00001 #!/usr/bin/python 00002 ################################################################# 00003 # \note 00004 # Project name: srs 00005 # \author 00006 # Renxi Qiu, email:renxi.qiu@googlemail.com 00007 # 00008 # \date Date of creation: Oct 2011 00009 ################################################################# 00010 # ROS imports 00011 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('srs_decision_making') 00012 #roslib.load_manifest('knowledge_ros_service') 00013 00014 import rospy 00015 import smach 00016 import smach_ros 00017 import time 00018 import tf 00019 import actionlib 00020 import gc 00021 import json 00022 00023 from std_msgs.msg import String, Bool, Int32 00024 from cob_srvs.srv import Trigger 00025 from geometry_msgs.msg import * 00026 00027 import srs_decision_making.msg as xmsg 00028 import srs_decision_making.srv as xsrv 00029 from srs_knowledge.srv import * 00030 from srs_knowledge.msg import * 00031 import util.json_parser as json_parser 00032 00033 """ 00034 This file contains (or import) basic states for SRS high level state machines. 00035 00036 The following states are designed for generic error handling in unstructured environment 00037 00038 Generic states of interventions for unexpected situation include: 00039 00040 intervention_base_pose() 00041 # this can be used to adjust scan position, grasp position or as a intermediate goal for navigation 00042 # semi_autonomous_mode == True 00043 # get a new base pose from UI, 00044 # semi_autonomous_mode == False 00045 # robot has to reason by itself, get a new base pose from KB. 00046 00047 intervention_key_region() 00048 # get a interested region and then pass it to the object detector 00049 # semi_autonomous_mode == True 00050 # get key_region from UI, 00051 # semi_autonomous_mode == False 00052 # robot has to reason by itself, get a new key_region from KB. 00053 00054 intervention_grasp_selection() 00055 # get a grasp configuration and then pass it to the manipulation module 00056 # semi_autonomous_mode == True 00057 # get grasp configuration from UI, 00058 # semi_autonomous_mode == False 00059 # robot has to reason by itself, get a new grasp configuration from KB. 00060 00061 user_intervention_action_sequence() 00062 # get an action sequence from UI and then pass it to the SRS knowledge service to update the existing action sequence 00063 00064 semantic_dm() 00065 # This is the heart of the decision making, it monitor and control task execution based on pre-stored knowledge 00066 00067 00068 Others 00069 initialise() 00070 #initialisation for a given task 00071 00072 """ 00073 00074 """ 00075 Dummy states about navigation, detection and grasp are imported from ipa_examples_mod.py for testing purpose 00076 They should be imported from other SRS components in the future 00077 """ 00078 from ipa_examples_mod import * 00079 00080 00081 # get a new base pose from UI, this can be used to adjust scan position, grasp position or as a intermediate goal for navigation 00082 # output is a intermediate pose for navigation or a new scan position 00083 class intervention_base_pose(smach.State): 00084 00085 def __init__(self): 00086 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['retry','no_more_retry','failed', 'preempted' ], 00087 input_keys=['semi_autonomous_mode'], 00088 output_keys=['intermediate_pose']) 00089 global current_task_info 00090 self.pub_fb = current_task_info.pub_fb 00091 self.pub_fb2 = current_task_info.pub_fb2 00092 self.count = 0 00093 00094 def execute(self,userdata): 00095 00096 if userdata.semi_autonomous_mode == True: 00097 # user intervention is possible 00098 while not (rospy.is_shutdown() or self.preempt_requested()) : 00099 00100 global current_task_info 00101 _feedback=xmsg.ExecutionFeedback() 00102 _feedback.current_state = "need user intervention for base pose" 00103 _feedback.solution_required = True 00104 _feedback.exceptional_case_id = 1 00105 current_task_info._srs_as._as.publish_feedback(_feedback) 00106 rospy.sleep(1) 00107 00108 self.count += 1 00109 rospy.loginfo("State : need user intervention for base pose") 00110 rospy.wait_for_service('message_errors') 00111 s = xsrv.errorsResponse() 00112 00113 current_state= 'need user intervention for base pose' 00114 exceptional_case_id=1 # need user intervention for base pose 00115 00116 try: 00117 message_errors = rospy.ServiceProxy('message_errors',xsrv.errors) 00118 s = message_errors(current_state, exceptional_case_id) 00119 print s.solution 00120 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00121 print "Service call failed: %s"%e 00122 self.pub_fb.publish(False) 00123 return 'failed' 00124 print (s) 00125 00126 if (s.giveup == 1): 00127 return 'no_more_retry' 00128 else: 00129 """import json 00130 tmppos = s.solution.