00001 #! /usr/bin/python 00002 00003 # Software License Agreement (BSD License) 00004 # 00005 # Copyright (c) 2009, Willow Garage, Inc. 00006 # All rights reserved. 00007 # 00008 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00009 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 00010 # are met: 00011 # 00012 # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00013 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00014 # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 00015 # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 00016 # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 00017 # with the distribution. 00018 # * Neither the name of the Willow Garage nor the names of its 00019 # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 00020 # from this software without specific prior written permission. 00021 # 00022 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 00023 # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 00024 # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 00025 # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 00026 # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 00027 # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 00028 # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 00029 # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 00030 # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 00031 # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 00032 # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00033 # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00034 # 00035 # author: Kaijen Hsiao 00036 # adapted to suit the katana's needs: Henning Deeken 00037 00038 ## @package ik_utilities 00039 #Utility functions for doing inverse kinematics, forward kinematics, checking a Cartesian path 00040 00041 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner') 00042 import rospy 00043 from kinematics_msgs.srv import GetKinematicSolverInfo, GetPositionIK, GetPositionFK, GetConstraintAwarePositionIK, GetConstraintAwarePositionIKRequest 00044 from kinematics_msgs.msg import PositionIKRequest 00045 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion, PointStamped, Vector3Stamped 00046 from visualization_msgs.msg import Marker 00047 from motion_planning_msgs.msg import RobotState, MultiDOFJointState, ArmNavigationErrorCodes 00048 from planning_environment_msgs.srv import GetStateValidity, GetStateValidityRequest 00049 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState 00050 import math 00051 import random 00052 import time 00053 import tf 00054 import numpy 00055 import pdb 00056 00057 #pretty-print list to string 00058 def pplist(list): 00059 return ' '.join(['%8.5f'%x for x in list]) 00060 00061 #utility functions for doing inverse kinematics, forward kinematics, checking a Cartesian path 00062 class IKUtilities: 00063 00064 #initialize all service functions 00065 #if wait_for_services = 0, you must call check_services_and_get_ik_info externally before running any of the IK/FK functions 00066 def __init__(self,tf_listener = None, wait_for_services = 1): 00067 00068 # set the base_link frame 00069 self.base_link = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/base_link_frame', 'katana_base_link') 00070 self.num_dof = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/num_dof', 5) 00071 00072 #If collision_aware_ik is set to 0, then collision-aware IK is disabled 00073 self.perception_running = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/collision_aware_ik', 1) 00074 00075 self.get_ik_service_name = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/get_ik_service_name', '/get_ik') 00076 self.get_constraint_aware_ik_service_name = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/get_constraint_aware_ik_service_name', '/get_constraint_aware_ik') 00077 self.get_ik_solver_info_service_name = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/get_ik_solver_info_service_name', '/get_ik_solver_info') 00078 self.get_fk_service_name = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/get_fk_service_name', '/get_fk') 00079 self.get_state_validity_service_name = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/get_state_validity_service_name', '/environment_server/get_state_validity') 00080 00081 self.default_max_vel = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/default_max_vel', 0.2) 00082 self.default_max_acc = rospy.get_param('/katana_interpolated_ik_motion_planner/default_max_acc', 0.5) 00083 00084 