00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 # Copyright (c) 2010, Willow Garage, Inc. 00003 # All rights reserved. 00004 # 00005 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00006 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00007 # 00008 # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00009 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00010 # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00011 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00012 # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00013 # * Neither the name of the Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its 00014 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 00015 # this software without specific prior written permission. 00016 # 00017 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 00018 # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 00019 # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 00020 # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 00021 # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 00022 # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 00023 # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 00024 # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 00025 # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 00026 # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00027 # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00028 # 00029 # Author: Jonathan Bohren 00030 00031 import rospy 00032 00033 import sys 00034 import xdot 00035 import wx 00036 00037 DOTCODE= """digraph G { 00038 rankdir=LR; 00039 _included_talker [label="/included/talker"]; 00040 _included_wg2_talker [label="/included/wg2/talker"]; 00041 _included2_talker [label="/included2/talker"]; 00042 _included2_listener [label="/included2/listener"]; 00043 _included_wg2_listener [label="/included/wg2/listener"]; 00044 _rosout [label="/rosout"]; 00045 _included_listener [label="/included/listener"]; 00046 _wg_listener [label="/wg/listener"]; 00047 _wg_talker2 [label="/wg/talker2"]; 00048 _wg_talker1 [label="/wg/talker1"]; 00049 _included2_wg2_talker [label="/included2/wg2/talker"]; 00050 _included2_wg2_listener [label="/included2/wg2/listener"]; 00051 _wg_talker1->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00052 _included2_wg2_listener->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00053 _wg_talker2->_wg_listener [label="/wg/hello"] 00054 _wg_talker2->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00055 _included2_wg2_talker->_included2_wg2_listener [label="/included2/wg2/chatter"] 00056 _included2_listener->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00057 _included_wg2_listener->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00058 _wg_talker1->_wg_listener [label="/wg/hello"] 00059 _included2_talker->_included2_listener [label="/included2/chatter"] 00060 _wg_listener->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00061 _included_wg2_talker->_included_wg2_listener [label="/included/wg2/chatter"] 00062 _included_talker->_included_listener [label="/included/chatter"] 00063 _included_wg2_talker->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00064 _included2_talker->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00065 _included2_wg2_talker->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00066 _included_talker->_rosout [label="/rosout"] 00067 _included_listener->_rosout [label="/rosout"]} 00068 """ 00069 00070 class RxGraphViewerFrame(wx.Frame): 00071 def __init__(self): 00072 wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, "rxgraph", size=(720,480)) 00073 00074 # TODO: convert to read-only property 00075 self.ns_filter = None 00076 self.quiet = False 00077 self.topic_boxes = False 00078 00079 self._needs_refresh = False 00080 self._new_info_text = None 00081 00082 # setup UI 00083 vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 00084 00085 # Create Splitter 00086 self.content_splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self, -1,style = wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE) 00087 self.content_splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(24) 00088 self.content_splitter.SetSashGravity(0.85) 00089 00090 # Create viewer pane 00091 viewer = wx.Panel(self.content_splitter,-1) 00092 00093 # Setup the graph panel 00094 graph_view = wx.Panel(viewer, -1) 00095 gv_vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 00096 graph_view.SetSizer(gv_vbox) 00097 00098 viewer_box = wx.BoxSizer() 00099 viewer_box.Add(graph_view,1,wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4) 00100 viewer.SetSizer(viewer_box) 00101 00102 # Construct toolbar 00103 toolbar = wx.ToolBar(graph_view, -1) 00104 00105 toolbar.AddControl(wx.StaticText(toolbar,-1,"Path: ")) 00106 00107 self._ns_combo = wx.ComboBox(toolbar, -1, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) 00108 self._ns_combo .Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self._ns_combo_event) 00109 self._ns_combo.Append('/') 00110 self._ns_combo.SetValue('/') 00111 self._namespaces = ['/'] 00112 00113 # display options 00114 quiet_check = wx.CheckBox(toolbar, -1, label="Quiet") 00115 quiet_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._quiet_check_event) 00116 topic_check = wx.CheckBox(toolbar, -1, label="All topics") 00117 topic_check.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._topic_check_event) 00118 00119 toolbar.AddControl(self._ns_combo) 00120 00121 toolbar.AddControl(wx.StaticText(toolbar,-1," ")) 00122 toolbar.AddControl(quiet_check) 00123 toolbar.AddControl(wx.StaticText(toolbar,-1," ")) 00124 toolbar.AddControl(topic_check) 00125 00126 toolbar.AddControl(wx.StaticText(toolbar,-1," ")) 00127 toolbar.AddLabelTool(wx.ID_HELP, 'Help', 00128 wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_HELP,wx.ART_OTHER,(16,16)) ) 00129 toolbar.Realize() 00130 00131 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.ShowControlsDialog, id=wx.ID_HELP) 00132 00133 # Create dot graph widget 00134 self._widget = xdot.wxxdot.WxDotWindow(graph_view, -1) 00135 self._widget.set_dotcode(DOTCODE) 00136 self._widget.zoom_to_fit() 00137 00138 gv_vbox.Add(toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND) 00139 gv_vbox.Add(self._widget, 1, wx.EXPAND) 00140 00141 # Create userdata widget 00142 borders = wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP 00143 border = 4 00144 self.info_win = wx.ScrolledWindow(self.content_splitter, -1) 00145 self.info_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 00146 self.info_sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self.info_win,-1,"Info:"),0, borders, border) 00147 self.info_txt = wx.TextCtrl(self.info_win,-1,style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) 00148 self.info_sizer.Add(self.info_txt,1,wx.EXPAND | borders, border) 00149 self.info_win.SetSizer(self.info_sizer) 00150 00151 # Set content splitter 00152 self.content_splitter.SplitVertically(viewer, self.info_win, 512) 00153 00154 vbox.Add(self.content_splitter, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL) 00155 self.SetSizer(vbox) 00156 self.Center() 00157 00158 self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE,self.OnIdle) 00159 00160 def register_select_cb(self, callback): 00161 self._widget.register_select_callback(callback) 00162 00163 def OnIdle(self, event): 00164 if self._new_info_text is not None: 00165 self.info_txt.SetValue(self._new_info_text) 00166 self._new_info_text = None 00167 if self._needs_refresh: 00168 self.Refresh() 00169 self._needs_refresh = False 00170 00171 def _quiet_check_event(self, event): 00172 self.quiet = event.Checked() 00173 00174 def _topic_check_event(self, event): 00175 self.topic_boxes = event.Checked() 00176 00177 def _ns_combo_event(self, event): 00178 self.ns_filter = self._ns_combo.GetValue() 00179 self._needs_zoom = True 00180 00181 def set_info_text(self, text): 00182 self._new_info_text = text 00183 00184 def update_namespaces(self, namespaces): 00185 # unfortunately this routine will not alphanumerically sort 00186 curr = self._namespaces 00187 new_filters = [n for n in namespaces if n not in curr] 00188 for f in new_filters: 00189 self._ns_combo.Append(f) 00190 curr.extend(new_filters) 00191 00192 def ShowControlsDialog(self,event): 00193 dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, 00194 "Pan: Arrow Keys\nZoom: PageUp / PageDown\nZoom To Fit: F\n", 00195 'Keyboard Controls', wx.OK) 00196 dial.ShowModal() 00197 00198 def set_dotcode(self, dotcode, zoom=True): 00199 if self._widget.set_dotcode(dotcode, None): 00200 self.SetTitle('rxgraph') 00201 if zoom or self._needs_zoom: 00202 self._widget.zoom_to_fit() 00203 self._needs_zoom = False 00204 self._needs_refresh = True 00205 wx.PostEvent(self.GetEventHandler(), wx.IdleEvent()) 00206 00207