
sr_move_arm Documentation

sr_move_arm: sr_move_arm

This is an actionlib server wrapup around the shadow arm. It's goal is to move the arm, given a goal. It also contains a reactive grasp / reactive approach action server. This server computes dynamic checks during the approach phase, during the grasping, during the lifting of the object, as well as when placing the object on the table.

sr_move_arm is an actionlib server wrapup around the shadow arm. It's goal is to move the arm, given a goal. It also contains a reactive grasp / reactive approach action server. This server computes dynamic checks during the approach phase, during the grasping, during the lifting of the object, as well as when placing the object on the table.


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Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 15:03:02 2013