00001 00025 #include "mapstitch/mapstitch.h" 00026 #include "math.h" 00027 00028 StitchedMap::StitchedMap(Mat &img1, Mat &img2, float max_pairwise_distance) 00029 { 00030 // load images, TODO: check that they're grayscale 00031 image1 = img1.clone(); 00032 image2 = img2.clone(); 00033 00034 // create feature detector set. 00035 OrbFeatureDetector detector; 00036 OrbDescriptorExtractor dexc; 00037 BFMatcher dematc(NORM_HAMMING, false); 00038 00039 // 1. extract keypoints 00040 detector.detect(image1, kpv1); 00041 detector.detect(image2, kpv2); 00042 00043 // 2. extract descriptors 00044 dexc.compute(image1, kpv1, dscv1); 00045 dexc.compute(image2, kpv2, dscv2); 00046 00047 // 3. match keypoints 00048 dematc.match(dscv1, dscv2, matches); 00049 00050 // 4. find matching point pairs with same distance in both images 00051 for (size_t i=0; i<matches.size(); i++) { 00052 KeyPoint a1 = kpv1[matches[i].queryIdx], 00053 b1 = kpv2[matches[i].trainIdx]; 00054 00055 if (matches[i].distance > 30) 00056 continue; 00057 00058 for (size_t j=0; j<matches.size(); j++) { 00059 KeyPoint a2 = kpv1[matches[j].queryIdx], 00060 b2 = kpv2[matches[j].trainIdx]; 00061 00062 if (matches[j].distance > 30) 00063 continue; 00064 00065 if ( fabs(norm(a1.pt-a2.pt) - norm(b1.pt-b2.pt)) > max_pairwise_distance || 00066 fabs(norm(a1.pt-a2.pt) - norm(b1.pt-b2.pt)) == 0) 00067 continue; 00068 00069 coord1.push_back(a1.pt); 00070 coord1.push_back(a2.pt); 00071 coord2.push_back(b1.pt); 00072 coord2.push_back(b2.pt); 00073 00074 fil1.push_back(a1); 00075 fil1.push_back(a2); 00076 fil2.push_back(b1); 00077 fil2.push_back(b2); 00078 } 00079 } 00080 00081 if (coord1.size() == 0) 00082 ; 00083 00084 // 5. find homography 00085 H = estimateRigidTransform(coord2, coord1, false); 00086 00087 // 6. calculate this stuff for information 00088 rotation = 180./M_PI*atan2(H.at<double>(0,1),H.at<double>(1,1)), 00089 transx = H.at<double>(0,2), 00090 transy = H.at<double>(1,2); 00091 scalex = sqrt(pow(H.at<double>(0,0),2)+pow(H.at<double>(0,1),2)); 00092 scaley = sqrt(pow(H.at<double>(1,0),2)+pow(H.at<double>(1,1),2)); 00093 } 00094 00095 Mat 00096 StitchedMap::get_debug() 00097 { 00098 Mat out; 00099 drawKeypoints(image1, kpv1, image1, Scalar(255,0,0)); 00100 drawKeypoints(image2, kpv2, image2, Scalar(255,0,0)); 00101 drawMatches(image1,fil1, image2,fil2, matches,out,Scalar::all(-1),Scalar::all(-1)); 00102 return out; 00103 } 00104 00105 Mat // return the stitched maps 00106 StitchedMap::get_stitch() 00107 { 00108 // create storage for new image and get transformations 00109 Mat image(image2.size(), image2.type()); 00110 warpAffine(image2,image,H,image.size()); 00111 00112 // blend image1 onto the transformed image2 00113 addWeighted(image,.5,image1,.5,0.0,image); 00114 00115 return image; 00116 } 00117 00118 StitchedMap::~StitchedMap() { }