
sr_movements Documentation

sr_movements: sr_movements

Contains a node which can be used to take the hand through a series of movements (perfect for tuning controllers for example).

This package reads a specified bitmap and send targets by replaying the drawn movement.

It also receives an input topic and calculates the MSE for each cycle of the bitmap plot. The MSE is output to ROS_INFO and published in the topic mse_out.

For example, using a hand drawn png file will send targets between the specified min and max values on a (very) rough sinusoid. The black dot on each row represents the percentage between min and max. The top of the graph is 100% (=max), the bottom is 0% (=min)

How To run the node:

You can start the node by:

> rosrun sr_movements sr_movements /sr_movements/targets:=/sh_ffj3_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command /sr_movements/inputs:=/sh_ffj3_mixed_position_velocity_controller/state _image_path:="`rospack find sr_movements`/movements/test.png" _min:=.1 _max:=1.4 _publish_rate:=100 _repetition:=5 _nb_step:=1000 _msg_type:="sr"

ROS interface


Publishes /sr_movements/targets with the targets values.

Publishes /sr_movements/mse_out with the calculated MSE values.

Subscribe to /sr_movements/inputs to receive the data to calculate MSE.


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Author(s): Ugo Cupcic / ugo@shadowrobot.com
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 15:21:19 2013