nav_pcontroller Documentation
nav_pcontroller: nav_pcontroller
simple P-Controller for a holonomic robot base.
Subscribes to (name/type):
- "tf_message" tf/tfMessage: robot's pose in the "map" frame
- "goal" geometry_msgs/PoseStamped : goal for the robot.
Publishes to (name / type):
- "cmd_vel" geometry_msgs/Twist : velocity commands to robot
- "state" nav_robot_actions/MoveBaseState : current planner state (e.g., goal reached, no path)
- "xy_tolerance" (double) : Goal distance tolerance (how close the robot must be to the goal before stopping), default: 0.05 m
- "th_tolerance" (double) : Goal rotation tolerance (how close the robot must be to the goal before stopping), default: 0.05 rad
- "vel_lin_max" (double) : maximum linear velocity, default: 0.2 m/s
- "vel_ang_max" (double) : maximum angular velocity, default: 0.2 rad/s
- "acc_lin_max" (double) : maximum linear acceleration, default: 0.1 m/s^2
- "acc_ang_max" (double) : maximum angular acceleration, default: 0.1 rad/s^2
- "loop_rate" (int) : rate at which the control loop runs, default: 30 s^-1
- "p" (double) : P controller value, default: 1.0