00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 """ 00004 A base controller class for the Arduino microcontroller 00005 00006 Borrowed heavily from Mike Feguson's ArbotiX base_controller.py code. 00007 00008 Created for the Pi Robot Project: http://www.pirobot.org 00009 Copyright (c) 2010 Patrick Goebel. All rights reserved. 00010 00011 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 00012 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00013 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 00014 (at your option) any later version. 00015 00016 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00017 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00018 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00019 GNU General Public License for more details at: 00020 00021 http://www.gnu.org/licenses 00022 """ 00023 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ros_arduino_python') 00024 import rospy 00025 import os 00026 00027 from math import sin, cos, pi 00028 from geometry_msgs.msg import Quaternion, Twist, Pose 00029 from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry 00030 from tf.broadcaster import TransformBroadcaster 00031 00032 """ Class to receive Twist commands and publish Odometry data """ 00033 class BaseController: 00034 def __init__(self, arduino): 00035 self.arduino = arduino 00036 self.rate = float(rospy.get_param("~base_controller_rate", 10)) 00037 self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~base_controller_timeout', 1.0) 00038 self.stopped = False 00039 00040 pid_params = dict() 00041 pid_params['wheel_diameter'] = rospy.get_param("~wheel_diameter", "") 00042 pid_params['wheel_track'] = rospy.get_param("~wheel_track", "") 00043 pid_params['encoder_resolution'] = rospy.get_param("~encoder_resolution", "") 00044 pid_params['gear_reduction'] = rospy.get_param("~gear_reduction", 1.0) 00045 pid_params['Kp'] = rospy.get_param("~Kp", 20) 00046 pid_params['Kd'] = rospy.get_param("~Kd", 12) 00047 pid_params['Ki'] = rospy.get_param("~Ki", 0) 00048 pid_params['Ko'] = rospy.get_param("~Ko", 50) 00049 00050 self.accel_limit = rospy.get_param('~accel_limit', 0.1) 00051 self.motors_reversed = rospy.get_param("~motors_reversed", False) 00052 00053 # Set up PID parameters and check for missing values 00054 self.setup_pid(pid_params) 00055 00056 # How many encoder ticks are there per meter? 00057 self.ticks_per_meter = self.encoder_resolution * self.gear_reduction / (self.wheel_diameter * pi) 00058 00059 # What is the maximum acceleration we will tolerate when changing wheel speeds? 00060 self.max_accel = self.accel_limit * self.ticks_per_meter / self.rate 00061 00062 # Track how often we get a bad encoder count (if any) 00063 self.bad_encoder_count = 0 00064 00065 now = rospy.Time.now() 00066 self.then = now # time for determining dx/dy 00067 self.t_delta = rospy.Duration(1.0 / self.rate) 00068 self.t_next = now + self.t_delta 00069 00070 # internal data 00071 self.enc_left = None # encoder readings 00072 self.enc_right = None 00073 self.x = 0 # position in xy plane 00074 self.y = 0 00075 self.th = 0 # rotation in radians 00076 self.v_left = 0 00077 self.v_right = 0 00078 self.v_des_left = 0 # cmd_vel setpoint 00079 self.v_des_right = 0 00080 self.last_cmd_vel = now 00081 00082 # subscriptions 00083 rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmdVelCallback) 00084 00085 # Clear any old odometry info 00086 self.arduino.reset_encoders() 00087 00088 # Set up the odometry broadcaster 00089 self.odomPub = rospy.Publisher('odom', Odometry) 00090 self.odomBroadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() 00091 00092 rospy.loginfo("Started base controller for a base of " + str(self.wheel_track) + "m wide with " + str(self.encoder_resolution) + " ticks per rev") 00093 rospy.loginfo("Publishing odometry data at: " + str(self.rate) + " Hz") 00094 00095 def setup_pid(self, pid_params): 00096 # Check to see if any PID parameters are missing 00097 missing_params = False 00098 for param in pid_params: 00099 if pid_params[param] == "": 00100 print("*** PID Parameter " + param + " is missing. ***") 00101 missing_params = True 00102 00103 if missing_params: 00104 os._exit(1) 00105 00106 self.wheel_diameter = pid_params['wheel_diameter'] 00107 