00001 #!/usr/bin/python 00002 # ROS imports 00003 00004 00005 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('srs_decision_making') 00006 import rospy 00007 import srs_decision_making.srv as xsrv 00008 import srs_msgs.msg as srs_msg 00009 00010 class UI_PRI_TOPICS: 00011 00012 #### Initialization and declaration of the variables #### 00013 def __init__(self): 00014 rospy.loginfo("Public topics for UI_PRI ...") 00015 self.pubUIerr = rospy.Publisher('DM_UI/interface_cmd',srs_msg.DM_UIcom) 00016 self.user_respsol ="" 00017 self.user_resppar ="" 00018 self.user_com_id = 0 00019 rospy.Subscriber ("DM_UI/interface_cmd_response",srs_msg.UI_DMresp, self.callbackUI) 00020 00021 ### Declaration of callback function for the commands from the user interface 00022 def callbackUI (self,data): 00023 rospy.loginfo ("I heard %s %s %i from the UI_PRI",data.solution,data.parameter, data.responseID) 00024 if (data.responseID == self.user_com_id): 00025 self.user_respsol = data.solution 00026 self.user_resppar = data.parameter 00027 rospy.loginfo ("Match between responseId and requestID. Now user_respsol is:%s and user_resppar is:%s",self.user_respsol,self.user_resppar) 00028 else: 00029 print ("but the id:%s does not correspond to requestId:%s",self.user_com_id) 00030 00031 00032 def handle_message_errors(self,req): 00033 print "Returning [%s]"%(req.current_state) 00034 print req.exceptional_case_id 00035 rospy.loginfo("The user will be invited to enter a new position to solve problem :") 00036 self.solfromUser = xsrv.errorsResponse() 00037 satisfaction_flag = False 00038 00039 self.time_out_max = 30 00040 try: 00041 self.time_out_max = rospy.get_param("srs/common/max_time_out") 00042 except Exception, e: 00043 rospy.loginfo("Parameter Server not ready, use default value for max time_out") 00044 00045 while (not satisfaction_flag): 00046 rospy.loginfo("Message sent to user to ask if he wants to continue:") 00047 self.user_respsol = "" 00048 message1 = srs_msg.DM_UIcom ("continue?","There is an obstacle on the robot's path. Do you want to try to move the robot manually? ",5) 00049 self.user_com_id = 5 00050 self.pubUIerr.publish(message1) 00051 00052 timeout=0 00053 while (self.user_respsol =="" and timeout < self.time_out_max): 00054 print "waiting for response",timeout," seconds from the user" 00055 timeout = timeout + 1 00056 print "user_respsol is :",self.user_respsol 00057 rospy.sleep(1) 00058 00059 00060 print "user_respsol is.:",self.user_respsol 00061 00062 00063 if (self.user_respsol.strip()=="continue"): 00064 rospy.loginfo("Just received continue from the user and will ask for a new position to solve the problem :") 00065 self.user_respsol ="" 00066 self.user_resppar = "" 00067 message1 = srs_msg.DM_UIcom ("position?","Plese specify a new intermedeate position for the robot to try reaching the target from there",6) 00068 rospy.loginfo("Just sent a request to the user to give me a new position to solve the problem :") 00069 self.user_com_id = 6 00070 self.pubUIerr.publish(message1) 00071 #t2= raw_input() 00072 00073 timeout=0 00074 while (self.user_respsol =="" and timeout < 3*self.time_out_max ): 00075 print "waiting for response for",timeout," seconds from the user" 00076 print "user_respsol is :",self.user_respsol 00077 timeout = timeout + 1 00078 rospy.sleep(1) 00079 00080 if (self.user_respsol.strip() =="move"): 00081 satisfaction_flag = True 00082 self.solfromUser.giveup = 0 00083 self.solfromUser.solution = self.user_resppar.strip() 00084 print "We got a move response from the user" 00085 print(self.solfromUser) 00086 else: 00087 satisfaction_flag = False 00088 rospy.loginfo("The user response doesn't make sense or timed out") 00089 self.solfromUser.giveup = 1 00090 self.solfromUser.solution = "" 00091 00092 else: 00093 rospy.loginfo("The response from the user is: <<Do not to continue>>. Giving up") 00094 satisfaction_flag = True 00095 self.solfromUser.giveup = 1 00096 self.solfromUser.solution = "" 00097 00098 print(self.solfromUser) 00099 00100 00101 return xsrv.errorsResponse(self.solfromUser.solution,self.solfromUser.giveup) 00102 00103 if __name__ == '__main__': 00104 rospy.init_node('control_task_server') 00105 UI_PRI_TOPICs = UI_PRI_TOPICS() 00106 rospy.Service('message_errors', xsrv.errors, UI_PRI_TOPICs.handle_message_errors) 00107 rospy.spin()