpathDemoTools has to work without ROS and PCL) 00228 for (int i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i++) 00229 { 00230 Point p; p.x = cloud->points[i].x; p.y = cloud->points[i].y; p.z = cloud->points[i].z; p.rgb = cloud->points[i].rgb; 00231 cloudCopy.points.push_back(p); 00232 } 00233 00234 // Initialize the floor plane one time. 00235 if (normal_initialized == false) 00236 { 00237 // Guess at Plane Points 00238 ClearpathDemoTools::VerticalCut(&cloudCopy, &cloudCut, base_normal[3]-0.3, base_normal[3]+0.3, 13); 00239 00240 // Find the plane using RANSAC and Least Squares 00241 double norm[4]; 00242 norm[0] = last_normal[0]; norm[1] = last_normal[1]; norm[2] = last_normal[2]; norm[3] = last_normal[3]; 00243 if ( ClearpathDemoTools::PlaneRANSAC(&cloudCut, &norm[0], true) ) { 00244 ClearpathDemoTools::PlaneLS(&cloudCut, &norm[0]); 00245 last_normal[0] = norm[0]; last_normal[1] = norm[1]; last_normal[2] = norm[2]; last_normal[3] = norm[3]; 00246 normal_initialized = true; 00247 } 00248 } 00249 00250 // Transform points such that the xz plane is where the calibrated floor was 00251 ClearpathDemoTools::TransformByNormal(&cloudCopy, &upright, &last_normal[0]); 00252 00253 // Trim the cloud and only keep a small vertical portion (where the Create is) 00254 ClearpathDemoTools::VerticalCut(&upright, &slice, -0.08, -0.02, 1); 00255 00256 // Trim the cloud again such that we only keep poings inside the search window 00257 GetSearchArea(&slice, &area, targetX, targetZ, bot_radius+bot_window_size); 00258 00259 // Find all possible Turtles 00260 std::vector<Turtle> turtles; 00261 if ( FindTurtles(&slice, &turtles, bot_radius, ransac_thresh) ) 00262 { 00263 // Search through turtles for the best turtle inside the window 00264 Turtle t; t.x = targetX; t.z = targetZ; 00265 int besti = 0; 00266 int bestcount = 0; 00267 for (int ti = 0; ti < turtles.size(); ti++) 00268 { 00269 if (distBetweenTurtles(t, turtles[ti]) < bot_window_size) 00270 { 00271 if (turtles[ti].count > bestcount) 00272 { 00273 bestcount = turtles[ti].count; 00274 besti = ti; 00275 found_target = true; 00276 } 00277 } 00278 } 00279 00280 // Set the new target 00281 if (found_target == true) 00282 { 00283 targetX = turtles[besti].x; 00284 targetZ = turtles[besti].z; 00285 } 00286 } 00287 00288 // Print out our new guess 00289 printf("Chasing the robot @ %fm in X and %fm in Z \n", targetX, targetZ); 00290 00291 // We found a target 00292 if (found_target == true) 00293 { 00294 // We are following! calculate the radial path that intersects us with the targetXZ 00295 double distToTarget = sqrt(targetX*targetX + targetZ*targetZ); 00296 if (distToTarget > min_stop_dist) { 00297 Twist tw2 = ClearpathDemoTools::DetermineVelocity(targetX, targetZ, lin_speed); 00298 geometry_msgs::Twist tw; 00299 00300 double err = distToTarget-target_dist; // positive means go faster 00301 tw.linear.x = tw2.linear + lin_speed_var*err/(target_dist-min_stop_dist); 00302 00303 tw.angular.z = ang_speed_gain*tw2.angular; // although tw2.angular should put us right on the target, this usually needs a push.. 00304 00305 pubvel.publish(tw); 00306 } 00307 // We are within stop distance, turn to face the robot 00308 else { 00309 geometry_msgs::Twist tw; 00310 tw.linear.x = 0.0; 00311 double tempspd = ang_speed; 00312 if (fabs(atan2(targetX,targetZ)) < 10.0/180.0*3.141592) 00313 tempspd = 0.0; 00314 tw.angular.z = -ang_speed_gain*copysign(tempspd, targetX); 00315 pubvel.publish(tw); 00316 } 00317 } else { 00318 // Publish zero velocity 00319 geometry_msgs::Twist tw; 00320 tw.linear.x = 0.0; 00321 tw.angular.z = 0.0; 00322 pubvel.publish(tw); 00323 } 00324 00325 if (debug_draw == 1) 00326 { 00327 PCLPointCloud f; 00328 for (int ti = 0; ti < turtles.size(); ti++) 00329 { 00330 PointCloud area2, red, final2; 00331 GetSearchArea(&upright, &area2, turtles[ti].x, turtles[ti].z, bot_radius+bot_window_size); 00332 00333 // Get area around the guess for visualization 00334 ClearpathDemoTools::VerticalCut(&area2, &red, -0.02, 