00001 00002 def _update_server_list(self): 00003 while self._keep_running: 00004 # Update the server list 00005 server_names = self._client.get_servers() 00006 new_server_names = [sn for sn in server_names if sn not in self._status_subs] 00007 00008 # Create subscribers for new servers 00009 for server_name in new_server_names: 00010 self._structure_subs[server_name] = rospy.Subscriber( 00011 server_name+smach_ros.introspection.STRUCTURE_TOPIC, 00012 SmachContainerStructure, 00013 callback = self._structure_msg_update, 00014 callback_args = server_name, 00015 queue_size=50) 00016 00017 self._status_subs[server_name] = rospy.Subscriber( 00018 server_name+smach_ros.introspection.STATUS_TOPIC, 00019 SmachContainerStatus, 00020 callback = self._status_msg_update, 00021 queue_size=50) 00022 00023 # This doesn't need to happen very often 00024 rospy.sleep(1.0) 00025 00026 00027 #self.server_combo.AppendItems([s for s in self._servers if s not in current_servers]) 00028 00029 # Grab the first server 00030 #current_value = self.server_combo.GetValue() 00031 #if current_value == '' and len(self._servers) > 0: 00032 # self.server_combo.SetStringSelection(self._servers[0]) 00033 # self.set_server(self._servers[0]) 00034 def _status_msg_update(self, msg): 00035 if not self._keep_running: 00036 return 00037 path = msg.path 00038 #print "STATUS MSG: "+path 00039 needs_redraw = False 00040 if path in self._containers: 00041 container = self._containers[path] 00042 if container.update_status(msg): 00043 #print path+": "+str(msg.active_states) 00044 """ 00045 for child_label in container._children: 00046 child_path = '/'.join([path,child_label]) 00047 if child_path in self.widget.items: 00048 if child_label in container._active_states: 00049 #print 'SET "'+child_path+'" ACTIVE' 00050 pass 00051 for shape in self.widget.items[child_path].shapes: 00052 if child_label in container._active_states: 00053 shape.pen.fillcolor = (0,1,0,1) 00054 elif child_label in container._last_active_states: 00055 shape.pen.fillcolor = (1,0.85,0.85,1) 00056 else: 00057 shape.pen.fillcolor = (1,1,1,1) 00058 """ 00059 self._update_cond.acquire() 00060 self._update_cond.notify_all() 00061 self._update_cond.release() 00062 00063 path_input_str = self.path_input.GetValue() 00064 if path_input_str == path or get_parent_path(path_input_str) == path: 00065 wx.PostEvent( 00066 self.path_input.GetEventHandler(), 00067 wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED,self.path_input.GetId())) 00068 00069 def _structure_msg_update(self, msg, server_name): 00070 if not self._keep_running: 00071 return 00072 00073 path = msg.path 00074 pathsplit = path.split('/') 00075 dir = '/'.join(pathsplit[0:-1]) 00076 00077 # Only add if this container has not been added, and its parents have been 00078 #print "RECEIVED: "+path 00079 #print "CONTAINERS: "+str(self._containers.keys()) 00080 needs_redraw = False 00081 if path in self._containers: 00082 needs_redraw = self._containers[path].update_structure(msg) 00083 else: #if (dir == '' or dir in self._containers): 00084 #print "CONSTRUCTING: "+path 00085 needs_redraw= True 00086 self._needs_zoom = True 00087 container = ContainerNode(server_name, msg) 00088 self._containers[path] = container 00089 # Store this as a top container if it is at the root 00090 if dir=='': 00091 self._top_containers[path] = container 00092 # Append paths to selector 00093 self.path_combo.Append(path) 00094 self.path_input.Append(path) 00095 00096 self._update_cond.acquire() 00097 if needs_redraw: 00098 self._structure_changed = True 00099 self._needs_zoom = True 00100 self._update_cond.notify_all() 00101 self._update_cond.release() 00102 00103 def update_structure(self, msg): 00104 needs_update = False 00105 00106 if self._children != msg.children\ 00107 or self._internal_outcomes != msg.internal_outcomes\ 00108 or self._outcomes_from != msg.outcomes_from\ 00109 or self._outcomes_to != msg.outcomes_to\ 00110 or self._container_outcomes != msg.container_outcomes: 00111 needs_update = True 00112 00113 if needs_update: 00114 self._children = msg.children 00115 self._internal_outcomes = msg.internal_outcomes 00116 self._outcomes_from = msg.outcomes_from 00117 self._outcomes_to = msg.outcomes_to 00118 00119 self._container_outcomes = msg.container_outcomes 00120 00121 return needs_update 00122 00123 00124 def update_status(self, msg): 00125 needs_update = False 00126 if set(msg.initial_states) != set(self._initial_states): 00127 self._structure_changed = True 00128 needs_update = True 00129 if set(msg.active_states) != set(self._active_states): 00130 needs_update = True 00131 00132 self._initial_states = msg.initial_states 00133 self._last_active_states = self._active_states 00134 self._active_states = msg.active_states 00135 while True: 00136 try: 00137 self._local_data._data = pickle.loads(msg.local_data) 00138 break 00139 except ImportError as ie: 00140 # This will only happen once for each package 00141 modulename = ie.args[0][16:] 00142 packagename = modulename[0:modulename.find('.')] 00143 roslib.load_manifest(packagename) 00144 self._local_data._data = pickle.loads(msg.local_data) 00145 00146 self._info = msg.info 00147 00148 return needs_update