00001 #!/usr/bin/python 00002 # Software License Agreement (BSD License) 00003 # 00004 # Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc. 00005 # All rights reserved. 00006 # 00007 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00008 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 00009 # are met: 00010 # 00011 # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00012 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00013 # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 00014 # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 00015 # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 00016 # with the distribution. 00017 # * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its 00018 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 00019 # from this software without specific prior written permission. 00020 # 00021 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 00022 # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 00023 # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 00024 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 00025 # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 00026 # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 00027 # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 00028 # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 00029 # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 00030 # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 00031 # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00032 # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00033 # 00034 # author: Kaijen Hsiao 00035 00036 ## @package cluster_bounding_box_finder 00037 #Use PCA to find the principal directions and bounding box for a cluster 00038 00039 from __future__ import division 00040 import roslib 00041 roslib.load_manifest('object_manipulator') 00042 import rospy 00043 import scipy 00044 import pdb 00045 import random 00046 import math 00047 import tf 00048 import scipy.linalg 00049 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Point, Pose, Vector3 00050 from object_manipulation_msgs.srv import FindClusterBoundingBox, FindClusterBoundingBoxResponse 00051 from convert_functions import * 00052 00053 ## class for using PCA to find the principal directions and bounding 00054 # box for a point cluster 00055 class ClusterBoundingBoxFinder: 00056 00057 def __init__(self, tf_listener = None, tf_broadcaster = None): 00058 00059 #init a TF transform listener 00060 if tf_listener == None: 00061 self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() 00062 else: 00063 self.tf_listener = tf_listener 00064 00065 #init a TF transform broadcaster for the object frame 00066 if tf_broadcaster == None: 00067 self.tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() 00068 else: 00069 self.tf_broadcaster = tf_broadcaster 00070 00071 00072 ##run eigenvector PCA for a 2xn scipy matrix, return the directions 00073 #(list of 2x1 scipy arrays) 00074 def pca(self, points): 00075 cov_mat = points[0:3,:] * points[0:3,:].T/scipy.shape(points)[1] 00076 (values, vectors) = scipy.linalg.eig(cov_mat) 00077 if values[1] > values[0]: 00078 directions = [vectors[:,1], vectors[:,0]] 00079 else: 00080 directions = [vectors[:,0], vectors[:,1]] 00081 00082 return directions 00083 00084 00085 ##shift the points to be around the mean for x and y (matrix is 4xn) 00086 def mean_shift_xy(self, points): 00087 mean = [0]*2 00088 shifted_points = points.copy() 00089 for i in range(2): 00090 mean[i] = scipy.mean(points[i,:]) 00091 shifted_points[i,:] -= mean[i] 00092 return (shifted_points, mean) 00093 00094 00095 ##remove outliers from the cluster (4xn scipy matrix) 00096 def remove_outliers(self, points): 00097 00098 points_filtered = points[:] 00099 empty_space_width = .02 00100 check_percent = .02 00101 edge_width = .005 00102 00103 #remove outliers in each dimension (x,y,z) 00104 for dim in range(3): 00105 00106 #sort the points by their values in that dimension 00107 num_points = scipy.shape(points_filtered)[1] 00108 points_sorted = points_filtered[:, points_filtered[dim, :].argsort().tolist()[0]] 00109 00110 #chop off the top points if they are more than empty_space_width away from the bounding box edge 00111 ind = int(math.floor(num_points*(1-check_percent))) 00112 if points_sorted[dim, -1] - points_sorted[dim, ind] > empty_space_width: 00113 00114 #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points after 00115 searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten() 00116 searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] + edge_width 00117 thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval) 00118 if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr): 00119 points_filtered = points_sorted[:, 0:thres_ind] 00120 rospy.loginfo("chopped points off of dim %d, highest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"%(dim, points_sorted[dim, -1], searchval)) 