0.02, 1); 00335 ClearpathDemoTools::VerticalCut(&area2, &final2, -0.08, -0.02, 1); 00336 00337 // Convert back to PCL Type for rendering 00338 for (int i = 0; i < final2.points.size(); i++) 00339 { 00340 PointType p; p.x = final2.points[i].x; p.y = final2.points[i].y; p.z = final2.points[i].z; p.rgb = final2.points[i].rgb; 00341 double err = sqrt((p.x-turtles[ti].x)*(p.x-turtles[ti].x) + (p.z-turtles[ti].z)*(p.z-turtles[ti].z)) - bot_radius; 00342 if ( fabs(err) < ransac_thresh) // Check if distance is less than threshold 00343 f.points.push_back(p); 00344 } 00345 00346 // Choose Color for Floor Points 00347 char c[4]; 00348 c[0] = 0; c[1] = 0; c[2] = 0; 00349 if ( sqrt((targetX-turtles[ti].x)*(targetX-turtles[ti].x) + (targetZ-turtles[ti].z)*(targetZ-turtles[ti].z)) < 0.0001) 00350 c[1] = 255; 00351 else 00352 c[2] = 255; 00353 float* cf = (float*)(&c[0]); 00354 00355 // Add Floor Points to show circle 00356 for (int i = 0; i < red.points.size(); i++) 00357 { 00358 PointType p; p.x = red.points[i].x; p.y = red.points[i].y; p.z = red.points[i].z; p.rgb = *cf; 00359 f.points.push_back(p); 00360 } 00361 } 00362 00363 // Publish the visualization cloud 00364 pub.publish(f); 00365 } 00366 00367 ros::Duration duration = ros::Time::now() - begin; 00368 if (duration.toSec() > MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS) { 00369 ROS_WARN("Iteration of vision loop took %f seconds (max is %f)", duration.toSec(), MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS); 00370 } 00371 } 00372 00373 int main(int argc, char** argv) 00374 { 00375 ros::init (argc, argv, "turtle_default"); 00376 00377 // Get ROS Params 00378 ros::NodeHandle nh = ros::NodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName()); 00379 std::string in, out, out_vel; 00380 nh.param<std::string>("in", in, "idfloor_in"); 00381 nh.param<std::string>("out", out, "idfloor_out"); 00382 nh.param<std::string>("out_vel", out_vel, "idfloor_out_vel"); 00383 00384 nh.param<double>("lin_speed", lin_speed, 0.3); 00385 nh.param<double>("lin_speed_var", lin_speed_var, 0.1); 00386 nh.param<double>("ang_speed", ang_speed, 0.3); 00387 nh.param<double>("ang_speed_gain", ang_speed_gain, 1.0); 00388 nh.param<double>("target_dist", target_dist, 1.2); 00389 nh.param<double>("min_stop_dist", min_stop_dist, 0.9); 00390 00391 nh.param<double>("cam_height", cam_height, 0.55); 00392 nh.param<double>("bot_radius", bot_radius, 0.165); 00393 00394 nh.param<double>("ransac_thresh", ransac_thresh, 0.02); 00395 nh.param<int>("num_ransac_iter", num_ransac_iter, 500); 00396 00397 double window_init_targetX, window_init_targetZ; 00398 nh.param<double>("window_size", bot_window_size, 0.5); 00399 nh.param<double>("window_init_targetX", window_init_targetX, 0.0); 00400 nh.param<double>("window_init_targetZ", window_init_targetZ, 1.5); 00401 targetX = window_init_targetX; 00402 targetZ = window_init_targetZ; 00403 00404 nh.param<int>("debug_draw", debug_draw, 0); 00405 00406 // Subscribe to Kinect Cloud 00407 ros::NodeHandle nx; 00408 ros::Subscriber sub = nx.subscribe<PCLPointCloud>(in, 1, callback); 00409 00410 // Set to FULL Turtlebot Mode 00411 ros::ServiceClient operation_mode_client; 00412 operation_mode_client = nx.serviceClient<turtlebot_node::SetTurtlebotMode>("/turtlebot_node/set_operation_mode"); 00413 turtlebot_node::SetTurtlebotMode srvMsg; 00414 srvMsg.request.mode = 3; 00415 operation_mode_client.call(srvMsg); 00416 00417 // Open up publisher channels 00418 pub = nx.advertise<PCLPointCloud> (out, 1); 00419 pubvel = nx.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist> (out_vel, 1); 00420 00421 // Initialize Floor Plane Normal 00422 base_normal[0] = 0.0; 00423 base_normal[1] = 1.0; 00424 base_normal[2] = 0.0; 00425 base_normal[3] = cam_height; 00426 last_normal[0] = base_normal[0]; 00427 last_normal[1] = base_normal[1]; 00428 last_normal[2] = base_normal[2]; 00429 last_normal[3] = base_normal[3]; 00430 00431 // Spin 00432 ros::spin(); 00433 00434 return (0); 00435 } 00436 00437 00438