self._ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.get_ik_service_name, GetPositionIK) 00085 if self.perception_running: 00086 self._ik_service_with_collision = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.get_constraint_aware_ik_service_name, GetConstraintAwarePositionIK) 00087 00088 self._fk_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.get_fk_service_name, GetPositionFK) 00089 self._query_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.get_ik_solver_info_service_name, GetKinematicSolverInfo) 00090 self._check_state_validity_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.get_state_validity_service_name, GetStateValidity) 00091 00092 #wait for IK/FK/query services and get the joint names and limits 00093 if wait_for_services: 00094 self.check_services_and_get_ik_info() 00095 00096 if tf_listener == None: 00097 rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: starting up tf_listener") 00098 self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() 00099 else: 00100 self.tf_listener = tf_listener 00101 00102 self.marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('interpolation_markers', Marker) 00103 00104 #dictionary for the possible kinematics error codes 00105 self.error_code_dict = {} #codes are things like SUCCESS, NO_IK_SOLUTION 00106 for element in dir(ArmNavigationErrorCodes): 00107 if element[0].isupper(): 00108 self.error_code_dict[eval('ArmNavigationErrorCodes.'+element)] = element 00109 00110 #reads the start angles from the parameter server 00111 start_angles_list = rospy.get_param('~ik_start_angles', []) 00112 00113 #good additional start angles to try for IK for the PR2, used 00114 #if no start angles were provided 00115 if start_angles_list == []: 00116 self.start_angles_list = [[-0.697, 1.002, 0.021, -0.574, 0.286, -0.095, 1.699], 00117 [-1.027, 0.996, 0.034, -0.333, -3.541, -0.892, 1.694], 00118 [0.031, -0.124, -2.105, -1.145, -1.227, -1.191, 2.690], 00119 [0.410, 0.319, -2.231, -0.839, -2.751, -1.763, 5.494], 00120 [0.045, 0.859, 0.059, -0.781, -1.579, -0.891, 7.707], 00121 [0.420, 0.759, 0.014, -1.099, -3.204, -1.907, 8.753], 00122 [-0.504, 1.297, -1.857, -1.553, -4.453, -1.308, 9.572]] 00123 else: 00124 self.start_angles_list = start_angles_list 00125 00126 #changes the set of ids used to show the arrows every other call 00127 self.pose_id_set = 0 00128 00129 rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: done init") 00130 00131 00132 #wait for the various services and run the IK query to get the joint names and limits 00133 def check_services_and_get_ik_info(self): 00134 00135 rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: waiting for IK services to be there"+ self.get_ik_service_name) 00136 #rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: waiting for IK services to be there") 00137 rospy.wait_for_service(self.get_ik_service_name) 00138 if self.perception_running: 00139 rospy.wait_for_service(self.get_constraint_aware_ik_service_name) 00140 rospy.wait_for_service(self.get_fk_service_name) 00141 rospy.wait_for_service(self.get_ik_solver_info_service_name) 00142 rospy.loginfo("ik_utilities: services found") 00143 00144 #get and store the joint names and limits 00145 #only one IK link available so far ('r_wrist_roll_link' or 'l_wrist_roll_link') 00146 rospy.loginfo("getting the IK solver info") 00147 (self.joint_names, self.min_limits, self.max_limits, self.link_names) = \ 00148 self.run_query() 00149 self.link_name = self.link_names[-1] 00150 rospy.loginfo("done getting the IK solver info") 00151 00152 00153 ##draw a PoseStamped in rviz as a set of arrows (x=red, y=green, z=blue) 00154 #id is the id number for the x-arrow (y is id+1, z is id+2) 00155 def draw_pose(self, pose_stamped, id): 00156 marker = Marker() 00157 marker.header = pose_stamped.header 00158 marker.ns = "basic_shapes" 00159 marker.type = 0 #arrow 00160 marker.action = 0 #add 00161 marker.scale.x = 0.01 00162 marker.scale.y = 0.02 00163 marker.color.a = 1.0 00164 marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(60.0) 00165 00166 orientation = pose_stamped.pose.orientation 00167 quat = [orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w] 00168 mat = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat) 00169 start = [pose_stamped.pose.position.x, pose_stamped.pose.position.y, pose_stamped.pose.position.z] 00170 x_end = list(mat[:,0][0:3]*.05 + numpy.array(start)) 00171 y_end = list(mat[:,1][0:3]*.05 + numpy.array(start)) 00172 z_end = list(mat[:,2][0:3]*.05 + numpy.array(start)) 00173 #print "start: %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f"%(pose_stamped.pose.position.x, pose_stamped.pose.position.y, pose_stamped.pose.position.z) 00174 #print "x_end:", pplist(x_end) 00175 #print "y_end:", pplist(y_end) 00176 #print "z_end:", pplist(z_end) 00177 marker.id = id 00178 marker.points = [pose_stamped.pose.position, Point(*x_end)] 00179 marker.color.r = 1.0 00180 marker.color.g = 0.0 00181 marker.color.b = 0.0 00182 self.marker_pub.publish(marker) 00183 marker.id = id+1 00184 marker.points = [pose_stamped.pose.position, Point(*y_end)] 00185 marker.color.r = 0.0 00186 marker.color.g = 1.0 00187 marker.color.b = 0.0 00188 self.marker_pub.publish(marker) 00189 marker.id = id+2 00190 marker.points = [pose_stamped.pose.position, Point(*z_end)] 00191 marker.color.r = 0.0 00192 marker.color.g = 0.0 00193 marker.color.b = 1.0 00194 self.marker_pub.publish(marker) 00195 00196 00197 ##get the joint names and limits, and the possible link names for running IK 00198 def run_query(self): 00199 try: 00200 resp = self._query_service() 00201 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00202 rospy.logerr("GetKinematicSolverInfo service call failed! error msg: %s"%e) 00203 return (None, None, None) 00204 00205 min_limits = [limit.min_position for limit in resp.kinematic_solver_info.limits] 00206 max_limits = [limit.max_position for limit in resp.kinematic_solver_info.limits] 00207 # rospy.loginfo("joint_names:" + str(resp.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names)) 00208 # rospy.loginfo("min_limits:" + pplist(min_limits)) 00209 # rospy.loginfo("max_limits:" + pplist(max_limits)) 00210 # rospy.loginfo("link names:" + str(resp.kinematic_solver_info.link_names)) 00211 return (resp.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names, min_limits, max_limits, resp.kinematic_solver_info.link_names) 00212 00213 00214 ##run forward kinematics on a set of 5 joint angles 00215 #link_name specifies the desired output frame 00216 #returns a PoseStamped 00217 def run_fk(self, angles, link_name): 00218 if link_name not in self.link_names: 00219 rospy.logerr("link name %s not possible!"%link_name) 00220 return None 00221 self.link_name = link_name 00222 00223 header = rospy.Header() 00224 header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() 00225 header.frame_id = self.base_link 00226 joint_state = JointState(header, self.joint_names, angles, [], []) 00227 try: 00228 resp = self._fk_service(header, [link_name], RobotState(joint_state, MultiDOFJointState())) 00229 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00230 rospy.logerr("FK service call failed! error msg: %s"%e) 00231 return None 00232 00233 #ik failed, print the error code 00234 if resp.error_code.val != 1: 00235 rospy.loginfo("FK error code: %s"%self.error_code_dict[resp.error_code.val]) 00236 00237 return resp.pose_stamped[0] 00238 00239 00240 ##run inverse kinematics on a PoseStamped (5-dof pose 00241 #(position + quaternion orientation) + header specifying the 00242 #frame of the pose) 00243 #tries to stay close to double start_angles[5] 00244 #returns the solution angles as double solution[5] 00245 #link_name is the link frame to position at pose 00246 #if collision_aware is 1, runs ik_service_with_collision 00247 #ordered_collision_operations is a list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space 00248 def run_ik(self, pose_stamped, start_angles, link_name, collision_aware = 1, ordered_collision_operations = None, IK_robot_state = None, link_padding = None): 00249 00250 if link_name not in self.link_names: 00251 rospy.logerr("link name %s not possible!"%link_name) 00252 return None 00253 self.link_name = link_name 00254 00255 #print "request:\n", pose_stamped 00256 00257 ik_request = PositionIKRequest() 00258 ik_request.ik_link_name = self.link_name 00259 ik_request.pose_stamped = pose_stamped 00260 ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() 00261 ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = start_angles 00262 ik_request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.name = self.joint_names 00263 00264 if IK_robot_state: 00265 ik_request.robot_state = IK_robot_state 00266 00267 try: 00268 if collision_aware and self.perception_running: 00269 col_free_ik_request = GetConstraintAwarePositionIKRequest() 00270 col_free_ik_request.ik_request = ik_request 00271 col_free_ik_request.timeout = rospy.Duration(10.0) #timeout after 10 seconds 00272 00273 if ordered_collision_operations != None: 00274 col_free_ik_request.ordered_collision_operations = ordered_collision_operations 