
nodemon_cpp Documentation

nodemon_cpp: nodemon_cpp

Node monitoring C++ library.

Library to publish node state information.

The intent of the library is to make nodes send out heartbeat messages which track its state and provide additional information, for example error messages.

Currently, nodes run without any automated monitoring. They produce a lot of output messages. A lot which are meaningful only to the original developer or which are almost always irrelevant. In the case of errors, the relevant information is hard to spot, especially in stressful situations like running tests.

We want to improve the situation in certain ways: 1.) Provide a way to push information relevant to users of a module independently of their knowledge of the inner workings of the module 2.) Prune as much irrelevant information from daily work as possible 3.) Automate process monitoring and prepare for an upcoming automated monitoring node, which will analyze the information, evaluate its meaning, and provide signals or suggestions to the behavior system. In general, we want one topics, on which process state information is frequently sent (heartbeat) and where additional messages are posted (critical errors). This channel (in addition to the existing ones like log messages and data output) provides module developers with a facility to post explicit, and infrequent messages that require attention by either another component, or the operator (and in that regard it particularly differs from /rosout). It shall not replace the need to provide proper result and failure messages to actions and service calls. Although we anticipate that these will often be the same, the immediate action error message will be the primary source of information for the behavior system to make decisions, while the process monitoring will allow for a more global view onto the system, especially by its human operator.

Technical Solution: Process monitoring will be implemented as a process state tracker. Each node regularly publishes a message indicating its state The state is one of the following.

STARTING (node is currently started and not yet functional) STOPPING (node is no longer functional and will soon exit) RUNNING (node is fully operational) ERROR (node had an error and recovery is possible) RECOVERING (node is recovering and currently not functional) FATAL (node had a fatal error and is disfunctional, restart req.) WARNING (node encountered a problematic situation but continued)

Note that the WARNING state is always only transient. The state machine immediately transitions back to the state it was in before. Warning messages denote states that the developer should check because they might result in serious problems, but this time the system was able to solve it.

The information is published with the NodeState message type from the nodemon_msgs package to the topic /nodemon/state. The heartbeat is sent out once every second. The state set last is repeated in each message. When in RUNNING state, the timestamp is automatically updated. In other states the user can call the appropriate set methods more often when useful. The nodemon_tui program can be used to monitor nodes.


To use this code, instantiate a NodeStatePublisher during the initialization of your application like this:

  ros::NodeHandle nh;
  NodeStatePublisher node_state(nh);

As soon as your initialization is complete and the node is ready to receive requests, process commands, or provide data call the NodeStatePublisher::set_running() method. The node state publisher will start to send periodical heartbeats with updated time stamps.


In case of an error, call NodeStatePublisher::set_error() with an appropriate message like this:

  node_state.set_error("Start configuration in collision.");

If automatic recovery is possible and desired, call NodeStatePublisher::set_recovering() and start the recovery. The node may also wait for output from the outside to initiate a recovery action, for example if there are multiple choices. The node may also decide to skip recovery and go back to the RUNNING state immediately. For example:

  if (recovery_required) {
    node_state.set_recovery("Nudging arm automatically");
  } else {
    // more requests are possible and may just work, we just got bad
    // parameters.
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Author(s): Tim Niemueller
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:26:50 2013