00001 # Software License Agreement (BSD License) 00002 # 00003 # Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc. 00004 # All rights reserved. 00005 # 00006 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00007 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 00008 # are met: 00009 # 00010 # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00011 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00012 # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 00013 # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 00014 # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 00015 # with the distribution. 00016 # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its 00017 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 00018 # from this software without specific prior written permission. 00019 # 00020 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 00021 # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 00022 # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 00023 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 00024 # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 00025 # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 00026 # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 00027 # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 00028 # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 00029 # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 00030 # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00031 # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00032 00033 PKG = 'test_roslib_comm' 00034 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG) 00035 00036 import os 00037 import sys 00038 import time 00039 import unittest 00040 import traceback 00041 00042 import roslib.message 00043 from roslib.rostime import Time, Duration 00044 import rosunit 00045 00046 # Not much to test, just tripwires 00047 00048 class MessageTest(unittest.TestCase): 00049 00050 def test_check_types_Header(self): 00051 # #2128: test that check_types works with a Header 00052 # #message. This is a weird case because Header has an aliased 00053 # #type and is the only ROS type for which that is true 00054 from test_roslib_comm.msg import HeaderTest 00055 x = HeaderTest() 00056 x._check_types() 00057 00058 def test_Message_check_types(self): 00059 # test on a generated message 00060 # - use UInt16MultiArray because it has an embedded MultiArrayLayout 00061 from std_msgs.msg import String, UInt16MultiArray, MultiArrayLayout, MultiArrayDimension 00062 from roslib.message import SerializationError 00063 # not checking overflow in this test 00064 correct = [String(), String('foo'), String(''), String(data='data'), 00065 UInt16MultiArray(), 00066 UInt16MultiArray(MultiArrayLayout(), []), 00067 UInt16MultiArray(MultiArrayLayout(data_offset=1), [1, 2, 3]), 00068 UInt16MultiArray(layout=MultiArrayLayout(data_offset=1)), 00069 UInt16MultiArray(layout=MultiArrayLayout(dim=[])), 00070 UInt16MultiArray(layout=MultiArrayLayout(dim=[MultiArrayDimension()])), 00071 UInt16MultiArray(data=[1, 2, 3]), 00072 ] 00073 for t in correct: 00074 t._check_types() 00075 for t in correct: 00076 try: 00077 t._check_types(exc=Exception()) 00078 self.fail("should have raised wrapped exc") 00079 except SerializationError: 00080 pass 00081 00082 wrong = [String(1), String(data=1), 00083 UInt16MultiArray(1, []), 00084 UInt16MultiArray(MultiArrayLayout(), 1), 00085 UInt16MultiArray(String(), []), 00086 UInt16MultiArray(layout=MultiArrayLayout(dim=[1])), 00087 UInt16MultiArray(layout=MultiArrayLayout(data_offset='')), 00088 ] 00089 for t in wrong: 00090 try: 00091 t._check_types() 00092 self.fail("should have raised") 00093 except SerializationError: 00094 pass 00095 00096 def test_check_types_valid(self): 00097 '''Test directly a bunch of valid combinations to check_types. 