__str__()#"home"#[1.0, 3.0, 0.0]" 00131 # (temp) -- commented by ze, simpler to use split(sep) directly 00132 #tmppos = tmppos.replace('[','') 00133 #tmppos = tmppos.replace(']','') 00134 #tmppos = tmppos.replace(',',' ') 00135 #tmppos = tmppos.replace('#','') 00136 #listtmp = tmppos.split() 00137 listtmp = tmppos.split('[]#, ') 00138 #end of comment# 00139 list_out = list() 00140 list_out.insert(0, float(listtmp[0])) 00141 list_out.insert(1, float(listtmp[1])) 00142 list_out.insert(2, float(listtmp[2])) 00143 userdata.intermediate_pose = list_out 00144 """ 00145 userdata.intermediate_pose = eval(s.solution.__str__()) 00146 #rospy.loginfo("New intermediate target is :%s", list_out) 00147 return 'retry' 00148 return 'failed' 00149 else: 00150 # no user intervention, UI is not connected or not able to handle current situation 00151 # fully autonomous mode for the current statemachine, robot try to handle error by it self with semantic KB 00152 """ 00153 call srs knowledge ros service for a new scanning or grasping position 00154 """ 00155 userdata.intermediate_pose = "kitchen" 00156 return 'no_more_retry' 00157 00158 ################################################################################# 00159 # 00160 # The following state has been replaced by new high level detection state machines 00161 # 00162 ################################################################################# 00163 00164 """ 00165 #get a interested region from UI or KB and then pass it to the object detector 00166 #intervention to highlight key interested region 00167 class intervention_key_region(smach.State): 00168 00169 def __init__(self): 00170 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['retry','no_more_retry','failed','preempted'], 00171 input_keys=['semi_autonomous_mode'], 00172 output_keys=['key_region']) 00173 global current_task_info 00174 self.pub_fb = current_task_info.pub_fb 00175 self.pub_fb2 = current_task_info.pub_fb2 00176 self.count = 0 00177 00178 def execute(self,userdata): 00179 00180 if userdata.semi_autonomous_mode == True: 00181 # user intervention is possible 00182 # user specify key region on interface device for detection 00183 userdata.key_region = "" 00184 return 'no_more_retry' 00185 else: 00186 # no user intervention, UI is not connected or not able to handle current situation 00187 # fully autonomous mode for the current statemachine, robot try to handle error by it self with semantic KB 00188 userdata.key_region = "" 00189 return 'no_more_retry' 00190 """ 00191 00192 ################################################################################# 00193 # 00194 # The following state has been replaced by new high level grasp state machines 00195 # 00196 ################################################################################# 00197 00198 """ 00199 # get a grasp configuration from UI or KB and then pass it to the manipulation module 00200 # user intervention on specific configuration for grasp 00201 class intervention_grasp_selection(smach.State): 00202 00203 def __init__(self): 00204 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['retry','no_more_retry','failed','preempted'], 00205 input_keys=['semi_autonomous_mode'], 00206 output_keys=['grasp_conf']) 00207 global current_task_info 00208 self.pub_fb = current_task_info.pub_fb 00209 self.pub_fb2 = current_task_info.pub_fb2 00210 self.count = 0 00211 00212 def execute(self,userdata): 00213 # user specify key region on interface device for detection 00214 00215 if userdata.semi_autonomous_mode == True: 00216 # user intervention is possible 00217 # user specify key region on interface device for detection 00218 userdata.grasp_conf = "Top" 00219 return 'retry' 00220 else: 00221 # no user intervention, UI is not connected or not able to handle current situation 00222 # fully autonomous mode for the current statemachine, robot try to handle error by it self with semantic KB 00223 00224 userdata.grasp_conf = "Top" 00225 return 'retry' 00226 """ 00227 00228 00229 ################################################################################# 00230 # 00231 # The following state has been replaced by new high level detection and grasp state machines 00232 # 00233 ################################################################################# 00234 """ 00235 # get an action sequence from UI and then pass it to the SRS knowledge service to update the existing action sequence 00236 # 00237 class user_intervention_action_sequence(smach.State): 00238 00239 def __init__(self): 00240 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['retry','no_more_retry','failed','preempted'], 00241 output_keys=['action_sequence']) 00242 global current_task_info 00243 self.pub_fb = current_task_info.pub_fb 00244 self.pub_fb2 = current_task_info.pub_fb2 00245 self.count = 0 00246 00247 def execute(self,userdata): 00248 # user specify key region on interface device for detection 00249 00250 #updated action sequence for completing current task 00251 00252 userdata.action_sequence = "" 00253 return 'no_more_retry' 00254 00255 """ 00256 00257 #connection to the srs knowledge_ros_service 00258 class semantic_dm(smach.State): 00259 00260 def __init__(self): 00261 smach.State.