00275 if link_padding != None: 00276 col_free_ik_request.link_padding = link_padding 00277 00278 resp = self._ik_service_with_collision(col_free_ik_request) 00279 else: 00280 resp = self._ik_service(ik_request, rospy.Duration(10.0)) 00281 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00282 rospy.logwarn("IK service call failed! error msg: %s"%e) 00283 return (None, None) 00284 00285 #ik failed, print the error code 00286 if resp.error_code.val != 1: 00287 rospy.loginfo("IK error code: %s"%self.error_code_dict[resp.error_code.val]) 00288 #print "requested pose:\n", pose_stamped 00289 00290 return (resp.solution.joint_state.position, self.error_code_dict[resp.error_code.val]) 00291 00292 00293 ##check whether a set of joint angles is in collision with the environment 00294 #allows the same modifications as IK 00295 def check_state_validity(self, joint_angles, ordered_collision_operations = None, \ 00296 robot_state = None, link_padding = None): 00297 00298 req = GetStateValidityRequest() 00299 if robot_state != None: 00300 req.robot_state = robot_state 00301 req.robot_state.joint_state.name.extend(self.joint_names) 00302 req.robot_state.joint_state.position.extend(joint_angles) 00303 req.robot_state.joint_state.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now() 00304 req.check_collisions = True 00305 00306 if ordered_collision_operations != None: 00307 req.ordered_collision_operations = ordered_collision_operations 00308 if link_padding != None: 00309 req.link_padding = link_padding 00310 00311 try: 00312 res = self._check_state_validity_service(req) 00313 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00314 rospy.logwarn("Check state validity call failed! error msg: %s"%e) 00315 return 0 00316 if res.error_code.val == res.error_code.SUCCESS: 00317 return 1 00318 rospy.loginfo("Check state validity error code: %s"%self.error_code_dict[res.error_code.val]) 00319 return 0 00320 00321 00322 ##convert a pointStamped to a pos list in a desired frame 00323 def point_stamped_to_list(self, point, frame): 00324 00325 #convert the pointStamped to the desired frame, if necessary 00326 if point.header.frame_id != frame: 00327 try: 00328 trans_point = self.tf_listener.transformPoint(frame, point) 00329 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00330 print "point:\n", point 00331 print "frame:", frame 00332 rospy.logerr("point_stamped_to_list: error in transforming point from " + point.header.frame_id + " to " + frame + "error msg: %s"%e) 00333 return None 00334 else: 00335 trans_point = point 00336 00337 #extract position as a list 00338 pos = [trans_point.point.x, trans_point.point.y, trans_point.point.z] 00339 00340 return pos 00341 00342 00343 ##convert a Vector3Stamped to a rot list in a desired frame 00344 def vector3_stamped_to_list(self, vector3, frame): 00345 00346 #convert the vector3Stamped to the desired frame, if necessary 00347 if vector3.header.frame_id != frame: 00348 try: 00349 trans_vector3 = self.tf_listener.transformVector3(frame, vector3) 00350 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00351 print "vector3:\n", vector3 00352 print "frame:", frame 00353 rospy.logerr("vector3_stamped_to_list: error in transforming point from " + vector3.header.frame_id + " to " + frame + "error msg: %s"%e) 00354 return None 00355 else: 00356 trans_vector3 = vector3 00357 00358 #extract vect as a list 00359 vect = [trans_vector3.vector.x, trans_vector3.vector.y, trans_vector3.vector.z] 00360 00361 return vect 00362 00363 00364 ##convert a QuaternionStamped to a quat list in a desired frame 00365 def quaternion_stamped_to_list(self, quaternion, frame): 00366 00367 #convert the QuaternionStamped to the desired frame, if necessary 00368 if quaternion.header.frame_id != frame: 00369 try: 00370 trans_quat = self.tf_listener.transformQuaternion(frame, quaternion) 00371 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00372 print "quaternion:\n", quaternion 00373 print "frame:", frame 00374 rospy.logerr("quaternion_stamped_to_list: error in transforming point from " + quaternion.header.frame_id + " to " + frame + "error msg: %s"%e) 00375 return None 00376 else: 00377 trans_quat = quaternion 00378 00379 #extract quat as a list 00380 quat = [trans_quat.quaternion.x, trans_quat.quaternion.y, trans_quat.quaternion.z, trans_quat.quaternion.w] 00381 00382 return quat 00383 00384 00385 ##convert a poseStamped to pos and rot (quaternion) lists in a desired frame 00386 def pose_stamped_to_lists(self, pose, frame): 00387 00388 #convert the poseStamped