00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest("sr_move_arm") 00004 import rospy 00005 00006 import tf 00007 00008 import scipy, time 00009 from object_manipulator.convert_functions import * 00010 from object_manipulation_msgs.msg import GripperTranslation, ManipulationPhase 00011 from sr_robot_msgs.srv import which_fingers_are_touching 00012 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory 00013 from actionlib import SimpleActionClient 00014 #from motion_planning_msgs.msg import * 00015 from arm_navigation_msgs.msg import * 00016 #from geometric_shapes_msgs.msg import Shape 00017 from actionlib_msgs.msg import GoalStatus 00018 00019 from shadowhand_ros import ShadowHand_ROS 00020 00021 ##abort exception 00022 class Aborted(Exception): pass 00023 00024 class ReactiveGrasper(object): 00025 """ 00026 reactive/guarded movement and grasping 00027 """ 00028 def __init__(self, which_arm = 'r', slip_detection = False): 00029 self.using_slip_detection = slip_detection 00030 self.whicharm = which_arm 00031 00032 self.mypub = rospy.Publisher("/command",JointTrajectory) 00033 00034 #force to use when closing hard 00035 self.close_force = 100 00036 if self.using_slip_detection: 00037 self.close_force = 10 00038 00039 #has the hand been closed hard recently? 00040 self._closed_hard = 0 00041 00042 #collision name of support surface 00043 self._table_name = "table" 00044 00045 #root and tip name for listening 00046 #to the current palm pose 00047 self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() 00048 self.root_name = "world" 00049 self.tip_name = "palm" 00050 00051 #for taking photos of each step 00052 self._photo = 0 00053 00054 #broadcast the current phase of the manipulation 00055 self._phase_pub = rospy.Publisher('/reactive_manipulation_phase', ManipulationPhase) 00056 00057 #send targets to the arm / hand 00058 self.sr_lib = ShadowHand_ROS() 00059 self.move_arm_client = None 00060 00061 if which_arm == 'r': 00062 self.move_arm_client = SimpleActionClient( "/move_right_arm", MoveArmAction ) 00063 else: 00064 self.move_arm_client = SimpleActionClient( "/move_left_arm", MoveArmAction ) 00065 self.move_arm_client.wait_for_server() 00066 00067 #client to the tactile sensor manager. 00068 rospy.loginfo("Waiting for service which_fingers_are_touching") 00069 rospy.wait_for_service('which_fingers_are_touching') 00070 rospy.loginfo("OK service which_fingers_are_touching found.") 00071 self.which_fingers_are_touching_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('which_fingers_are_touching', which_fingers_are_touching) 00072 00073 #load tactile thresholds 00074 self.light_touch_thresholds = rospy.get_param('light_touch_thresholds', [100.,100.,100.,100.,0.0]) 00075 rospy.loginfo("light and grasp threashold are :") 00076 rospy.loginfo(self.light_touch_thresholds) 00077 self.grasp_touch_thresholds = rospy.get_param('grasp_touch_thresholds', [117.,117.,113.,111.,0.0]) 00078 rospy.loginfo(self.grasp_touch_thresholds) 00079 00080 #dictionary for ManipulationPhase 00081 self.manipulation_phase_dict = {} 00082 for element in dir(ManipulationPhase): 00083 if element[0].isupper(): 00084 self.manipulation_phase_dict[eval('ManipulationPhase.'+element)] = element 00085 00086 #dictionary of return values for reactive approach 00087 self.reactive_approach_result_dict = {"success":0, "within goal threshold":1, "both fingers touching":2, "ran out of tries":3, 00088 "touching table":4, "saw palm contact":5, "grasp infeasible":6} 00089 00090 #dictionary of return values for reactive_grasp 00091 self.reactive_grasp_result_dict = {"success":0, "ran out of grasp tries":1, "ran out of approach tries":2, 00092 "aborted":3, "grasp infeasible":4} 00093 00094 rospy.logdebug("done with ReactiveGrasper init for the %s arm"%self.whicharm) 00095 00096 def