00098 00099 check_type will throw an exception when it fails 00100 ''' 00101 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint8[]', 'byteDataIsAStringInPy') 00102 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'char[]', 'byteDataIsAStringInPy') 00103 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint8[]', [3,4,5]) 00104 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint8[]', (3,4,5)) 00105 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'char[]', [3,4,5]) 00106 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'int32[]', [3,4,5]) 00107 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'int32', -5) 00108 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'int64', -5) 00109 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'int16', -5) 00110 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'int8', -5) 00111 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint32', 5) 00112 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint64', 5) 00113 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint16', 5) 00114 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'uint8', 5) 00115 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'bool', True) 00116 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'bool', False) 00117 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'bool', 0) 00118 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'bool', 1) 00119 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'string', 'IAmAString') 00120 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'time', Time()) 00121 roslib.message.check_type('test', 'duration', Duration(5)) 00122 00123 def test_check_types_invalid(self): 00124 from roslib.message import SerializationError 00125 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00126 'test', 'int32[]', 'someString') 00127 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00128 'test', 'uint32[]', [3, -2, 4]) 00129 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00130 'test', 'uint8', -2) 00131 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00132 'test', 'uint16', -2) 00133 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00134 'test', 'uint32', -2) 00135 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00136 'test', 'uint64', -2) 00137 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00138 'test', 'bool', -2) 00139 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00140 'test', 'bool', 2) 00141 self.assertRaises(SerializationError, roslib.message.check_type, 00142 'test', 'string', u'UnicodeString') 00143 00144 def test_Message(self): 00145 import cStringIO 00146 from roslib.message import Message, SerializationError 00147 self.assert_(isinstance(Message(), Message)) 00148 m = Message() 00149 b = cStringIO.StringIO() 00150 m.serialize(b) 00151 m.deserialize('') 00152 00153 # test args/keywords constructor 00154 try: 00155 Message(1, 2, 3, one=1, two=2, three=3) 00156 self.fail("Message should not allow *args and **kwds") 00157 except TypeError: pass 00158 try: 00159 Message()._get_types() 00160 self.fail("_get_types() should not be callable on abstract Message instance") 00161 except: pass 00162 00163 # test Empty message 00164 class M1(Message): 00165 __slots__ = [] 00166 _slot_types=[] 00167 def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): 00168 super(M1, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) 00169 def _get_types(self): return [] 00170 00171 # - test __str__ on empty 00172 self.assertEquals('', str(M1())) 00173 # - should not fail on default constructor 00174 M1()._check_types() 00175 # - must fail if provided an exception 00176 try: 00177 M1()._check_types(Exception("test")) 00178 self.fail("_check_types must fail if explicitly provided an exception") 00179 except SerializationError: pass 00180 00181 # Test simple message with two fields 00182 class M2(Message): 00183 __slots__ = ['a', 'b'] 00184 _slot_types=['int32', 'int32'] 00185 def _get_types(self): return ['int32', 'int32'] 00186 def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): 00187 super(M2, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) 00188 self.assertEquals('a: 1\nb: 2', str(M2(1, 2))) 00189 # - test check types with two int type 00190 M2(1, 2)._check_types() 00191 