to the desired frame, if necessary 00389 if pose.header.frame_id != frame: 00390 pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) 00391 self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(frame, pose.header.frame_id, pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(5)) 00392 try: 00393 trans_pose = self.tf_listener.transformPose(frame, pose) 00394 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00395 print "pose:\n", pose 00396 print "frame:", frame 00397 rospy.logerr("pose_stamped_to_lists: error in transforming pose from " + pose.header.frame_id + " to " + frame + "error msg: %s"%e) 00398 return (None, None) 00399 else: 00400 trans_pose = pose 00401 00402 #extract position and orientation as quaternion 00403 pos = [trans_pose.pose.position.x, trans_pose.pose.position.y, trans_pose.pose.position.z] 00404 rot = [trans_pose.pose.orientation.x, trans_pose.pose.orientation.y, \ 00405 trans_pose.pose.orientation.z, trans_pose.pose.orientation.w] 00406 00407 return (pos, rot) 00408 00409 00410 ##convert pos and rot lists (relative to in_frame) to a poseStamped (relative to to_frame) 00411 def lists_to_pose_stamped(self, pos, rot, in_frame, to_frame): 00412 00413 #stick lists in a poseStamped 00414 m = PoseStamped() 00415 m.header.frame_id = in_frame 00416 m.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() 00417 m.pose = Pose(Point(*pos), Quaternion(*rot)) 00418 00419 try: 00420 pose_stamped = self.tf_listener.transformPose(to_frame, m) 00421 except rospy.ServiceException, e: 00422 rospy.logerr("error in transforming pose from " + in_frame + " to " + to_frame + "err msg: %s"%e) 00423 return None 00424 return pose_stamped 00425 00426 00427 ##vector norm of a list 00428 def vect_norm(self, vect): 00429 return sum([x**2 for x in vect])**.5 00430 00431 00432 ##normalize a vector 00433 def normalize_vect(self, vect): 00434 return list(numpy.array(vect)/self.vect_norm(vect)) 00435 00436 00437 ##angle between two quaternions (as lists) 00438 def quat_angle(self, quat1, quat2): 00439 dot = sum([x*y for (x,y) in zip(quat1, quat2)]) 00440 if dot > 1.: 00441 dot = 1. 00442 if dot < -1.: 00443 dot = -1. 00444 angle = 2*math.acos(math.fabs(dot)) 00445 return angle 00446 00447 00448 ##interpolate a Cartesian path (expressed as pos and rot lists) 00449 #pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points 00450 #rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points 00451 #num_steps overrides the number of steps (if != 0, ignore pos_spacing and rot_spacing) 00452 def interpolate_cartesian(self, start_pos, start_rot, end_pos, end_rot, pos_spacing, rot_spacing, num_steps = 0): 00453 00454 #normalize quaternion rotations just in case 00455 norm_start_rot = self.normalize_vect(start_rot) 00456 norm_end_rot = self.normalize_vect(end_rot) 00457 00458 #the desired wrist translation 00459 diff = [x-y for (x,y) in zip(end_pos, start_pos)] 00460 00461 if num_steps == 0: 00462 #compute how far the wrist translates 00463 pos_move = self.vect_norm(diff) 00464 00465 #compute how far the wrist rotates 00466 rot_move = self.quat_angle(norm_start_rot, norm_end_rot) 00467 00468 #compute the number of steps to move no more than pos_spacing and rot_spacing in each step 00469 #(min 2, start and end) 00470 num_steps_pos = math.floor(pos_move/pos_spacing)+1 00471 num_steps_rot = math.floor(rot_move/rot_spacing)+1 00472 num_steps = int(max([num_steps_pos, num_steps_rot])+1) 00473 00474 #interpolate 00475 steps = [] 00476 for stepind in range(num_steps): 00477 fraction = float(stepind)/(num_steps-1) #add both start (0) and end (1) 00478 rot = list(tf.transformations.quaternion_slerp(norm_start_rot, norm_end_rot, fraction)) 00479 pos = list(numpy.array(diff)*fraction + numpy.array(start_pos)) 00480 steps.append((pos, rot)) 00481 #print "fraction: %5.3f"%fraction, "pos:", pplist(pos), "rot:", pplist(rot) 00482 00483 return steps 00484 00485 00486 ##check that all differences between angles1 and angles2 (lists of joint angles) are within consistent_range 00487 def check_consistent(self, angles1, angles2, consistent_range): 00488 diff = [math.fabs(x-y) for (x,y) in zip(angles1, angles2)] 00489 inconsistent = any([x>consistent_range for x in diff]) 00490 return not inconsistent 00491 00492 00493 ##generate appropriate times and joint velocities for a joint path (such as that output by check_cartesian_path) 00494 #max_joint_vels is a list of maximum velocities to move the arm joints 00495 #max_joint_accs is a list of maximum accelerations to move the arm joints (can be ignored) 00496 #starts and ends in stop 00497 def trajectory_times_and_vels(self, joint_path, max_joint_vels = [.2]*7, max_joint_accs = [.5]*7): 00498 00499 #min time for each segment 00500 min_segment_time = .01 00501 00502 if not joint_path: 00503 rospy.logerr("joint path was empty!") 