00001 00027 #include "sr_mechanism_controllers/srh_fake_joint_calibration_controller.h" 00028 #include "ros/time.h" 00029 #include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.h" 00030 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> 00031 #include <string> 00032 #include <std_srvs/Empty.h> 00033 00034 PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(sr_mechanism_controllers, SrhFakeJointCalibrationController, controller::SrhFakeJointCalibrationController, pr2_controller_interface::Controller) 00035 00036 using namespace std; 00037 00038 namespace controller { 00039 00040 SrhFakeJointCalibrationController::SrhFakeJointCalibrationController() 00041 : robot_(NULL), last_publish_time_(0), state_(INITIALIZED), 00042 actuator_(NULL), joint_(NULL), transmission_(NULL) 00043 { 00044 } 00045 00046 SrhFakeJointCalibrationController::~SrhFakeJointCalibrationController() 00047 { 00048 } 00049 00050 bool SrhFakeJointCalibrationController::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot, ros::NodeHandle &n) 00051 { 00052 robot_ = robot; 00053 node_ = n; 00054 // Joint 00055 00056 std::string joint_name; 00057 if (!node_.getParam("joint", joint_name)) 00058 { 00059 ROS_ERROR("No joint given (namespace: %s)", node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00060 return false; 00061 } 00062 if (!(joint_ = robot->getJointState(joint_name))) 00063 { 00064 ROS_ERROR("Could not find joint %s (namespace: %s)", 00065 joint_name.c_str(), node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00066 return false; 00067 } 00068 joint_name_ = joint_name; 00069 00070 // Actuator 00071 std::string actuator_name; 00072 if (!node_.getParam("actuator", actuator_name)) 00073 { 00074 ROS_ERROR("No actuator given (namespace: %s)", node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00075 return false; 00076 } 00077 if (!(actuator_ = robot->model_->getActuator(actuator_name))) 00078 { 00079 ROS_ERROR("Could not find actuator %s (namespace: %s)", 00080 actuator_name.c_str(), node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00081 return false; 00082 } 00083 actuator_name_ = actuator_name; 00084 00085 // Transmission 00086 std::string transmission_name; 00087 if (!node_.getParam("transmission", transmission_name)) 00088 { 00089 ROS_ERROR("No transmission given (namespace: %s)", node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00090 return false; 00091 } 00092 if (!(transmission_ = robot->model_->getTransmission(transmission_name))) 00093 { 00094 ROS_ERROR("Could not find transmission %s (namespace: %s)", 00095 transmission_name.c_str(), node_.getNamespace().c_str()); 00096 return false; 00097 } 00098 00099 // "Calibrated" topic 00100 pub_calibrated_.reset( 00101 new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<std_msgs::Empty>(node_, "calibrated", 1)); 00102 00103 return true; 00104 } 00105 00106 00107 void SrhFakeJointCalibrationController::update() 00108 { 00109 assert(joint_); 00110 assert(actuator_); 00111 00112 switch(state_) 00113 { 00114 case INITIALIZED: 00115 state_ = BEGINNING; 00116 break; 00117 case BEGINNING: 00118 initialize_pids(); 00119 joint_->calibrated_ = true; 00120 state_ = CALIBRATED; 00121 //We add the following line to delay for some time the first publish and allow the correct initialization of the subscribers in calibrate.py 00122 last_publish_time_ = robot_->getTime(); 00123 break; 00124 case CALIBRATED: 00125 if (pub_calibrated_) 00126 { 00127 if (last_publish_time_ + ros::Duration(0.5) < robot_->getTime()) 00128 { 00129 assert(pub_calibrated_); 00130 if (pub_calibrated_->trylock()) 00131 { 00132 last_publish_time_ = robot_->getTime(); 00133 pub_calibrated_->unlockAndPublish(); 00134 } 00135 } 00136 } 00137 break; 00138 } 00139 } 00140 00141 void SrhFakeJointCalibrationController::initialize_pids() 00142 { 00144 std::string service_name = "/realtime_loop/reset_motor_" + boost::to_upper_copy(actuator_name_); 00145 if( ros::service::waitForService (service_name, ros::Duration(2.0)) ) 00146 { 00147 ros::ServiceClient client = node_.serviceClient<std_srvs::Empty>(service_name); 00148 std_srvs::Empty srv; 00149 if( client.call(srv) ) 00150 { 00151 return; 00152 } 00153 } 00154 } 00155 00156 } // namespace 00157 00158 /* For the emacs weenies in the crowd. 00159 Local Variables: 00160 c-basic-offset: 2 00161 End: 00162 */