File: pcl16/PolygonMesh.msg
# Separate header for the polygonal surface
Header header
# Vertices of the mesh as a point cloud
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud
# List of polygons
Vertices[] polygons
Expanded Definition
Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud
Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
uint32 height
uint32 width
sensor_msgs/PointField[] fields
uint8 INT8=1
uint8 UINT8=2
uint8 INT16=3
uint8 UINT16=4
uint8 INT32=5
uint8 UINT32=6
uint8 FLOAT32=7
uint8 FLOAT64=8
string name
uint32 offset
uint8 datatype
uint32 count
bool is_bigendian
uint32 point_step
uint32 row_step
uint8[] data
bool is_dense
Vertices[] polygons
uint32[] vertices