00504 return([], []) 00505 traj_length = len(joint_path) 00506 num_joints = len(joint_path[0]) 00507 00508 #sanity-check max vels and accelerations 00509 if not max_joint_vels: 00510 max_joint_vels = [self.default_max_vel]*self.num_dof 00511 elif len(max_joint_vels) != num_joints: 00512 rospy.logerr("invalid max_joint_vels!") 00513 return ([], []) 00514 if not max_joint_accs: 00515 max_joint_accs = [self.default_max_acc]*self.num_dof 00516 elif len(max_joint_accs) != num_joints: 00517 rospy.logerr("invalid max_joint_accs!") 00518 return ([], []) 00519 for ind in range(num_joints): 00520 if max_joint_vels[ind] <= 0.: 00521 max_joint_vels[ind] = self.default_max_vel 00522 if max_joint_accs[ind] <= 0.: 00523 max_joint_accs[ind] = self.defaulf_max_acc 00524 00525 vels = [[None]*num_joints for i in range(traj_length)] 00526 00527 #give the trajectory a bit of time to start 00528 segment_times = [None]*traj_length 00529 segment_times[0] = 0.05 00530 00531 #find vaguely appropriate segment times, assuming that we're traveling at max_joint_vels at the fastest joint 00532 for ind in range(traj_length-1): 00533 joint_diffs = [math.fabs(joint_path[ind+1][x]-joint_path[ind][x]) for x in range(num_joints)] 00534 joint_times = [diff/vel for (diff, vel) in zip(joint_diffs, max_joint_vels)] 00535 segment_times[ind+1] = max(joint_times+[min_segment_time]) 00536 00537 #set the initial and final velocities to 0 for all joints 00538 vels[0] = [0.]*num_joints 00539 vels[traj_length-1] = [0.]*num_joints 00540 00541 #also set the velocity where any joint changes direction to be 0 for that joint 00542 #and otherwise use the average velocity (assuming piecewise-linear velocities for the segments before and after) 00543 for ind in range(1, traj_length-1): 00544 for joint in range(num_joints): 00545 diff0 = joint_path[ind][joint]-joint_path[ind-1][joint] 00546 diff1 = joint_path[ind+1][joint]-joint_path[ind][joint] 00547 if (diff0>0 and diff1<0) or (diff0<0 and diff1>0): 00548 vels[ind][joint] = 0. 00549 else: 00550 vel0 = diff0/segment_times[ind] 00551 vel1 = diff1/segment_times[ind+1] 00552 vels[ind][joint] = (vel0+vel1)/2. 00553 00554 #increase the times if the desired velocities would require overly large accelerations 00555 for ind in range(1, traj_length): 00556 for joint in range(num_joints): 00557 veldiff = math.fabs(vels[ind][joint]-vels[ind-1][joint]) 00558 acc = veldiff/segment_times[ind] 00559 try: 00560 if acc > max_joint_accs[joint]: 00561 segment_times[ind] = veldiff/max_joint_accs[joint] 00562 except: 00563 pdb.set_trace() 00564 00565 #turn the segment_times into waypoint times (cumulative) 00566 times = [None]*traj_length 00567 times[0] = segment_times[0] 00568 for ind in range(1, traj_length): 00569 try: 00570 times[ind] = times[ind-1]+segment_times[ind] 00571 except: 00572 pdb.set_trace() 00573 00574 #return the times and velocities 00575 return (times, vels) 00576 00577 00578 ##check a Cartesian path for consistent, non-colliding IK solutions 00579 #start_pose and end_pose are PoseStamped messages with the wrist poses 00580 #start_angles are angles to try to stay close to 00581 #num_steps is the number of interpolation steps to use (if 0, use 00582 # pos_spacing and rot_spacing instead to calculate the number of steps) 00583 #pos_spacing is max wrist translation in meters between trajectory points 00584 #rot_spacing is max wrist rotation in radians between trajectory points 00585 #consistent_angle is the max joint angle change before 2 steps are declared inconsistent 00586 #collision_check_resolution is the resolution at which to check collisions (0 or 1 for every) 00587 #steps_before_abort is the number of invalid steps found before aborting (-1 to ignore) 00588 #if collision_aware is 0, ignore collisions 00589 #ordered_collision_operations is an optional list of collision operations to feed to IK to modify the collision space 00590 #link_padding is an optional list of link paddings to feed to IK to modify the robot collision padding 00591 #IK_robot_state is an optional RobotState message to pass to IK 00592 #if start_from_end is 1, find an IK solution for the end first and work backwards 00593 #returns the joint angle trajectory and the error codes (0=good, 00594 # 1=collisions, 2=inconsistent, 3=out of