M2(a=1, b=2)._check_types() 00192 invalid = [M2(a=1), M2('1', '2'), M2(1, '2'), M2(1., 2.), M2(None, 2)] 00193 for m in invalid: 00194 try: 00195 m._check_types() 00196 self.fail("check_types for %s should have failed"%m) 00197 except SerializationError: pass 00198 00199 00200 valid = [ 00201 ((), {}, M1), 00202 ((), {}, M2), 00203 ((1, 2), {}, M2), 00204 ((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2}, M2), 00205 ((), {'a': 1}, M2),((), {'b': 2}, M2), 00206 ] 00207 invalid = [ 00208 ((1,), {}, M1), 00209 ((), {'one': 1}, M1), 00210 ((1), {}, M2),((1, 2, 3), {}, M2), 00211 ((), {'c': 1}, M2),((), {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 1}, M2), 00212 ] 00213 for args, kwds, cls in valid: 00214 cls(*args, **kwds) 00215 val = time.time() 00216 val2 = time.time() 00217 self.assertEquals(val, M2(val, 2).a) 00218 self.assertEquals(val, M2(1, val).b) 00219 self.assertEquals(val, M2(a=val).a) 00220 self.assertEquals(None, M2(a=val).b) 00221 self.assertEquals(None, M2(b=val).a) 00222 self.assertEquals(val, M2(b=val).b) 00223 self.assertEquals(val, M2(a=val, b=val2).a) 00224 self.assertEquals(val2, M2(a=val, b=val2).b) 00225 for args, kwds, cls in invalid: 00226 try: 00227 cls(*args, **kwds) 00228 self.fail("Message should have failed for cls[%s] *args[%s] and **kwds[%s]"%(cls, args, kwds)) 00229 except: pass 00230 00231 def test_strify_message(self): 00232 # this is a bit overtuned, but it will catch regressions 00233 from roslib.message import Message, strify_message 00234 class M1(Message): 00235 __slots__ = [] 00236 _slot_types = [] 00237 def __init__(self): pass 00238 self.assertEquals('', strify_message(M1())) 00239 class M2(Message): 00240 __slots__ = ['str', 'int', 'float', 'bool', 'list'] 00241 _slot_types = ['string', 'int32', 'float32', 'bool', 'int32[]'] 00242 def __init__(self, str_, int_, float_, bool_, list_): 00243 self.str = str_ 00244 self.int = int_ 00245 self.float = float_ 00246 self.bool = bool_ 00247 self.list = list_ 00248 00249 self.assertEquals("""str: string 00250 int: 123456789101112 00251 float: 5678.0 00252 bool: True 00253 list: [1, 2, 3]""", strify_message(M2('string', 123456789101112, 5678., True, [1,2,3]))) 00254 00255 self.assertEquals("""str: '' 00256 int: -1 00257 float: 0.0 00258 bool: False 00259 list: []""", strify_message(M2('', -1, 0., False, []))) 00260 00261 class M3(Message): 00262 __slots__ = ['m2'] 00263 _slot_types=['M1'] 00264 def __init__(self, m2): 00265 self.m2 = m2 00266 self.assertEquals("""m2: 00267 str: string 00268 int: -1 00269 float: 0.0 00270 bool: False 00271 list: []""", strify_message(M3(M2('string', -1, 0., False, [])))) 00272 00273 # test array of Messages field 00274 class M4(Message): 00275 __slots__ = ['m2s'] 00276 _slot_types=['M2[]'] 00277 def __init__(self, m2s): 00278 self.m2s = m2s 00279 00280 self.assertEquals("""m2s: 00281 - 00282 str: string 00283 int: 1234 00284 float: 5678.0 00285 bool: True 00286 list: [1, 2, 3] 00287 - 00288 str: string 00289 int: -1 00290 float: 0.0 00291 bool: False 00292 list: []""", strify_message(M4([ 00293 M2('string', 1234, 5678., True, [1,2,3]), 00294 M2('string', -1, 0., False, []), 00295 ]))) 00296 # test Time and Duration 00297 from roslib.rostime import Time, Duration 00298 class M5(Message): 00299 __slots__ = ['t', 'd'] 00300 _slot_types=['time', 'duration'] 00301 def __init__(self, t, d): 00302 self.t = t 00303 self.d = d 00304 self.assertEquals("""t: 00305 secs: 987 00306 nsecs: 654 00307 d: 00308 secs: 123 00309 nsecs: 456""", strify_message(M5(Time(987, 654), Duration(123, 456)))) 00310 00311 # test final clause of strify -- str anything that isn't recognized 00312 self.assertEquals("set([1])", strify_message(set([1]))) 00313 00314 def test_strify_yaml(self): 00315 import yaml 00316 def roundtrip(m): 00317 yaml_text = strify_message(m) 00318 print yaml_text 00319 loaded = yaml.load(yaml_text) 00320 print "loaded", loaded 00321 new_inst = m.