__init__(self, 00262 outcomes=['succeeded','failed','preempted','navigation','detection','simple_grasp','full_grasp', 'put_on_tray','env_update'], 00263 io_keys=['target_base_pose', 00264 'target_object_name', 00265 'target_object_pose', 00266 'target_object_id', 00267 'target_object', 00268 'target_workspace_name', 00269 'semi_autonomous_mode', 00270 'grasp_categorisation', 00271 'scan_pose_list']) 00272 00273 00274 self.pub_fb = rospy.Publisher('fb_executing_solution', Bool) 00275 self.pub_fb2 = rospy.Publisher('fb_executing_state', String) 00276 self.count = 0 00277 00278 def execute(self,userdata): 00279 global current_task_info 00280 00281 00282 if current_task_info.last_step_info[len(current_task_info.last_step_info) - 1].outcome == 'stopped' or current_task_info.last_step_info[len(current_task_info.last_step_info) - 1].outcome == 'preempted': 00283 print 'task stopped' 00284 #nextStep = 'stop' 00285 #return nextStep 00286 #resultLastStep = 3 00287 00288 current_task_info.set_customised_preempt_acknowledged(False) 00289 current_task_info.set_customised_preempt_required(False) 00290 current_task_info.set_stop_acknowledged(False) 00291 current_task_info.set_stop_required(False) 00292 return 'preempted' 00293 00294 #call srs ros knowledge service for solution 00295 00296 #dummy code for testing 00297 userdata.semi_autonomous_mode=True 00298 00299 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00300 #clean action information from last step 00301 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = '' 00302 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00303 00304 00305 ############################################## 00306 # get Next Action From Knowledge_ros_service 00307 ############################################## 00308 print 'Plan next Action service' 00309 rospy.wait_for_service('plan_next_action') 00310 try: 00311 next_action = rospy.ServiceProxy('plan_next_action', PlanNextAction) 00312 00313 # decide result () 00314 # current_task_info.last_step_info.append(last_step_info) 00315 # current_task_info.session_id = 123456 00316 00317 print '+++++++++++ action acquired ++++++++++++++' 00318 print current_task_info.last_step_info; 00319 print '+++++++++++ Last Step Info LEN+++++++++++++++' 00320 len_step_info = len(current_task_info.last_step_info) 00321 00322 #feedback = [] 00323 feedback_in_json = '{}' 00324 if not current_task_info.last_step_info: 00325 ## first action. does not matter this. just to keep it filled 00326 resultLastStep = 0 00327 elif current_task_info.last_step_info and current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].outcome == 'succeeded': 00328 # convert to the format that knowledge_ros_service understands 00329 resultLastStep = 0 00330 if current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].step_name == 'sm_srs_detection': 00331 print userdata.target_object_pose 00332 #feedback = pose_to_list(userdata) 00333 feedback_in_json = json_parser.detect_feedback_to_json(userdata) 00334 00335 #rospy.loginfo ("Detected target_object is: %s", userdata.target_object) 00336 elif current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].outcome == 'not_completed': 00337 print 'Result return not_completed' 00338 resultLastStep = 1 00339 00340 elif current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].outcome == 'failed': 00341 print 'Result return failed' 00342 resultLastStep = 2 00343 elif current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].outcome == 'stopped' or current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].outcome == 'preempted': 00344 print 'task stopped' 00345 #nextStep = 'stop' 00346 #return nextStep 00347 #resultLastStep = 3 00348 return 'preempted' 00349 00350 """ 00351 rospy.wait_for_service('task_request') 00352 try: 00353 requestNewTask = rospy.ServiceProxy('task_request', TaskRequest) 00354 #res = requestNewTask(current_task_info.task_name, current_task_info.task_parameter, None, None, None, None) 00355 res = requestNewTask('stop', None, None) 00356 print res.sessionId 00357 current_task_info.session_id = res.sessionId 00358 if res.result == 1: 00359 return 'failed' 00360 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00361 print "Service call failed: %s"%e 00362 return 'failed' 00363 resultLastStep = 0 00364 """ 00365 00366 00367 #if current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].step_name == 'sm_approach_pose_assisted': 00368 # result = (1, 0, 0) 00369 #elif current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].step_name == 'sm_detect_asisted_pose_region': 00370 # result = (1, 1, 0) 00371 #elif current_task_info.last_step_info[len_step_info - 1].step_name == 'sm_pick_object_asisted': 00372 # result = (0, 1, 1) 00373 #else: 00374 # move result = (1, 1, 1) 00375 00376 00377 print resultLastStep 00378 print '########## Result ###########' 00379 00380 toPlanInput = PlanNextActionRequest() 00381 toPlanInput.sessionId = current_task_info.session_id 00382 toPlanInput.resultLastAction = resultLastStep 00383 #toPlanInput.genericFeedBack = feedback # to be deprecated, replaced by jsonFeedBack 00384 00385 toPlanInput.jsonFeedback = feedback_in_json 00386 00387 resp1 = next_action(toPlanInput) 00388 #resp1 = next_action(current_task_info.session_id, resultLastStep, feedback) 00389 if resp1.nextAction.status == 1: 00390 print 'succeeded' 00391 return 'succeeded' 00392 elif resp1.nextAction.status == -1: 00393 print 'failed' 00394 return 'failed' 00395 00396 print resp1.nextAction 00397 # else should be 0: then continue executing the following 00398 00399 if resp1.nextAction.actionType == 'generic': 00400 actName = json_parser.decode_action(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00401 00402 print "##############" 00403 print actName 00404 print "##############" 00405 #actName = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[0] 00406 if actName == 'charging': 00407 nextStep = 'charging' 00408 #userdata.target_base_pose = [float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3])] 00409 00410 destPos = json_parser.decode_move_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00411 if not destPos is None: 00412 userdata.target_base_pose = [destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']] 00413 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00414 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = str([destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']]) 00415 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00416 00417 return nextStep 00418 elif actName == 'move': 00419 nextStep = 'navigation' 00420 #userdata.target_base_pose = [float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3])] 00421 00422 destPos = json_parser.decode_move_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00423 if not destPos is None: 00424 userdata.target_base_pose = [destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']] 00425 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00426 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = str([destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']]) 00427 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00428 00429 return nextStep 00430 elif actName == 'put_on_tray': 00431 nextStep = 'put_on_tray' 00432 #userdata.grasp_conf = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1] 00433 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00434 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = 'tray' 00435 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00436 return nextStep 00437 elif actName == 'deliver_object': 00438 nextStep = 'deliver_object' 00439 #userdata.target_base_pose = [float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3])] 00440 00441 destPos = json_parser.decode_move_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00442 if not destPos is None: 00443 userdata.target_base_pose = [destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']] 00444 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00445 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = str([destPos['x'], destPos['y'], destPos['theta']]) 00446 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00447 return nextStep 00448 elif actName == 'finish_success': 00449 nextStep = 'succeeded' 00450 return nextStep 00451 elif actName == 'finish_fail': 00452 nextStep = 'failed' 00453 return nextStep 00454 elif actName == 'detect': 00455 nextStep = 'detection' 00456 #TODO should confirm later if name or id used !!!!!!!! 00457 00458 ##userdata.target_object_name = 'milk_box' 00459 #userdata.target_object_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2] 00460 #userdata.target_object_id = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]) 00461 00462 ## name of the workspace 00463 #userdata.target_workspace_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3] 00464 #testing purpose, this value should come from knowledge service 00465 ##userdata.target_workspace_name='Table0' 00466 00467 obj_to_det = json_parser.decode_detect_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00468 if not obj_to_det is None: 00469 userdata.target_object_name = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00470 userdata.target_object_id = obj_to_det['object_id'] 00471 00472 # name of the workspace 00473 userdata.target_workspace_name = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00474 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00475 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00476 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00477 00478 rospy.loginfo ("target_object_name: %s", userdata.target_object_name) 00479 rospy.loginfo ("target_object_id: %s", userdata.target_object_id) 00480 rospy.loginfo ("target_workspace_name: %s", userdata.target_workspace_name) 00481 00482 return nextStep 00483 00484 elif actName == 'grasp': 00485 nextStep = 'simple_grasp' 00486 00487 ##userdata.target_object_name = 'milk_box' 00488 #userdata.target_object_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2] 00489 #userdata.target_object_id = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]) 00490 # name of the workspace 00491 ##userdata.target_workspace_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[???] 