reach, 4=aborted before checking) 00595 def check_cartesian_path(self, start_pose, end_pose, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.01, rot_spacing = 0.1, consistent_angle = math.pi/9., collision_aware = 1, collision_check_resolution = 1, steps_before_abort = -1, num_steps = 0, ordered_collision_operations = None, start_from_end = 0, IK_robot_state = None, link_padding = None, use_additional_start_angles = 0): 00596 00597 #sanity-checking 00598 if num_steps != 0 and num_steps < 2: 00599 num_steps = 2 00600 if collision_check_resolution < 1: 00601 collision_check_resolution = 1 00602 if num_steps == 0 and (pos_spacing <= 0 or rot_spacing <= 0): 00603 rospy.logerr("invalid pos_spacing or rot_spacing") 00604 return ([], []) 00605 00606 #convert to lists 00607 (start_pos, start_rot) = self.pose_stamped_to_lists(start_pose, self.base_link) 00608 (end_pos, end_rot) = self.pose_stamped_to_lists(end_pose, self.base_link) 00609 if start_pos == None or end_pos == None: 00610 return (None, None) 00611 00612 #interpolate path 00613 print 'interpolate path from:' 00614 print start_pos 00615 print end_pos 00616 steps = self.interpolate_cartesian(start_pos, start_rot, end_pos, end_rot, pos_spacing, rot_spacing, num_steps) 00617 00618 #run collision-aware ik on each step, starting from the end and going backwards if start_from_end is true 00619 if start_from_end: 00620 steps.reverse() 00621 00622 #use additional start angles from a pre-chosen set 00623 if use_additional_start_angles: 00624 num_to_use = max(use_additional_start_angles, len(self.start_angles_list)) 00625 start_angles_list = [start_angles,] + self.start_angles_list[0:num_to_use] 00626 else: 00627 start_angles_list = [start_angles,] 00628 00629 #go through each set of start angles, see if we can find a consistent trajectory 00630 for (start_angles_ind, start_angles) in enumerate(start_angles_list): 00631 trajectory = [] 00632 error_codes = [] 00633 00634 if use_additional_start_angles: 00635 rospy.loginfo("start_angles_ind: %d"%start_angles_ind) 00636 00637 for stepind in range(len(steps)): 00638 (pos,rot) = steps[stepind] 00639 pose_stamped = self.lists_to_pose_stamped(pos, rot, self.base_link, self.base_link) 00640 00641 #draw the pose in rviz that we're checking in IK 00642 print 'draw' 00643 self.draw_pose(pose_stamped, stepind*3+self.pose_id_set*50) 00644 self.pose_id_set = (self.pose_id_set+1)%2 00645 00646 #check for a non-collision_aware IK solution first 00647 rospy.loginfo("call nonCA IK for step %d"%stepind) 00648 (colliding_solution, error_code) = self.run_ik(pose_stamped, start_angles, self.link_name, collision_aware = 0, IK_robot_state = IK_robot_state) 00649 if not colliding_solution: 00650 rospy.loginfo("non-collision-aware IK solution not found for step %d!"%stepind) 00651 trajectory.append([0.]*self.num_dof) 00652 error_codes.append(3) #3=out of reach 00653 00654 else: 00655 #if we're checking for collisions, then look for a collision-aware solution 00656 collision_aware_this_step = collision_aware and (stepind % collision_check_resolution == 0 or stepind == len(steps)-1) 00657 if collision_aware_this_step: 00658 rospy.loginfo("call CA IK for step %d"%stepind) 00659 (solution, error_code) = self.run_ik(pose_stamped, start_angles, self.link_name, collision_aware, ordered_collision_operations, IK_robot_state = IK_robot_state, link_padding = link_padding) 00660 if not solution: 00661 rospy.loginfo("non-colliding IK solution not found for step %d!"%stepind) 00662 collision_aware_solution_found = 0 00663 solution = colliding_solution 00664 else: 00665 collision_aware_solution_found = 1 00666 else: 00667 solution = colliding_solution 00668 00669 trajectory.append(list(solution)) 00670 00671 #first trajectory point, or last point was all 0s, or consistent with previous point 00672 if stepind == 0 or error_codes[-1] == 3 or self.check_consistent(trajectory[-2], solution, consistent_angle): 00673 if not collision_aware_this_step or collision_aware_solution_found: 00674 error_codes.append(0) #0=good 00675 else: 00676 error_codes.append(1) #1=collisions 00677 else: 00678 rospy.loginfo("IK solution not consistent for step %d!"%stepind) 00679 error_codes.append(2) #2=inconsistent 00680 00681 start_angles = solution 00682 00683 #check if we should abort due to finding too many invalid points 00684 rospy.loginfo("steps before abort %d"%steps_before_abort) 00685 if error_codes[-1] > 0 and steps_before_abort >= 0 and stepind >= steps_before_abort: 00686 rospy.loginfo("aborting due to too many invalid steps") 00687 trajectory.extend([[0.]