00001 #! /usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 """ 00004 usage: %(progname)s file.lxf file.ldr 00005 """ 00006 00007 import os, sys, getopt 00008 import zipfile 00009 import xml.dom.minidom 00010 import numpy 00011 from numpy.linalg import inv 00012 00013 import transformations as TF 00014 rigid_tree=[] 00015 brick_tree=[] 00016 00017 def parseInts(s): 00018 if s: 00019 return [int(x) for x in s.split(',')] 00020 else: 00021 return None 00022 00023 def parseFloats(s): 00024 if s: 00025 return [float(x) for x in s.split(',')] 00026 else: 00027 return None 00028 00029 motor_template = """ 00030 <link name="ref_%(refID)s_link"> 00031 <inertial> 00032 <mass value="0.010000" /> 00033 <!-- center of mass (com) is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00034 <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0" /> 00035 <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" /> 00036 </inertial> 00037 <visual> 00038 <!-- visual origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00039 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" /> 00040 <geometry> 00041 <mesh filename="%(mesh)s" scale="%(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s"/> 00042 </geometry> 00043 </visual> 00044 <collision> 00045 <!-- collision origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00046 <origin xyz="%(bound_x)s %(bound_y)s %(bound_z)s" rpy="%(bound_roll)s %(bound_pitch)s %(bound_yaw)s" /> 00047 <geometry> 00048 <box size="%(dim_x)s %(dim_y)s %(dim_z)s"/> 00049 </geometry> 00050 </collision> 00051 </link> 00052 00053 <link name="ref_%(refID)s_link_hub"> 00054 <inertial> 00055 <mass value="0.010000" /> 00056 <!-- center of mass (com) is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00057 <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0" /> 00058 <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" /> 00059 </inertial> 00060 <visual> 00061 <!-- visual origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00062 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" /> 00063 <geometry> 00064 <mesh filename="package://nxt_description/meshes/parts/servo_hubs.dae" scale="%(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s"/> 00065 </geometry> 00066 </visual> 00067 <collision> 00068 <!-- collision origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00069 <origin xyz="%(bound_x)s %(bound_y)s %(bound_z)s" rpy="%(bound_roll)s %(bound_pitch)s %(bound_yaw)s" /> 00070 <geometry> 00071 <box size="%(dim_x)s %(dim_y)s %(dim_z)s"/> 00072 </geometry> 00073 </collision> 00074 </link> 00075 00076 <!--THIS IS THE MOTOR JOINT RENAME AND FIX BY 180 WHEN NEEDED--> 00077 <joint name="mot_%(refID)s_joint" type="continuous"> 00078 <parent link="ref_%(refID)s_link"/> 00079 <child link="ref_%(refID)s_link_hub"/> 00080 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" /> 00081 <axis xyz="1 0 0" /> 00082 </joint> 00083 00084 """ 00085 00086 link_template = """ 00087 <link name="ref_%(refID)s_link"> 00088 <inertial> 00089 <mass value="0.010000" /> 00090 <!-- center of mass (com) is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00091 <origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0" /> 00092 <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" /> 00093 </inertial> 00094 <visual> 00095 <!-- visual origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00096 <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="%(rot_x)s %(rot_y)s %(rot_z)s" /> 00097 <geometry> 00098 <mesh filename="%(mesh)s" scale="%(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s"/> 00099 </geometry> 00100 </visual> 00101 <collision> 00102 <!