broadcast_phase(self, phase): 00097 """ 00098 broadcast the current manipulation phase (of type ManipulationPhase) 00099 """ 00100 rospy.loginfo("broadcasting reactive phase %s"%self.manipulation_phase_dict[phase]) 00101 self._phase_pub.publish(phase) 00102 00103 00104 def reactive_grasp(self, approach_pose, grasp_pose, joint_path = None, pregrasp_posture = None, grasp_posture = None, side_step = .015, back_step = .03, 00105 approach_num_tries = 10, goal_pos_thres = 0.01, grasp_num_tries = 4, 00106 forward_step = 0.03, object_name = "points", table_name = "table", 00107 grasp_adjust_x_step = .02, grasp_adjust_z_step = .015, grasp_adjust_num_tries = 3): 00108 self._table_name = table_name 00109 00110 self.check_preempt() 00111 00112 #if approach_pose is not specified, use the current pose of the hand 00113 if approach_pose == None: 00114 (current_trans,current_rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform(self.root_name, self.tip_name, rospy.Time(0)) 00115 approach_pose = create_pose_stamped(current_trans+current_rot) 00116 00117 self.check_preempt() 00118 00119 #compute (unit) approach direction in base_link frame 00120 approach_dir = self.compute_approach_dir(approach_pose, grasp_pose) 00121 00122 num_tries = 0 00123 current_goal_pose = grasp_pose 00124 while 1: 00125 if approach_num_tries: 00126 #try the approach, unless the reactive approach is disabled (approach_num_tries is 0) 00127 approach_result = self.reactive_approach(approach_dir, current_goal_pose, joint_path, 00128 side_step, back_step, 00129 approach_num_tries, goal_pos_thres) 00130 #quit if the approach ran out of tries (couldn't get around the object) 00131 if approach_result == self.reactive_approach_result_dict["ran out of tries"]: 00132 return self.reactive_grasp_result_dict["ran out of approach tries"] 00133 elif approach_result == self.reactive_approach_result_dict["grasp infeasible"]: 00134 return self.reactive_grasp_result_dict["grasp infeasible"] 00135 else: 00136 #reactive approach is disabled; just move to the goal 00137 self.broadcast_phase(ManipulationPhase.MOVING_TO_GRASP) 00138 rospy.loginfo("reactive approach is disabled, moving to the goal") 00139 self.move_cartesian_step(grasp_pose, timeout = 10.0, settling_time = 5.0, blocking = 1) 00140 00141 #go to the pregrasp posture 00142 rospy.loginfo("Going to pregrasp posture.") 00143 self.open_and_reset_fingertips(pregrasp_posture, reset = 1) 00144 #then start closing the hand compliantly 00145 rospy.loginfo("starting compliant_close") 00146 self.compliant_close(grasp_posture, pregrasp_posture) 00147 00148 self.check_preempt() 00149 00150 #check if the grasp is okay 00151 if self.check_good_grasp(): 00152 rospy.loginfo("Grasp successfully achieved") 00153 return self.reactive_grasp_result_dict["success"] 00154 00155 #if the grasp is not okay 00156 num_tries += 1 00157 if num_tries < grasp_num_tries: 00158 rospy.logwarn("Failed to grasp: trying once more") 00159 #move the goal forward along the approach direction by forward_step 00160 move_forward_vect = approach_dir*forward_step 00161 current_goal_pose = self.return_rel_pose(move_forward_vect, self.root_name, current_goal_pose) 00162 00163 joint_path = None 00164 00165 #print the new goal 00166 (goal_pos, goal_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(self.tf_listener, current_goal_pose, self.root_name) 00167 rospy.loginfo("trying approach again with new goal, pos: "+pplist(goal_pos)+" rot: "+pplist(goal_rot)) 00168 00169 #open the gripper back up 00170 self.open_and_reset_fingertips(pregrasp_posture, reset = 1) 00171 00172 else: 00173 rospy.loginfo("ran out of grasp tries!") 00174 return self.reactive_grasp_result_dict["ran out of grasp tries"] 00175 00176 00177 def reactive_approach(self, approach_dir, current_goal_pose, joint_path = None, 00178 side_step = .015, back_step = .03, 00179 num_tries = 10, goal_pos_thres = 0.01): 00180 """ 00181 Stops and goes back a little in case of a contact. 