__class__() 00322 if loaded is not None: 00323 fill_message_args(new_inst, [loaded]) 00324 else: 00325 fill_message_args(new_inst, []) 00326 return new_inst 00327 00328 # test YAML roundtrip. strify_message doesn't promise this 00329 # yet, but want to use it in this way in some demo toolchains 00330 from roslib.message import Message, strify_message, fill_message_args 00331 class M1(Message): 00332 __slots__ = [] 00333 _slot_types=[] 00334 def __init__(self): pass 00335 self.assertEquals(M1(), roundtrip(M1())) 00336 00337 class M2(Message): 00338 __slots__ = ['str', 'int', 'float', 'bool', 'list'] 00339 _slot_types = ['string', 'int32', 'float32', 'bool', 'int32[]'] 00340 def __init__(self, str_=None, int_=None, float_=None, bool_=None, list_=None): 00341 self.str = str_ 00342 self.int = int_ 00343 self.float = float_ 00344 self.bool = bool_ 00345 self.list = list_ 00346 00347 val = M2('string', 123456789101112, 5678., True, [1,2,3]) 00348 self.assertEquals(val, roundtrip(val)) 00349 # test with empty string and empty list 00350 val = M2('', -1, 0., False, []) 00351 self.assertEquals(val, roundtrip(val)) 00352 00353 class M3(Message): 00354 __slots__ = ['m2'] 00355 _slot_types=['test_roslib/M2'] 00356 def __init__(self, m2=None): 00357 self.m2 = m2 or M2() 00358 00359 val = M3(M2('string', -1, 0., False, [])) 00360 self.assertEquals(val, roundtrip(val)) 00361 00362 # test array of Messages field. We can't use M4 or M5 because fill_message_args has to instantiate the embedded type 00363 from test_roslib_comm.msg import ArrayOfMsgs 00364 from std_msgs.msg import String, Time, MultiArrayLayout, MultiArrayDimension 00365 dims1 = [MultiArrayDimension(*args) for args in [('', 0, 0), ('x', 1, 2), ('y of z', 3, 4)]] 00366 dims2 = [MultiArrayDimension('hello world', 91280, 1983274)] 00367 times = [Time(roslib.rostime.Time(*args)) for args in [(0,), (12345, 6789), (1, 1)]] 00368 val = ArrayOfMsgs([String(''), String('foo'), String('bar of soap')], 00369 times, 00370 [MultiArrayLayout(dims1, 0), MultiArrayLayout(dims2, 12354)], 00371 ) 00372 self.assertEquals(val, roundtrip(val)) 00373 00374 00375 def test_ServiceDefinition(self): 00376 from roslib.message import ServiceDefinition 00377 self.assert_(isinstance(ServiceDefinition(), ServiceDefinition)) 00378 00379 def test_check_type(self): 00380 # check_type() currently does not do harder checks like 00381 # type-checking class types. as soon as it does, it will need 00382 # test to validate this. 00383 from roslib.message import check_type, SerializationError 00384 from roslib.rostime import Time, Duration 00385 valids = [ 00386 ('byte', 1), ('byte', -1), 00387 ('string', ''), ('string', 'a string of text'), 00388 ('int32[]', []), 00389 ('int32[]', [1, 2, 3, 4]), 00390 ('time', Time()), ('time', Time.from_sec(1.0)), 00391 ('time', Time(10000)), ('time', Time(1000, -100)), 00392 ('duration', Duration()),('duration', Duration()), 00393 ('duration', Duration(100)), ('duration', Duration(-100, -100)), 00394 ] 00395 00396 for t, v in valids: 00397 try: 00398 check_type('n', t, v) 00399 except Exception, e: 00400 traceback.print_exc() 00401 raise Exception("failure type[%s] value[%s]: %s"%(t, v, str(e))) 00402 00403 invalids = [ 00404 ('byte', 129), ('byte', -129), ('byte', 'byte'), ('byte', 1.0), 00405 ('string', 1), 00406 ('uint32', -1), 00407 ('int8', 112312), ('int8', -112312), 00408 ('uint8', -1), ('uint8', 112312), 00409 ('int32', '1'), ('int32', 1.), 00410 ('int32[]', 1), ('int32[]', [1., 2.]), ('int32[]', [1, 2.]), 00411 ('duration', 1), ('time', 1), 00412 ] 00413 for t, v in invalids: 00414 try: 00415 check_type('n', t, v) 00416 self.fail("check_type[%s, %s] should have failed"%(t, v)) 00417 except SerializationError: pass 00418 00419 def test_get_message_class(self): 00420 from roslib.message import get_message_class 00421 00422 try: 00423 self.assertEquals(None, get_message_class('String')) 00424 self.fail("should have thrown ValueError") 00425 except ValueError: pass 00426 # non-existent package 00427 self.assertEquals(None, get_message_class('fake/Fake')) 00428 # non-existent message 00429 self.assertEquals(None, get_message_class('roslib/Fake')) 00430 # package with no messages 00431 