
Todo List

Member theora_imagem_transport::TheoraPublisher::ensureEncodingContext (const sensor_msgs::Image &image, const PublishFn &publish_fn) const

Check if encoding has changed

Store image encoding in comment

Try not to send headers twice to some listeners

Member theora_imagem_transport::TheoraPublisher::publish (const sensor_msgs::Image &message, const message_transport::SimplePublisherPlugin< sensor_msgs::Image, theora_image_transport::Packet >::PublishFn &publish_fn) const

fromImage is deprecated

Optimized gray-scale path, rgb8

fromImage can throw cv::Exception on bayer encoded images

Member theora_imagem_transport::TheoraSubscriber::internalCallback (const theora_image_transport::Packet::ConstPtr &msg, const message_transport::SimpleSubscriberPlugin< sensor_msgs::Image, theora_image_transport::Packet >::Callback &user_cb)

Break this function into pieces

Handle RGB8 or MONO8 efficiently

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Author(s): Ethan Dreyfuss, Cedric Pradalier
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 12:33:28 2013