00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 from __future__ import with_statement 00004 00005 PKG = 'motor_resetter' 00006 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG) 00007 00008 import rospy 00009 00010 from std_msgs.msg import Bool 00011 from std_msgs.msg import Empty as mEmpty 00012 from std_srvs.srv import Empty 00013 from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticArray 00014 from collections import deque 00015 import traceback 00016 00017 import threading 00018 import rosbag 00019 import time 00020 00021 MAX_LEN = 500 00022 BUFFER_TIME = 10 00023 00024 class MotorResetter(object): 00025 def __init__(self): 00026 self._mutex = threading.Lock() 00027 self._motors = True 00028 self._diags = deque() 00029 00030 self._reset_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('pr2_etherCAT/reset_motors', Empty) 00031 self._reset_pub = rospy.Publisher('motors_reset', mEmpty) 00032 self._motors_sub = rospy.Subscriber('pr2_etherCAT/motors_halted', Bool, self._motors_cb) 00033 self._diag_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/diagnostics', DiagnosticArray, self._diag_cb) 00034 00035 def _reset_motors(self): 00036 try: 00037 self._reset_srv() 00038 except Exception, e: 00039 rospy.logerr('Unable to reset motors!\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) 00040 00041 self._record_diagnostic_bag() 00042 00043 self._reset_pub.publish() 00044 00045 def _diag_cb(self, msg): 00046 with self._mutex: 00047 # Clean up the deque 00048 #self._diags.reverse() 00049 for m in reversed(self._diags): 00050 if rospy.get_time() - m.header.stamp.to_sec() > BUFFER_TIME: 00051 self._diags.pop() 00052 #self._diags.reverse() 00053 00054 # Append our message 00055 self._diags.append(msg) 00056 00057 def _record_diagnostic_bag(self): 00058 with self._mutex: 00059 bag_name = '/hwlog/pr2_motors_halted_' + time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%I_%M_%S', time.localtime()) + '.bag' 00060 00061 bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_name, 'w') 00062 for m in self._diags: 00063 bag.write('/diagnostics', m) 00064 bag.close() 00065 00066 00067 00068 def _motors_cb(self, msg): 00069 if self._motors and msg.data: 00070 rospy.logwarn('Resetting motors after they halted. Fault condition') 00071 self._reset_motors() 00072 00073 self._motors = not msg.data 00074 00075 00076 if __name__ == '__main__': 00077 rospy.init_node('motor_resetter') 00078 00079 MotorResetter() 00080 rospy.spin()