self.assertEquals(None, get_message_class('genmsg_cpp/Fake')) 00432 00433 import rosgraph_msgs.msg 00434 import std_msgs.msg 00435 self.assertEquals(std_msgs.msg.Header, get_message_class('Header')) 00436 self.assertEquals(std_msgs.msg.Header, get_message_class('std_msgs/Header')) 00437 self.assertEquals(rosgraph_msgs.msg.Log, get_message_class('rosgraph_msgs/Log')) 00438 00439 def test_fill_message_args_embed_time(self): 00440 from roslib.rostime import Time, Duration 00441 from roslib.message import fill_message_args 00442 from test_roslib_comm.msg import FillEmbedTime 00443 00444 # test fill_message_args with embeds and time vals 00445 # time t 00446 # duration d 00447 # std_msgs/String str_msg 00448 # std_msgs/String[] str_msg_array 00449 # int32 i32 00450 00451 tests = [ 00452 00453 ] 00454 m = FillEmbedTime() 00455 fill_message_args(m, [{}]) 00456 self.assertEquals(m.t, Time()) 00457 self.assertEquals(m.d, Duration()) 00458 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg.data, '') 00459 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg_array, []) 00460 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 0) 00461 00462 # list tests 00463 # - these should be equivalent 00464 equiv = [ 00465 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00466 [{'secs': 10, 'nsecs': 20}, {'secs': 30, 'nsecs': 40}, ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00467 [[10, 20], [30, 40], {'data': 'foo'}, [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00468 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [{'data': 'bar'}, {'data': 'baz'}], 32], 00469 00470 [{'t': [10, 20], 'd': [30, 40], 'str_msg': {'data': 'foo'}, 'str_msg_array': [{'data': 'bar'}, {'data': 'baz'}], 'i32': 32}], 00471 [{'t': {'secs': 10, 'nsecs': 20}, 'd': [30, 40], 'str_msg': {'data': 'foo'}, 'str_msg_array': [{'data': 'bar'}, {'data': 'baz'}], 'i32': 32}], 00472 ] 00473 for test in equiv: 00474 m = FillEmbedTime() 00475 try: 00476 fill_message_args(m, test) 00477 except Exception, e: 00478 self.fail("failed to fill with : %s\n%s"%(str(test), traceback.format_exc())) 00479 00480 self.assertEquals(m.t, Time(10, 20)) 00481 self.assertEquals(m.d, Duration(30, 40)) 00482 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg.data, 'foo') 00483 self.assertEquals(len(m.str_msg_array), 2, m.str_msg_array) 00484 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg_array[0].data, 'bar') 00485 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg_array[1].data, 'baz') 00486 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 32) 00487 # test creation of Time/Duration from single number representation, which is necessary for 00488 00489 # yaml single-number support 00490 # - cannot include in tests above as conversion from integer is lossy 00491 m = FillEmbedTime() 00492 fill_message_args(m, [10000000020, 30000000040, ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32]) 00493 self.assertEquals(10, m.t.secs) 00494 self.assert_(abs(20 - m.t.nsecs) < 2) 00495 self.assertEquals(30, m.d.secs) 00496 self.assert_(abs(40 - m.d.nsecs) < 2) 00497 self.assertEquals(len(m.str_msg_array), 2, m.str_msg_array) 00498 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg_array[0].data, 'bar') 00499 self.assertEquals(m.str_msg_array[1].data, 'baz') 00500 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 32) 00501 00502 bad = [ 00503 # underfill in sub-args 00504 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']]], 00505 [[10], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00506 [[10, 20], [30], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00507 [[10, 20], [30, 40], [], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00508 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], []], 32], 00509 00510 # overfill 00511 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32, 64], 00512 [[10, 20, 30], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00513 [[10, 20], [30, 40, 50], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00514 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo', 