00182 """ 00183 00184 rospy.loginfo("Executing a reactive approach") 00185 self.broadcast_phase(ManipulationPhase.MOVING_TO_GRASP) 00186 00187 #check the position of the palm compared to the position of the object 00188 #adjust if necessary 00189 00190 current_sleep_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00191 last_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00192 #follow the joint_path if one is given 00193 if joint_path != None: 00194 self.check_preempt() 00195 00196 self.mypub.publish(joint_path) 00197 rospy.logerr("Sent a trajectory !") 00198 rospy.sleep(10) 00199 rospy.logerr("Trajectory should be finished !") 00200 '''joint_names = joint_path.joint_names 00201 countTime = 5 00202 00203 for trajectory_step in joint_path.points: 00204 sendupdate_msg = [] 00205 00206 for (joint_name, joint_target) in zip(joint_names, trajectory_step.positions): 00207 # convert targets to degrees 00208 sendupdate_msg.append(joint(joint_name = joint_name, joint_target = joint_target * 57.325)) 00209 00210 self.sr_arm_target_pub.publish(sendupdate(len(sendupdate_msg), sendupdate_msg) ) 00211 self.sr_hand_target_pub.publish(sendupdate(len(sendupdate_msg), sendupdate_msg) ) 00212 00213 current_sleep_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start - last_time 00214 rospy.sleep( countTime ) # current_sleep_time ) 00215 countTime=max(countTime-1,0.5) 00216 last_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start 00217 else: 00218 #if no joint_path is given, go to the current_goal_pose 00219 self.command_cartesian( current_goal_pose )''' 00220 00221 return self.reactive_approach_result_dict["success"] 00222 00223 00224 def reactive_lift(self, goal): 00225 """ 00226 Lifts the object while monitoring for contacts. 00227 """ 00228 #follow the joint_path if one is given 00229 joint_path = goal.trajectory 00230 last_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00231 current_sleep_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00232 00233 if joint_path != None: 00234 self.check_preempt() 00235 joint_names = joint_path.joint_names 00236 00237 for trajectory_step in joint_path.points: 00238 sendupdate_dict = {} 00239 00240 for (joint_name, joint_target) in zip(joint_names, trajectory_step.positions): 00241 # convert targets to degrees 00242 sendupdate_dict[joint_name] = joint_target * 57.325 00243 00244 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_arm_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00245 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00246 00247 current_sleep_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start - last_time 00248 rospy.sleep( current_sleep_time ) 00249 last_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start 00250 00251 else: 00252 #if no joint_path is given, go to the current_goal_pose 00253 rospy.logerr("TODO: Implement this. Get current pose, add the lift and set this as the command_cartesian target.") 00254 self.command_cartesian( goal.lift ) 00255 00256 return self.reactive_approach_result_dict["success"] 00257 00258 def reactive_place(self, goal): 00259 """ 00260 Lifts the object while monitoring for contacts. 