-- collision origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00103 <origin xyz="%(bound_x)s %(bound_y)s %(bound_z)s" rpy="%(bound_roll)s %(bound_pitch)s %(bound_yaw)s" /> 00104 <geometry> 00105 <box size="%(dim_x)s %(dim_y)s %(dim_z)s"/> 00106 </geometry> 00107 </collision> 00108 </link> 00109 """ 00110 00111 joint_template = """ 00112 <joint name="ref_%(refID)s_joint" type="%(joint_type)s"> 00113 <parent link="%(parent_link)s"/> 00114 <child link="%(child_link)s"/> 00115 <origin xyz="%(origin_x)s %(origin_y)s %(origin_z)s" rpy="%(origin_roll)s %(origin_pitch)s %(origin_yaw)s" /> 00116 <axis xyz="%(axis_x)s %(axis_y)s %(axis_z)s" /> 00117 </joint> 00118 """ 00119 00120 ultrasonic_link = """ 00121 <!--THIS IS THE ULTRASONIC LINK RENAME ME--> 00122 <link name="ref_%(refID)s_link"> 00123 <inertial> 00124 <mass value="0.023900" /> 00125 <!-- center of mass (com) is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00126 <origin xyz="0 0 0" /> 00127 <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" /> 00128 </inertial> 00129 <visual> 00130 <!-- visual origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00131 <origin xyz=" -0.026 0 -0.018" rpy="0 0 1.57079633" /> 00132 <geometry> 00133 <mesh filename="%(mesh)s" scale="%(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s"/> 00134 </geometry> 00135 </visual> 00136 <collision> 00137 <!-- collision origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00138 <origin xyz="%(bound_x)s %(bound_y)s %(bound_z)s" rpy="%(bound_roll)s %(bound_pitch)s %(bound_yaw)s" /> 00139 <geometry> 00140 <box size="%(dim_x)s %(dim_y)s %(dim_z)s"/> 00141 </geometry> 00142 </collision> 00143 </link> 00144 """ 00145 00146 generic_sensor_link = """ 00147 <!--THIS IS THE SENSOR LINK RENAME ME--> 00148 <link name="ref_%(refID)s_link"> 00149 <inertial> 00150 <mass value="0.023900" /> 00151 <!-- center of mass (com) is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00152 <origin xyz="0 0 0" /> 00153 <inertia ixx="0.01" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.01" iyz="0.0" izz="0.01" /> 00154 </inertial> 00155 <visual> 00156 <!-- visual origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00157 <origin xyz=" -0.013 0 -0.018" rpy="0 0 1.57079633" /> 00158 <geometry> 00159 <mesh filename="%(mesh)s" scale="%(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s %(m_scale)s"/> 00160 </geometry> 00161 </visual> 00162 <collision> 00163 <!-- collision origin is defined w.r.t. link local coordinate system --> 00164 <origin xyz="%(bound_x)s %(bound_y)s %(bound_z)s" rpy="%(bound_roll)s %(bound_pitch)s %(bound_yaw)s" /> 00165 <geometry> 00166 <box size="%(dim_x)s %(dim_y)s %(dim_z)s"/> 00167 </geometry> 00168 </collision> 00169 </link> 00170 """ 00171 00172 def parseLXFML(handle, lxffile,ldrfile): 00173 #begin urdf 00174 00175 print "<!--this file was autogenerated from %s -->" % lxffile 00176 ldr_file = open('%s' % ldrfile,'r') 00177 print "<robot name=nxt_%s>" % lxffile.strip('.lxf').rsplit("/")[0] 00178 lxf_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(handle) 00179 00180 bricks = {} 00181 parts = {} 00182 bones = {} 00183 00184 for brick in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Brick'): 00185 b = {} 00186 b['refID']= int(brick.getAttribute('refID')) 00187 b['parts'] = [] 00188 b['designID'] = int(brick.getAttribute('designID')) 00189 b['handled']=False 00190 i = parseInts(brick.getAttribute('itemNos')) 00191 if i: 00192 b['itemNos'] = i 00193 