'bar'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00515 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar', 'baz'], ['baz']], 32], 00516 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz', 'car']], 32], 00517 00518 # invalid fields 00519 [{'secs': 10, 'nsecs': 20, 'foo': 1}, {'secs': 30, 'nsecs': 40}, ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00520 [{'secs': 10, 'nsecs': 20}, {'secs': 30, 'nsecs': 40, 'foo': 1}, ['foo'], [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00521 [[10, 20], [30, 40], {'data': 'foo', 'fata': 1}, [['bar'], ['baz']], 32], 00522 [[10, 20], [30, 40], ['foo'], [{'data': 'bar'}, {'beta': 'baz'}], 32], 00523 [{'t': [10, 20], 'd': [30, 40], 'str_msg': {'data': 'foo'}, 'str_msg_array': [{'data': 'bar'}, {'data': 'baz'}], 'i32': 32, 'i64': 64}], 00524 ] 00525 for b in bad: 00526 failed = True 00527 try: 00528 m = FillEmbedTime() 00529 fill_message_args(m, b) 00530 except roslib.message.ROSMessageException: 00531 failed = False 00532 self.failIf(failed, "fill_message_args should have failed: %s"%str(b)) 00533 00534 00535 00536 def test_fill_message_args_simple(self): 00537 from roslib.message import fill_message_args 00538 from test_roslib_comm.msg import FillSimple 00539 #int32 i32 00540 #string str 00541 #int32[] i32_array 00542 #bool b 00543 00544 for v in [[], {}]: 00545 try: 00546 fill_message_args(object(), v) 00547 self.fail("should have raised ValueError") 00548 except ValueError: pass 00549 try: 00550 m = FillSimple() 00551 # call underlying routine as the branch is not reachable from above 00552 roslib.message._fill_message_args(m, 1, {}, '') 00553 self.fail("should have raised ValueError for bad msg_args") 00554 except ValueError: pass 00555 00556 simple_tests = [ 00557 [1, 'foo', [], True], 00558 [1, 'foo', [1, 2, 3, 4], False], 00559 ] 00560 for test in simple_tests: 00561 m = FillSimple() 00562 fill_message_args(m, test) 00563 self.assertEquals(m.i32, test[0]) 00564 self.assertEquals(m.str, test[1]) 00565 self.assertEquals(m.i32_array, test[2]) 00566 self.assertEquals(m.b, test[3]) 00567 00568 # test with dictionaries 00569 m = FillSimple() 00570 fill_message_args(m, [{}]) 00571 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 0) 00572 self.assertEquals(m.str, '') 00573 self.assertEquals(m.i32_array, []) 00574 self.assertEquals(m.b, False) 00575 00576 m = FillSimple() 00577 fill_message_args(m, [{'i32': 10}]) 00578 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 10) 00579 self.assertEquals(m.str, '') 00580 self.assertEquals(m.i32_array, []) 00581 self.assertEquals(m.b, False) 00582 00583 m = FillSimple() 00584 fill_message_args(m, [{'str': 'hello', 'i32_array': [1, 2, 3]}]) 00585 self.assertEquals(m.i32, 0) 00586 self.assertEquals(m.str, 'hello') 00587 self.assertEquals(m.i32_array, [1, 2, 3]) 00588 self.assertEquals(m.b, False) 00589 00590 # fill_message_args currently does not type check 00591 bad = [ 00592 # extra key 00593 [{'bad': 1, 'str': 'hello', 'i32_array': [1, 2, 3]}], 00594 # underfill 00595 [1, 'foo', [1, 2, 3]], 00596 # overfill 00597 [1, 'foo', [1, 2, 3], True, 1], 00598 # non-list value for list field 00599 [1, 'foo', 1, True], 00600 ] 00601 for b in bad: 00602 failed = True 00603 try: 00604 m = FillSimple() 00605 fill_message_args(m, b) 00606 except roslib.message.ROSMessageException: 00607 failed = False 00608 self.failIf(failed, "fill_message_args should have failed: %s"%str(b)) 00609 00610 00611 def test_get_service_class(self): 00612 from roslib.message import get_service_class 00613 00614 # non-existent package 00615 self.assertEquals(None, get_service_class('fake/Fake')) 00616 # non-existent message 00617 self.assertEquals(None, get_service_class('roslib/Fake')) 00618 # package with no messages 00619 self.assertEquals(None, get_service_class('genmsg_cpp/Fake')) 00620 00621 import std_srvs.srv 00622 self.assertEquals(std_srvs.srv.Empty, get_service_class('std_srvs/Empty')) 00623 00624 if __name__ == '__main__': 00625 rosunit.unitrun(PKG, 'test_message', MessageTest, coverage_packages=['roslib.message']) 00626