00492 ##testing purpose, this value should come from knowledge service 00493 ##userdata.target_workspace_name='Table0' 00494 obj_to_det = json_parser.decode_grasp_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00495 if not obj_to_det is None: 00496 userdata.target_object_name = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00497 userdata.target_object_id = obj_to_det['object_id'] 00498 # name of the workspace 00499 userdata.target_workspace_name = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00500 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00501 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00502 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00503 00504 return nextStep 00505 00506 elif actName == 'just_grasp': 00507 nextStep = 'full_grasp' 00508 00509 ##userdata.target_object_name = 'milk_box' 00510 #userdata.target_object_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2] 00511 #userdata.target_object_id = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1]) 00512 ## name of the workspace 00513 #userdata.target_workspace_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[4] 00514 00515 obj_to_det = json_parser.decode_grasp_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00516 if not obj_to_det is None: 00517 userdata.target_object_name = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00518 userdata.target_object_id = obj_to_det['object_id'] 00519 # name of the workspace 00520 userdata.target_workspace_name = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00521 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00522 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = obj_to_det['object_type'] 00523 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = obj_to_det['workspace'] 00524 00525 return nextStep 00526 00527 elif actName == 'check': 00528 nextStep = 'env_update' 00529 00530 #scan_base_pose = [float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[4])] 00531 00532 #userdata.scane_pose_list[0] = scan_base_pose 00533 00534 par = json_parser.decode_check_ws_parameters(resp1.nextAction.generic.jsonActionInfo) 00535 if not par is None: 00536 json_pose = par[1] 00537 scan_base_pose = [json_pose['x'], json_pose['y'], json_pose['theta']] 00538 userdata.scane_pose_list[0] = scan_base_pose 00539 # userdata.target_workspace_name = par[0] 00540 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00541 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object = '' 00542 current_task_info.task_feedback.action_object_parent = '' 00543 00544 00545 """ 00546 userdata.target_object_hh_id = 1 00547 00548 # userdata.target_object_name = resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[1] 00549 00550 userdata.target_base_pose = [float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[2]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[3]), float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[4])] 00551 00552 00553 userdata.target_object_pose.position.x = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[5]) 00554 userdata.target_object_pose.position.y = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[6]) 00555 # use height of workspace as a point on the surface 00556 userdata.target_object_pose.position.z = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[14]) 00557 userdata.target_object_pose.orientation.x = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[8]) 00558 userdata.target_object_pose.orientation.y =float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[9]) 00559 userdata.target_object_pose.orientation.z = float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[10]) 00560 userdata.target_object_pose.orientation.w =float(resp1.nextAction.generic.actionInfo[11]) 00561 """ 00562 return nextStep 00563 00564 else: 00565 print 'No valid action' 00566 nextStep = 'failed' 00567 return nextStep 00568 00569 00570 else: 00571 print 'No valid actionFlags' 00572 #print resp1.nextAction.actionFlags 00573 #nextStep = 'No_corresponding_action???' 00574 nextStep = 'failed' 00575 return 'failed' 00576 00577 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00578 print "Service call failed: %s"%e 00579 return 'failed' 00580 00581 return nextStep 00582 00583 ############################################## 00584 ### End of GetNextAction###################### 00585 ############################################## 00586 00587 00588 00589 #initialisation for a given task 00590 class initialise(smach.State): 00591 def __init__(self): 00592 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed']) 00593 #self.count=0 00594 00595 00596 def execute(self,userdata): 00597 00598 last_step_info = xmsg.Last_step_info() 00599 last_step_info.step_name = "initialise" 00600 last_step_info.outcome = 'succeeded' 00601 last_step_info.semi_autonomous_mode = False 