00121 else: 00122 points_filtered = points_sorted 00123 00124 #do both sides for x and y 00125 if dim != 2: 00126 ind = int(math.floor(num_points*check_percent)) 00127 if points_filtered[dim, ind] - points_filtered[dim, 0] > empty_space_width: 00128 00129 #find the first point that isn't within edge_width of the point at ind, and lop off all points before 00130 searcharr = scipy.array(points_sorted[dim, :]).flatten() 00131 searchval = points_sorted[dim, ind] - edge_width 00132 thres_ind = scipy.searchsorted(searcharr, searchval) 00133 if thres_ind != 0 and thres_ind != len(searcharr): 00134 points_filtered = points_filtered[:, thres_ind:-1] 00135 rospy.loginfo("chopped points off of dim -%d, lowest val = %5.3f, searchval = %5.3f"%(dim, points_sorted[dim, 0], searchval)) 00136 return points_filtered 00137 00138 00139 ##find the object frame and bounding box for a point cloud 00140 #use the local rosparam z_up_frame to specify the desired frame to use where the z-axis is special (box z will be frame z) 00141 #if not specified, the point cloud's frame is assumed to be the desired z_up_frame 00142 def find_object_frame_and_bounding_box(self, point_cloud): 00143 00144 #get the name of the frame to use with z-axis being "up" or "normal to surface" 00145 #(the cluster will be transformed to this frame, and the resulting box z will be this frame's z) 00146 #if param is not set, assumes the point cloud's frame is such 00147 self.base_frame = rospy.get_param("~z_up_frame", point_cloud.header.frame_id) 00148 00149 #convert from PointCloud to 4xn scipy matrix in the base_frame 00150 cluster_frame = point_cloud.header.frame_id 00151 00152 (points, cluster_to_base_frame) = transform_point_cloud(self.tf_listener, point_cloud, self.base_frame) 00153 if points == None: 00154 return (None, None, None) 00155 #print "cluster_to_base_frame:\n", ppmat(cluster_to_base_frame) 00156 00157 #find the lowest point in the cluster to use as the 'table height' 00158 table_height = points[2,:].min() 00159 00160 #run PCA on the x-y dimensions to find the tabletop orientation of the cluster 00161 (shifted_points, xy_mean) = self.mean_shift_xy(points) 00162 directions = self.pca(shifted_points[0:2, :]) 00163 00164 #convert the points to object frame: 00165 #rotate all the points about z so that the shortest direction is parallel to the y-axis (long side of object is parallel to x-axis) 00166 #and translate them so that the table height is z=0 (x and y are already centered around the object mean) 00167 y_axis = scipy.mat([directions[1][0], directions[1][1], 0.]) 00168 z_axis = scipy.mat([0.,0.,1.]) 00169 x_axis = scipy.cross(y_axis, z_axis) 00170 rotmat = scipy.matrix(scipy.identity(4)) 00171 rotmat[0:3, 0] = x_axis.T 00172 rotmat[0:3, 1] = y_axis.T 00173 rotmat[0:3, 2] = z_axis.T 00174 rotmat[2, 3] = table_height 00175 object_points = rotmat**-1 * shifted_points 00176 00177 #remove outliers from the cluster 00178 object_points = self.remove_outliers(object_points) 00179 00180 #find the object bounding box in the new object frame as [[xmin, ymin, zmin], [xmax, ymax, zmax]] (coordinates of opposite corners) 00181 object_bounding_box = [[0]*3 for i in range(2)] 00182 object_bounding_box_dims = [0]*3 00183 for dim in range(3): 00184 object_bounding_box[0][dim] = object_points[dim,:].min() 00185 object_bounding_box[1][dim] = object_points[dim,:].max() 00186 object_bounding_box_dims[dim] = object_bounding_box[1][dim] - object_bounding_box[0][dim] 00187 00188 #now shift the object frame and bounding box so that the z-axis is centered at the middle of the bounding box 00189 x_offset = object_bounding_box[1][0] - object_bounding_box_dims[0]/2. 00190 y_offset = object_bounding_box[1][1] - object_bounding_box_dims[1]/2. 00191 for i in range(2): 00192 object_bounding_box[i][0] -= x_offset 00193 object_bounding_box[i][1] -= y_offset 00194 object_points[0, :] -= x_offset 00195 object_points[1, :] -= y_offset 00196 offset_mat = scipy.mat(scipy.identity(4)) 00197 offset_mat[0,3] = x_offset 00198 offset_mat[1,3] = y_offset 00199 rotmat = rotmat * offset_mat 00200 #pdb.set_trace() 00201 00202 #record the transforms from object frame to base frame and to the original cluster frame, 00203 #broadcast the object frame to tf, and draw the object frame in rviz 00204 unshift_mean = scipy.identity(4) 00205 unshift_mean[0,3] = xy_mean[0] 00206 unshift_mean[1,3] = xy_mean[1] 00207 object_to_base_frame = unshift_mean*rotmat 00208 object_to_cluster_frame = cluster_to_base_frame**-1 * object_to_base_frame 00209 00210 #broadcast the object frame to tf 00211 (object_frame_pos, object_frame_quat) = mat_to_pos_and_quat(object_to_cluster_frame) 00212 self.tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(object_frame_pos, object_frame_quat, rospy.Time.now(), "object_frame", cluster_frame) 00213 00214 return (object_points, object_bounding_box_dims, object_bounding_box, object_to_base_frame, object_to_cluster_frame)