00001 #!/usr/bin/python 00002 import sys 00003 00004 import roslib 00005 roslib.load_manifest("rtt_rosnode"); 00006 00007 try: 00008 if(roslib.stacks.get_stack_version('ros')<'1.8.0'): 00009 import roscpp 00010 import roscpp.msg_gen as gencpp 00011 else: 00012 import gencpp 00013 except: 00014 import gencpp 00015 00016 from roslib import packages,msgs 00017 import os 00018 00019 from cStringIO import StringIO 00020 00021 NAME='create_boost_headers' 00022 00023 def write_boost_includes(s, spec): 00024 """ 00025 Writes the message-specific includes 00026 00027 @param s: The stream to write to 00028 @type s: stream 00029 @param spec: The message spec to iterate over 00030 @type spec: roslib.msgs.MsgSpec 00031 @param serializer: The serializer type for which to include headers 00032 @type serializer: str 00033 """ 00034 for field in spec.parsed_fields(): 00035 if (not field.is_builtin): 00036 if (field.is_header): 00037 s.write('#include <ros/common.h>\n') 00038 s.write('#if ROS_VERSION_MINIMUM(1,4,0)\n') 00039 s.write('#include <std_msgs/Header.h>\n') 00040 s.write('#else\n') 00041 s.write('#include <roslib/Header.h>\n') 00042 s.write('#endif\n') 00043 else: 00044 (pkg, name) = roslib.names.package_resource_name(field.base_type) 00045 pkg = pkg or spec.package # convert '' to package 00046 s.write('#include "%s/boost/%s.h"\n'%(pkg, name)) 00047 00048 s.write('\n') 00049 00050 00051 def write_boost_serialization(s, spec, cpp_name_prefix, file): 00052 """ 00053 Writes the boost::serialize function for a message 00054 00055 @param s: Stream to write to 00056 @type s: stream 00057 @param spec: The message spec 00058 @type spec: roslib.msgs.MsgSpec 00059 @param cpp_name_prefix: The C++ prefix to prepend to a message to refer to it (e.g. "std_msgs::") 00060 @type cpp_name_prefix: str 00061 """ 00062 (cpp_msg_unqualified, cpp_msg_with_alloc, _) = gencpp.cpp_message_declarations(cpp_name_prefix, spec.short_name) 00063 00064 s.write("/* Auto-generated by genmsg_cpp for file %s */\n"%(file)) 00065 s.write('#ifndef %s_BOOST_SERIALIZATION_%s_H\n'%(spec.package.upper(), spec.short_name.upper())) 00066 s.write('#define %s_BOOST_SERIALIZATION_%s_H\n\n'%(spec.package.upper(), spec.short_name.upper())) 00067 s.write('#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>\n') 00068 s.write('#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>\n') 00069 s.write('#include <%s/%s.h>\n'%(spec.package,spec.short_name)) 00070 write_boost_includes(s, spec) 00071 s.write('namespace boost\n{\n') 00072 s.write('namespace serialization\n{\n\n') 00073 00074 s.write('template<class Archive, class ContainerAllocator>\n') 00075 00076 s.write('void serialize(Archive& a, %s & m, unsigned int)\n{\n'%(cpp_msg_with_alloc)) 00077 00078 for field in spec.parsed_fields(): 00079 s.write(' a & make_nvp("%s",m.%s);\n'%(field.name,field.name)) 00080 s.write('}\n\n') 00081 00082 s.write('} // namespace serialization\n') 00083 s.write('} // namespace boost\n\n') 00084 s.write('#endif // %s_BOOST_SERIALIZATION_%s_H\n'%(spec.package.upper(), spec.short_name.upper())) 00085 00086 00087 00088 def generate_boost_serialization(msg_path): 00089 """ 00090 Generate a boost::serialization header 00091 00092 @param msg_path: The path to the .msg file 00093 @type msg_path: str 00094 """ 00095 (package_dir, package) = roslib.packages.get_dir_pkg(msg_path) 00096 (_, spec) = roslib.msgs.load_from_file(msg_path, package) 00097 cpp_prefix = '%s::'%(package) 00098 00099 s = StringIO() 00100 write_boost_serialization(s, spec, cpp_prefix, msg_path) 00101 00102 output_dir = 'include/%s/boost'%(package) 00103 try: 00104 os.makedirs(output_dir) 00105 except OSError, e: 00106 pass 00107 00108 f = open('%s/%s.h'%(output_dir, spec.short_name), 'w') 00109 print >> f, s.getvalue() 00110 00111 s.close() 00112 00113 00114 def create_boost_headers(argv, stdout, stderr): 00115 from optparse import OptionParser 00116 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [packages]", prog=NAME) 00117 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) 00118 00119 # get the file name 00120 if len(args) < 2: 00121 parser.error("you must specify at least package") 00122 pkgs = args[1:] 00123 for pkg in pkgs: 00124 pp = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir(pkg); 00125 msgs = roslib.msgs.list_msg_types(pkg,False) 00126 for msg in msgs: 00127 generate_boost_serialization(pp+'/msg/'+msg+'.msg') 00128 00129 if __name__ == "__main__": 00130 try: 00131 create_boost_headers(sys.argv, sys.stdout, sys.stderr) 00132 except Exception, e: 00133 print >> sys.stderr, e 00134 sys.exit(1)