00261 """ 00262 #follow the joint_path if one is given 00263 joint_path = goal.trajectory 00264 last_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00265 current_sleep_time = rospy.Duration(0.0) 00266 00267 if joint_path != None: 00268 self.check_preempt() 00269 joint_names = joint_path.joint_names 00270 00271 for trajectory_step in joint_path.points: 00272 sendupdate_dict = {} 00273 00274 for (joint_name, joint_target) in zip(joint_names, trajectory_step.positions): 00275 # convert targets to degrees 00276 sendupdate_dict[joint_name] = joint_target * 57.325 00277 00278 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_arm_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00279 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00280 00281 current_sleep_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start - last_time 00282 rospy.sleep( current_sleep_time ) 00283 last_time = trajectory_step.time_from_start 00284 00285 else: 00286 #if no joint_path is given, try to go to the final_place_pose directly 00287 self.command_cartesian( goal.final_place_pose ) 00288 00289 return self.reactive_approach_result_dict["success"] 00290 00291 00292 def compliant_close(self, grasp_posture = None, pregrasp_posture = None): 00293 """ 00294 Close compliantly. We're going to interpolate from pregrasp to grasp, sending 00295 data each iteration_time. We stop the fingers when they come in contact with something 00296 using the feedback from the tactile sensors. 00297 00298 @grasp_posture: the posture of the hand for the grasp - joint names and positions 00299 @pregrasp_posture: the posture of the hand when doing the approach. We assume 00300 that the grasp and pregrasp have the same joint order. 00301 @nb_steps: the number of steps used in the interpolation. 00302 @iteration_time: how long do we wait between 2 steps. 00303 """ 00304 rospy.loginfo("Closing the hand compliantly") 00305 self.check_preempt() 00306 self.broadcast_phase(ManipulationPhase.CLOSING) 00307 use_slip_controller_to_close = self.using_slip_detection 00308 00309 if grasp_posture == None: 00310 rospy.logerr("No grasp posture given, aborting") 00311 return 00312 00313 if pregrasp_posture == None: 00314 rospy.logerr("No pregrasp posture given, aborting - FIXME") 00315 #doesn't need to abort here, could read current position from the hand and take 00316 #those as the pregrasp. 00317 return 00318 00319 #TODO: good compliant close - someone from HANDLE? 00320 # Counter-move the arm to keep the touching fingers in-place while closing? 00321 joint_names = grasp_posture.name 00322 grasp_targets = grasp_posture.position 00323 pregrasp_targets = pregrasp_posture.position 00324 #QUESTION: Should we make sure grasp and pregrasp have the same order? 00325 00326 current_targets = self.close_until_force(joint_names, pregrasp_targets, grasp_targets, self.light_touch_thresholds) 00327 00328 #now that all the fingers are touching the object, we're going to close 00329 #with a stronger grasp. 00330 rospy.sleep(1) 00331 rospy.loginfo("Now closing with stronger grasp.") 00332 00333 current_targets = self.close_until_force(joint_names, current_targets, grasp_targets, self.grasp_touch_thresholds, "All the fingers are now grasping the object strongly.") 00334 00335 rospy.logwarn("Waiting a little after closing the hand") 00336 rospy.sleep(1) 00337 00338 def close_until_force(self, joint_names, pregrasp, grasp, forces_threshold, success_msg = "All the fingers are now touching the object.", nb_steps = 20, iteration_time=0.2): 00339 """ 00340 Closes the hand from pregrasp to grasp 00341 until the given forces are reached. 00342 00343 @return returns the positions reached when the forces were reached. 00344 """ 00345 current_targets = [] 00346 for pos in pregrasp: 00347 current_targets.append(pos) 00348 00349 #loop on all the iteration steps. The target for a given finger 00350 # is : 00351 # target = pregrasp + (grasp - pregrasp) * (i / TOTAL_NB_OF_STEPS) 00352 fingers_touching = [0,0,0,0,0] 00353 00354 for i_step in range(0, nb_steps + 1): 00355 sendupdate_dict = {} 00356 fingers_touch_index = {"FF":0, "MF":1, "RF":2, "LF":3, "TH":4} 00357 for (index, joint_name, grasp_target, pregrasp_target) in zip(range(0,len(joint_names)),joint_names, grasp, pregrasp): 00358 # only update the finger that are not touching 00359 # takes the first 