self.wheel_track = pid_params['wheel_track'] 00108 self.encoder_resolution = pid_params['encoder_resolution'] 00109 self.gear_reduction = pid_params['gear_reduction'] 00110 00111 self.Kp = pid_params['Kp'] 00112 self.Kd = pid_params['Kd'] 00113 self.Ki = pid_params['Ki'] 00114 self.Ko = pid_params['Ko'] 00115 00116 self.arduino.update_pid(self.Kp, self.Kd, self.Ki, self.Ko) 00117 00118 def poll(self): 00119 now = rospy.Time.now() 00120 if now > self.t_next: 00121 # Read the encoders 00122 try: 00123 left_enc, right_enc = self.arduino.get_encoder_counts() 00124 except: 00125 self.bad_encoder_count += 1 00126 rospy.logerr("Encoder exception count: " + str(self.bad_encoder_count)) 00127 return 00128 00129 dt = now - self.then 00130 self.then = now 00131 dt = dt.to_sec() 00132 00133 # calculate odometry 00134 if self.enc_left == None: 00135 dright = 0 00136 dleft = 0 00137 else: 00138 dright = (right_enc - self.enc_right) / self.ticks_per_meter 00139 dleft = (left_enc - self.enc_left) / self.ticks_per_meter 00140 00141 self.enc_right = right_enc 00142 self.enc_left = left_enc 00143 00144 dxy_ave = (dright + dleft) / 2.0 00145 dth = (dright - dleft) / self.wheel_track 00146 vxy = dxy_ave / dt 00147 vth = dth / dt 00148 00149 if (dxy_ave != 0): 00150 dx = cos(dth) * dxy_ave 00151 dy = -sin(dth) * dxy_ave 00152 self.x += (cos(self.th) * dx - sin(self.th) * dy) 00153 self.y += (sin(self.th) * dx + cos(self.th) * dy) 00154 00155 if (dth != 0): 00156 self.th += dth 00157 00158 quaternion = Quaternion() 00159 quaternion.x = 0.0 00160 quaternion.y = 0.0 00161 quaternion.z = sin(self.th / 2.0) 00162 quaternion.w = cos(self.th / 2.0) 00163 00164 # Create the odometry transform frame broadcaster. 00165 self.odomBroadcaster.sendTransform( 00166 (self.x, self.y, 0), 00167 (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w), 00168 rospy.Time.now(), 00169 "base_link", 00170 "odom" 00171 ) 00172 00173 odom = Odometry() 00174 odom.header.frame_id = "odom" 00175 odom.child_frame_id = "base_link" 00176 odom.header.stamp = now 00177 odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x 00178 odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y 00179 odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0 00180 odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion 00181 odom.twist.twist.linear.x = vxy 00182 odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0 00183 odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth 00184 00185 self.odomPub.publish(odom) 00186 00187 if now > (self.last_cmd_vel + rospy.Duration(self.timeout)): 00188 self.v_des_left = 0 00189 self.v_des_right = 0 00190 00191 if self.v_left < self.v_des_left: 00192 self.v_left += self.max_accel 00193 if self.v_left > self.v_des_left: 00194 self.v_left = self.v_des_left 00195 else: 00196 self.v_left -= self.max_accel 00197 if self.v_left < self.v_des_left: 00198 self.v_left = self.v_des_left 00199 00200 if self.v_right < self.v_des_right: 00201 self.v_right += self.max_accel 00202 if self.v_right > self.v_des_right: 00203 self.v_right = self.v_des_right 00204 else: 00205 self.v_right -= self.max_accel 00206 if self.v_right < self.v_des_right: 00207 self.v_right = self.v_des_right 00208 00209 # Set motor speeds in encoder ticks per PID loop 00210 if not self.stopped: 00211 self.arduino.drive(self.v_left, self.v_right) 00212 00213 self.t_next = now + self.t_delta 00214 00215 def stop(self): 00216 self.stopped = True 00217 self.arduino.drive(0, 0) 00218 00219 def cmdVelCallback(self, req): 00220 # Handle velocity-based movement requests 00221 self.last_cmd_vel = rospy.Time.now() 00222 00223 x = req.linear.x # m/s 00224 th = req.angular.z # rad/s 00225 00226 if x == 0: 00227 # Turn in place 00228 right = th * self.wheel_track * self.gear_reduction / 2.0 00229 left = -right 00230 elif th == 0: 00231 # Pure forward/backward motion 00232 left = right = x 00233 else: 00234 # Rotation about a point in space 00235 left = x - th * self.wheel_track * self.gear_reduction / 2.0 00236 right = x + th * self.wheel_track * self.gear_reduction / 2.0 00237 00238 self.v_des_left = int(left * self.ticks_per_meter / self.arduino.PID_RATE) 00239 self.v_des_right = int(right * self.ticks_per_meter / self.arduino.PID_RATE) 00240 00241 00242 00243 00244 00245 00246