00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 """ 00004 voice_nav.py allows controlling a mobile base using simple speech commands. 00005 Based on the voice_cmd_vel.py script by Michael Ferguson in the pocketsphinx ROS package. 00006 """ 00007 00008 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('pi_speech_tutorial') 00009 import rospy 00010 00011 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist 00012 from std_msgs.msg import String 00013 from math import copysign 00014 00015 class voice_cmd_vel: 00016 def __init__(self): 00017 rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) 00018 self.max_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_speed", 0.4) 00019 self.max_angular_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_angular_speed", 1.5) 00020 self.speed = rospy.get_param("~start_speed", 0.1) 00021 self.angular_speed = rospy.get_param("~start_angular_speed", 0.5) 00022 self.linear_increment = rospy.get_param("~linear_increment", 0.05) 00023 self.angular_increment = rospy.get_param("~angular_increment", 0.4) 00024 self.rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 5) 00025 r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) 00026 self.paused = False 00027 00028 # Initialize the Twist message we will publish. 00029 self.msg = Twist() 00030 00031 # Publish the Twist message to the cmd_vel topic 00032 self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist) 00033 00034 # Subscribe to the /recognizer/output topic to receive voice commands. 00035 rospy.Subscriber('/recognizer/output', String, self.speechCb) 00036 00037 # A mapping from keywords to commands. 00038 self.keywords_to_command = {'stop': ['stop', 'halt', 'abort', 'kill', 'panic', 'off', 'freeze', 'shut down', 'turn off', 'help', 'help me'], 00039 'slower': ['slow down', 'slower'], 00040 'faster': ['speed up', 'faster'], 00041 'forward': ['forward', 'ahead', 'straight'], 00042 'backward': ['back', 'backward', 'back up'], 00043 'rotate left': ['rotate left'], 00044 'rotate right': ['rotate right'], 00045 'turn left': ['turn left'], 00046 'turn right': ['turn right'], 00047 'quarter': ['quarter speed'], 00048 'half': ['half speed'], 00049 'full': ['full speed'], 00050 'pause': ['pause speech'], 00051 'continue': ['continue speech']} 00052 00053 rospy.loginfo("Ready to receive voice commands") 00054 00055 # We have to keep publishing the cmd_vel message if we want the robot to keep moving. 00056 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): 00057 self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.msg) 00058 r.sleep() 00059 00060 def get_command(self, data): 00061 for (command, keywords) in self.keywords_to_command.iteritems(): 00062 for word in keywords: 00063 if data.find(word) > -1: 00064 return command 00065 00066 def speechCb(self, msg): 00067 command = self.get_command(msg.data) 00068 00069 rospy.loginfo("Command: " + str(command)) 00070 00071 if command == 'pause': 00072 self.paused = True 00073 elif command == 'continue': 00074 self.paused = False 00075 00076 if self.paused: 00077 return 00078 00079 if command == 'forward': 00080 self.msg.linear.x = self.speed 00081 self.msg.angular.z = 0 00082 00083 elif command == 'rotate left': 00084 self.msg.linear.x = 0 00085 self.msg.angular.z = self.angular_speed 00086 00087 elif command == 'rotate right': 00088 self.msg.linear.x = 0 00089 self.msg.angular.z = -self.angular_speed 00090 00091 elif command == 'turn left': 00092 if self.msg.linear.x != 0: 00093 self.msg.angular.z += self.angular_increment 00094 else: 00095 self.msg.angular.z = self.angular_speed 00096 00097 elif command == 'turn right': 00098 if self.msg.linear.x != 0: 00099 self.msg.angular.z -= self.angular_increment 00100 else: 00101 self.msg.angular.z = -self.angular_speed 00102 00103 elif command == 'backward': 00104 self.msg.linear.x = -self.speed 00105 self.msg.angular.z = 0 00106 00107 elif command == 'stop': 00108 # Stop the robot! Publish a Twist message consisting of all zeros. 00109 self.msg = Twist() 00110 00111 elif command == 'faster': 00112 self.speed += self.linear_increment 00113 self.angular_speed += self.angular_increment 00114 if self.msg.linear.x != 0: 00115 self.msg.linear.x += copysign(self.linear_increment, self.msg.linear.x) 00116 if self.msg.angular.z != 0: 00117 self.msg.angular.z += copysign(self.angular_increment, self.msg.angular.z) 00118 00119 elif command == 'slower': 00120 self.speed -= self.linear_increment 00121 self.angular_speed -= self.angular_increment 00122 if self.msg.linear.x != 0: 00123 self.msg.linear.x -= copysign(self.linear_increment, self.msg.linear.x) 00124 if self.msg.angular.z != 0: 00125 self.msg.angular.z -= copysign(self.angular_increment, self.msg.angular.z) 00126 00127 elif command in ['quarter', 'half', 'full']: 00128 if command == 'quarter': 00129 self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed / 4, self.speed) 00130 00131 elif command == 'half': 00132 self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed / 2, self.speed) 00133 00134 elif command == 'full': 00135 self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed, self.speed) 00136 00137 if self.msg.linear.x != 0: 00138 self.msg.linear.x = copysign(self.speed, self.msg.linear.x) 00139 00140 if self.msg.angular.z != 0: 00141 self.msg.angular.z = copysign(self.angular_speed, self.msg.angular.z) 00142 00143 else: 00144 return 00145 00146 self.msg.linear.x = min(self.max_speed, max(-self.max_speed, self.msg.linear.x)) 00147 self.msg.angular.z = min(self.max_angular_speed, max(-self.max_angular_speed, self.msg.angular.z)) 00148 00149 def cleanup(self): 00150 # When shutting down be sure to stop the robot! Publish a Twist message consisting of all zeros. 00151 twist = Twist() 00152 self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist) 00153 00154 if __name__=="__main__": 00155 rospy.init_node('voice_nav') 00156 try: 00157 voice_cmd_vel() 00158 except: 00159 pass 00160