bricks[int(brick.getAttribute('refID'))] = b 00194 00195 for part in brick.getElementsByTagName('Part'): 00196 p = {} 00197 p['bones'] = [] 00198 p['designID'] = part.getAttribute('designID') 00199 p['materials'] = parseInts(part.getAttribute('materials')) 00200 parts[int(part.getAttribute('refID'))] = p 00201 b['parts'].append(p) 00202 p['parent'] = b 00203 00204 for bone in part.getElementsByTagName('Bone'): 00205 d = {} 00206 d['transformation'] = parseFloats(bone.getAttribute('transformation')) 00207 bones[int(bone.getAttribute('refID'))] = d 00208 p['bones'].append(d) 00209 d['parent'] = p 00210 00211 rigids = {} 00212 for rigid in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Rigid'): 00213 r = {} 00214 r['refID'] = int(rigid.getAttribute('refID')) 00215 r['transformation'] = parseFloats(rigid.getAttribute('transformation')) 00216 r['boneRefs'] = parseInts(rigid.getAttribute('boneRefs')) 00217 r['handled'] = False 00218 rigids[r['refID']] = r 00219 00220 joints = [] 00221 for joint in lxf_doc.getElementsByTagName('Joint'): 00222 j = [] 00223 for rigid_ref in joint.getElementsByTagName('RigidRef'): 00224 r = {} 00225 r['rigidRef'] = int(rigid_ref.getAttribute('rigidRef')) 00226 r['a'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('a')) 00227 r['z'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('z')) 00228 r['t'] = parseFloats(rigid_ref.getAttribute('t')) 00229 j.append(r) 00230 joints.append(j) 00231 00232 00233 ldr_trans={} 00234 count=0 00235 for line in ldr_file: 00236 if line.startswith('1'): 00237 ldr= [x for x in line.split(' ')] 00238 l={} 00239 l['ldraw'] = ldr[14].strip('.dat\r\n') 00240 l['transformation'] = [float(ldr[2]), float(ldr[3]), float(ldr[4]), float(ldr[5]), float(ldr[6]), float(ldr[7]), float(ldr[8]), float(ldr[9]), float(ldr[10]), float(ldr[11]), float(ldr[12]), float(ldr[13])] 00241 ldr_trans[count]=l 00242 count=count+1 00243 00244 for refID in sorted(bricks.keys()): 00245 designID = ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] 00246 ldrID =ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] 00247 rot_x=rot_y=rot_z=0 00248 #these parts with odd bends need a 180 rotation 00249 if ldrID == '6629' or ldrID == '32348' or ldrID == '32140' or ldrID == '32526': 00250 rot_y = 3.14159 00251 #scaling factor from the .dat models to meters 00252 scale =0.0004 00253 d = { 00254 'refID' : refID, 00255 'mesh' : "package://nxt_description/meshes/parts/%s.dae" % designID, 00256 'bound_x' : 0, 00257 'bound_y' : 0, 00258 'bound_z' : 0, 00259 'm_scale' :' %s' % str(scale), 00260 'bound_roll' : 0, 00261 'bound_pitch' : 0, 00262 'bound_yaw' : 0, 00263 'dim_x' : 0, 00264 'dim_y' : 0, 00265 'dim_z' : 0, 00266 'rot_x': '%s' % str(rot_x), 00267 'rot_y': '%s' % str(rot_y), 00268 'rot_z': '%s' % str(rot_z), 00269 } 00270 #special templates for sensors and motors 00271 if ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53787': 00272 print motor_template % d 00273 elif ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53792': 00274 print ultrasonic_link % d 00275 elif ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '1044' or ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '64892' or ldr_trans[refID]['ldraw'] == '53793': 00276 print generic_sensor_link % d 00277 else: 00278 print link_template % d 00279 #create tree with no loops 00280 create_rigid_tree(0, joints, rigids) 00281 create_brick_tree(rigids, bricks, bones) 00282 #for refID, joint_list in enumerate(joints): 00283 for refID, branch in enumerate(brick_tree): 00284 joint_type = "fixed" 00285 child_refID = branch[1] 00286 parent_refID = branch[0] 00287 #all units are in CM 00288 #the models are in LDU which are 0.4mm 00289 #let's compute some transforms 00290 world_to_c = homogeneous_matrix(ldr_trans[child_refID]['transformation']) 00291 world_to_p = homogeneous_matrix(ldr_trans[parent_refID]['transformation']) 00292 #now let's get the stuff for the URDF 00293 p_to_c = world_to_p.I*world_to_c 00294 rpy = TF.euler_from_matrix(p_to_c, 'sxzy') 00295 00296 d = { 00297 'refID' : refID, 00298 'joint_type' : joint_type, 00299 'parent_link' : 'ref_%s_link' % parent_refID, 00300 'child_link' : 'ref_%s_link' % child_refID, 00301 #a straight transform doesn't seem to work properly (sign changes as needed) 00302 'origin_x' : '%s' % str(-1*float(p_to_c[0,3])*scale), 00303 'origin_y' : '%s'% str(1*float(p_to_c[2,3])*scale), 00304 'origin_z' : '%s' % str(-1*float(p_to_c[1,3])*scale), 00305 'origin_roll' : '%s' % str(1*rpy[0]), 00306 'origin_pitch' : '%s' % str(-1*rpy[1]), 00307 'origin_yaw' : '%s' % str(1*rpy[2]), 00308 'axis_x' : 0, 'axis_y' : 0, 'axis_z' : 0, 00309 } 00310 print joint_template % d 00311 #end urdf 00312 print "</robot>" 00313 00314 def create_rigid_tree(refID, joints, rigids): 00315 if not rigids[refID]['handled']: 00316 rigids[refID]['handled']=True 00317 parent =refID 00318 for joint_list in joints: 00319 if joint_list[0]['rigidRef'] == parent: 00320 if not rigids[joint_list[1]['rigidRef']]['handled']: 00321 rigid_tree.append([parent, joint_list[1]['rigidRef']]) 00322 create_rigid_tree(joint_list[1]['rigidRef'], joints, rigids) 00323 if joint_list[1]['rigidRef'] == parent: 00324 if not rigids[joint_list[0]['rigidRef']]['handled']: 00325 rigid_tree.append([parent, joint_list[0]['rigidRef']]) 00326 create_rigid_tree(joint_list[0]['rigidRef'], joints, rigids) 00327 00328 def create_brick_tree(rigids, bricks, bones): 00329 for branch in rigid_tree: 00330 parent_brick = bones[rigids[branch[0]]['boneRefs'][0]]['parent']['parent']['refID'] 00331 for bone in rigids[branch[1]]['boneRefs']: 00332 child_brick = bones[bone]['parent']['parent']['refID'] 00333 if not bricks[child_brick]['handled']: 00334 brick_tree.append([parent_brick,child_brick]) 00335 bricks[child_brick]['handled']=True 00336 00337 def homogeneous_matrix(transform): 00338 tmp = numpy.ones((4,4)) 00339 tmp[:3,:3] = (numpy.array(transform[3:]).reshape(3,3)) 00340 tmp[0,3] = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(transform[0])) 00341 tmp[1,3] = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(transform[1])) 00342 tmp[2,3] = numpy.transpose(numpy.array(transform[2])) 00343 tmp[3,:3] = numpy.zeros((1,3)) 00344 return numpy.matrix(tmp) 00345 00346 def handleLXF(lxffile,ldrfile): 00347 z = zipfile.ZipFile(lxffile) 00348 for item in z.namelist(): 00349 if item.endswith('.LXFML'): 00350 f = z.open(item) 00351 parseLXFML(f,lxffile,ldrfile) 00352 00353 def usage(progname): 00354 print __doc__ % vars() 00355 00356 def main(argv, stdout, environ): 00357 progname = argv[0] 00358 optlist, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "", ["help", "debug"]) 00359 00360 if len(args) == 0: 00361 usage(progname) 00362 return 00363 00364 for (field, val) in optlist: 00365 if field == "--help": 00366 usage(progname) 00367 return 00368 elif field == "--debug": 00369 debugfull() 00370 try: 00371 handleLXF(args[0], args[1]) 00372 except Exception, reason: 00373 print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to handle '%s': %s" % (args[0], reason) 00374 00375 if __name__ == "__main__": 00376 main(sys.argv, sys.stdout, os.environ)