2 letters of the names (= finger name) 00360 # and check the index from the dict defined before the for loop. 00361 # return -1 if the finger is not in the dict 00362 touch_index = fingers_touch_index.get(joint_name[:2], -1) 00363 if touch_index == -1: 00364 touching = 0 00365 else: 00366 touching = fingers_touching[touch_index] 00367 if touching == 0: 00368 joint_target = pregrasp_target + float(grasp_target - pregrasp_target)*(float(i_step) / float(nb_steps) ) 00369 myjoint_target = joint_target * 180.0 / math.pi 00370 current_targets[index] = joint_target 00371 sendupdate_dict[joint_name] = myjoint_target 00372 rospy.logdebug("["+joint_name+"]: (p/g/t) = "+str(pregrasp_target)+"/"+str(grasp_target)+"/"+str(myjoint_target) + " ("+ 00373 str(float(i_step) / float(nb_steps))+"%)") 00374 00375 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00376 rospy.sleep(iteration_time) 00377 #check which fingers are touching 00378 which_fingers_are_touching_response = [] 00379 try: 00380 which_fingers_are_touching_response = self.which_fingers_are_touching_client(forces_threshold) 00381 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00382 rospy.logerr("Couldn't call the service which_fingers_are_touching") 00383 00384 #check if all the fingers are touching 00385 fingers_touching = which_fingers_are_touching_response.touch_forces 00386 all_fingers_touching = True 00387 00388 #we don't check the thumb as the dummy tactile sensors are not 00389 # working properly for the thumb 00390 for value in fingers_touching[:4]: 00391 if value == 0.0: 00392 all_fingers_touching = False 00393 break 00394 #stop when all the fingers are touching the object 00395 if all_fingers_touching: 00396 rospy.loginfo(success_msg) 00397 break 00398 00399 return current_targets 00400 00401 def check_good_grasp(self): 00402 """ 00403 Check if we have a good grasp on the object. 00404 """ 00405 rospy.logerr("TODO: really check if we have a good grasp - shake the object maybe?") 00406 00407 return True 00408 00409 def compute_approach_dir(self, approach_pose, grasp_pose): 00410 """ 00411 compute (unit) approach direction in base_link frame from an approach_pose and grasp_pose (returns scipy array) 00412 """ 00413 approach_vect = self.compute_approach_vect(approach_pose, grasp_pose) 00414 approach_dir = approach_vect/scipy.dot(approach_vect, approach_vect)**.5 00415 return approach_dir 00416 00417 def compute_approach_vect(self, approach_pose, grasp_pose): 00418 """ 00419 compute approach vector in base_link frame from an approach_pose and grasp_pose (returns scipy array) 00420 """ 00421 (approach_pos, approach_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(self.tf_listener, approach_pose, self.root_name) 00422 (grasp_pos, grasp_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(self.tf_listener, grasp_pose, self.root_name) 00423 approach_vect = scipy.array(grasp_pos) - scipy.array(approach_pos) 00424 return approach_vect 00425 00426 def return_rel_pose(self, vector, frame, start_pose = None, orthogonal_to_vect = None, orthogonal_to_vect_frame = 'world'): 00427 """ 00428 convert a relative vector in frame to a pose in the base_link frame 00429 if start_pose is not specified, uses current pose of the wrist 00430 if orthogonal_to_vect and orthogonal_to_vect_frame are specified, first convert vector to be orthogonal to orthogonal_to_vect 00431 """ 00432 00433 #if start_pose is not specified, use the current Cartesian pose of the wrist 00434 if start_pose == None: 00435 (start_trans, start_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(self.tf_listener, self.tip_name, self.root_name) 00436 else: 00437 start_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) 00438 (start_trans, start_rot) = pose_stamped_to_lists(self.tf_listener, start_pose, self.root_name) 00439 00440 #convert the vector in frame to base_link frame 00441 if frame != self.root_name: 00442 vector3_stamped = create_vector3_stamped(vector, frame) 00443 base_link_vector = vector3_stamped_to_list(self.tf_listener, vector3_stamped, self.root_name) 00444 else: 00445 base_link_vector = vector 00446 00447 #if orthogonal_to_vect and orthogonal_to_vect_frame are specified, make the vector orthogonal to that vector 00448 if orthogonal_to_vect != None: 00449 #first convert it to the base_link frame if it's not already 00450 if orthogonal_to_vect_frame != self.root_name: 00451 ortho_vector3_stamped = create_vector3_stamped(orthogonal_to_vect, orthogonal_to_vect_frame) 00452 ortho_base_link_vector = vector3_stamped_to_list(self.tf_listener, ortho_vector3_stamped, self.root_name) 00453 else: 00454 ortho_base_link_vector = orthogonal_to_vect 00455 00456 #now project the desired vector onto the orthogonal vector and subtract out that component 00457 base_link_vector = self.make_orthogonal(base_link_vector, ortho_base_link_vector) 00458 00459 #add the desired vector to the position 00460 new_trans = [x+y for (x,y) in zip(start_trans, base_link_vector)] 00461 #create a new poseStamped 00462 pose_stamped = create_pose_stamped(new_trans+start_rot) 00463 00464 return pose_stamped 00465 00466 def open_and_reset_fingertips(self, pregrasp_posture, reset = 0): 00467 """ 00468 Open the hand 00469 """ 00470 joint_names = pregrasp_posture.name 00471 joint_targets = pregrasp_posture.position 00472 sendupdate_dict = {} 00473 00474 for (joint_name, joint_target) in zip(joint_names, joint_targets): 00475 myjoint_target=joint_target * 180 / math.pi 00476 sendupdate_dict[joint_name] = myjoint_target 00477 00478 self.sr_lib.sendupdate_from_dict(sendupdate_dict) 00479 00480 def command_cartesian(self, pose, frame_id='world'): 00481 """ 00482 Tries to go to the given pose with the arm. 00483 """ 00484 goalA = MoveArmGoal() 00485 if self.whicharm == "r": 00486 goalA.motion_plan_request.group_name = "right_arm" 00487 else: 00488 goalA.motion_plan_request.group_name = "left_arm" 00489 00490 goalA.motion_plan_request.num_planning_attempts = 1 00491 goalA.motion_plan_request.planner_id = "" 00492 goalA.motion_plan_request.allowed_planning_time = rospy.Duration(5.0) 00493 00494 00495 pc = PositionConstraint() 00496 pc.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() 00497 pc.header.frame_id = self.root_name 00498 pc.link_name = self.tip_name 00499 pc.position = pose.pose.position 00500 00501 pc.constraint_region_shape.type = Shape.BOX 00502 pc.constraint_region_shape.dimensions = [0.02, 0.02, 0.02] 00503 pc.constraint_region_orientation.w = 1.0 00504 00505 goalA.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.position_constraints.append(pc) 00506 00507 oc = OrientationConstraint() 00508 oc.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() 00509 oc.header.frame_id = self.root_name 00510 oc.link_name = self.tip_name 00511 oc.orientation = pose.pose.orientation 00512 00513 oc.absolute_roll_tolerance = 0.04 00514 oc.absolute_pitch_tolerance = 0.04 00515 oc.absolute_yaw_tolerance = 0.04 00516 oc.weight = 1. 00517 00518 goalA.motion_plan_request.goal_constraints.orientation_constraints.append(oc) 00519 00520 self.move_arm_client.send_goal(goalA) 00521 finished_within_time = False 00522 finished_within_time = self.move_arm_client.wait_for_result() 00523 00524 if not finished_within_time: 00525 self.move_arm_client.cancel_goal() 00526 rospy.logout('Timed out achieving goal A') 00527 else: 00528 state = self.move_arm_client.get_state() 00529 if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: 00530 rospy.logout('Action finished with SUCCESS') 00531 else: 00532 rospy.logout('Action failed') 00533 00534 def check_preempt(self): 00535 """ 00536 Needs to be overloaded 00537 """ 00538 pass