00602 00603 #recording the information of last step 00604 global current_task_info 00605 00606 if len(current_task_info.last_step_info) > 0 : 00607 del current_task_info.last_step_info[:] #empty the list 00608 00609 current_task_info.last_step_info.append(last_step_info) 00610 00611 step_id = 1 00612 00613 _feedback=xmsg.ExecutionFeedback() 00614 _feedback.current_state = last_step_info.step_name + last_step_info.outcome 00615 _feedback.solution_required = False 00616 _feedback.exceptional_case_id = 0 00617 _feedback.json_feedback = '' 00618 00619 if not current_task_info.json_parameters == '': 00620 00621 json_feedback_current_action = '"current_action": {"name": "'+ last_step_info.step_name +'", "state": "' + last_step_info.outcome + '", "step_id": '+ str(step_id) +' }' 00622 00623 json_feedback_feedback = '"feedback": {"lang": "'+ current_task_info.language_set +'", "message": "'+ current_task_info.feedback_messages[last_step_info.step_name] +'"}' 00624 00625 json_feedback_task = '"task": {"task_id": "'+ str(current_task_info.task_feedback.task_id) +'", "task_initializer": "'+ current_task_info.task_feedback.task_initializer +'","task_initializer_type": "'+ current_task_info.task_feedback.task_initializer_type +'", "task_name": "'+ current_task_info.task_feedback.task_name +'","task_parameter": "'+ current_task_info.task_feedback.task_parameter +'"}' 00626 00627 _feedback.json_feedback = json.dumps ('{' + json_feedback_current_action + ',' + json_feedback_feedback + ',' + json_feedback_task + '}') 00628 00629 current_task_info._srs_as._as.publish_feedback(_feedback) 00630 00631 return 'succeeded' 00632 00633 #prepare the robot for the task 00634 class prepare_robot(smach.State): 00635 def __init__(self): 00636 smach.State.__init__(self, outcomes=['succeeded', 'failed']) 00637 #self.count=0 00638 00639 00640 def execute(self,userdata): 00641 00642 last_step_info = xmsg.Last_step_info() 00643 last_step_info.step_name = "prepare_robot" 00644 last_step_info.outcome = 'succeeded' 00645 last_step_info.semi_autonomous_mode = False 00646 00647 #recording the information of last step 00648 global current_task_info 00649 current_task_info.last_step_info.append(last_step_info) 00650 00651 #current_task_info.session_id = 123456 00652 00653 #initialisation of the robot 00654 # move to initial positions 00655 global sss 00656 00657 sss.set_light("yellow") 00658 00659 # initialize components 00660 handle_head = sss.init("head") 00661 if handle_head.get_error_code() != 0: 00662 return 'failed' 00663 00664 handle_torso = sss.init("torso") 00665 if handle_torso.get_error_code() != 0: 00666 return 'failed' 00667 00668 handle_tray = sss.init("tray") 00669 if handle_tray.get_error_code() != 0: 00670 return 'failed' 00671 00672 #handle_arm = sss.init("arm") 00673 #if handle_arm.get_error_code() != 0: 00674 # return 'failed' 00675 00676 handle_sdh = sss.init("sdh") 00677 #if handle_sdh.get_error_code() != 0: 00678 # return 'failed' 00679 00680 handle_base = sss.init("base") 00681 if handle_base.get_error_code() != 0: 00682 return 'failed' 00683 00684 # recover components 00685 handle_head = sss.recover("head") 00686 if handle_head.get_error_code() != 0: 00687 return 'failed' 00688 00689 handle_torso = sss.recover("torso") 00690 if handle_torso.get_error_code() != 0: 00691 return 'failed' 00692 00693 handle_tray = sss.recover("tray") 00694 if handle_tray.get_error_code() != 0: 00695 return 'failed' 00696 00697 handle_arm = sss.recover("arm") 00698 #if handle_arm.get_error_code() != 0: 00699 # return 'failed' 00700 00701 #handle_sdh = sss.recover("sdh") 00702 #if handle_sdh.get_error_code() != 0: 00703 # return 'failed' 00704 00705 handle_base = sss.recover("base") 00706 if handle_base.get_error_code() != 0: 00707 return 'failed' 00708 00709 # set light 00710 sss.set_light("green") 00711 00712 return 'succeeded' 00713 00714 00715 """ 00716 00717 00718 handle_torso = sss.move("torso", "home", False) 00719 handle_tray = sss.move("tray", "down", False) 00720 handle_arm = sss.move("arm", "folded", False) 00721 handle_sdh = sss.move("sdh", "cylclosed", False) 00722 handle_head = sss.move("head", "front", False) 00723 00724 00725 # wait for initial movements to finish 00726 handle_torso.wait() 00727 handle_tray.wait() 00728 handle_arm.wait() 00729 handle_sdh.wait() 00730 handle_head.wait() 00731 00732 00733 00734 return 'succeeded' 00735 """ 00736 00737 def pose_to_list(userdata): 00738 # userdata.target_object_name 00739 poseList = ('detect', userdata.target_object_name, str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.position.x), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.position.y), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.position.z), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.orientation.x), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.orientation.y), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.orientation.z), str(userdata.target_object_pose.pose.orientation.w)) 00740 00741 return poseList