*self.num_dof for i in range(len(steps)-stepind-1)]) 00688 error_codes.extend([4]*(len(steps)-stepind-1)) #4=aborted before checking 00689 break 00690 00691 #if we didn't abort, stop and return the trajectory 00692 #if not any(error_codes): 00693 else: 00694 break 00695 00696 if start_from_end: 00697 trajectory.reverse() 00698 error_codes.reverse() 00699 return (trajectory, error_codes) 00700 00701 00702 #test functions 00703 if __name__ == '__main__': 00704 00705 def keypause(): 00706 print "press enter to continue" 00707 raw_input() 00708 00709 #run check_cartesian_path after converting lists to poseStamped 00710 def check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.01, \ 00711 rot_spacing = 0.1, consistent_angle = math.pi/9., collision_aware = 1, \ 00712 collision_check_resolution = 1, steps_before_abort = -1, num_steps = 0, frame = 'base_link'): 00713 00714 print "approachpos:", pplist(approachpos), " approachquat:", pplist(approachquat) 00715 print "grasppos: ", pplist(grasppos), " graspquat: ", pplist(graspquat) 00716 00717 start_pose = ik_utilities.lists_to_pose_stamped(approachpos, approachquat, frame, frame) 00718 end_pose = ik_utilities.lists_to_pose_stamped(grasppos, graspquat, frame, frame) 00719 00720 (trajectory, error_codes) = ik_utilities.check_cartesian_path(start_pose, \ 00721 end_pose, start_angles, pos_spacing, rot_spacing, consistent_angle, collision_aware, collision_check_resolution, \ 00722 steps_before_abort, num_steps, use_additional_start_angles = 2) 00723 (times, vels) = ik_utilities.trajectory_times_and_vels(trajectory, [.2]*7, [.5]*7) 00724 00725 rospy.loginfo("trajectory:") 00726 for ind in range(len(trajectory)): 00727 rospy.loginfo("error code "+ str(error_codes[ind]) + " pos : " + pplist(trajectory[ind])) 00728 rospy.loginfo("") 00729 for ind in range(len(trajectory)): 00730 rospy.loginfo("time: " + "%5.3f "%times[ind] + "vels: " + pplist(vels[ind])) 00731 00732 return (trajectory, error_codes) 00733 00734 00735 #test check_cartesian_path 00736 def run_cartesian_path_test(ik_utilities): 00737 00738 #side grasp 00739 #start_angles = [-0.447, -0.297, -2.229, -0.719, 0.734, -1.489, 1.355] ## GGF einfach post calib pose 00740 start_angles = [0]*5 00741 sideapproachmat = numpy.array([[0., -1., 0., 0.], 00742 [1., 0., 0., 0.], 00743 [0., 0., 1., 0.], 00744 [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) ## andern? 00745 sideapproachpos = [.62, -.3, .75] 00746 approachmat = sideapproachmat 00747 approachpos = sideapproachpos 00748 approachquat = list(tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(approachmat)) 00749 sidegrasppos = sideapproachpos[:] 00750 sidegrasppos[1] += .05 00751 grasppos = sidegrasppos 00752 graspquat = approachquat[:] 00753 print "side grasp" 00754 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles) 00755 00756 00757 #top to side grasp 00758 start_angles = [0.]*5 00759 approachpos = [.62, -.05, .85] 00760 approachquat = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] #from the top 00761 grasppos = [.62, -.05, .75] 00762 graspquat = [0.00000, 0.00000, 0.70711, 0.70711] #from the side 00763 print "top to side grasp, collision-aware" 00764 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = .01, rot_spacing = .2) 00765 00766 print "more finely spaced rotations, not collision-aware" 00767 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = .02, rot_spacing = .05, collision_aware = 0) 00768 00769 print "5 steps, too far apart for default consistent_angle" 00770 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, num_steps = 5) 00771 00772 print "5 steps, consistent_angle of pi/4" 00773 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, num_steps = 5, consistent_angle = math.pi/4) 00774 00775 #top grasp through the table 00776 start_angles = [0.]*5 00777 approachpos = [.62, -.05, .65] 00778 approachquat = [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] #from the top 00779 grasppos = [.62, -.05, .25] 00780 graspquat = approachquat[:] 00781 print "top grasp through the table" 00782 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.02, collision_aware = 1, collision_check_resolution = 2, steps_before_abort = -1) 00783 00784 print "abort early" 00785 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.02, collision_aware = 1, collision_check_resolution = 2, steps_before_abort = 1) 00786 00787 print "not collision-aware" 00788 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, pos_spacing = 0.02, collision_aware = 0, steps_before_abort = -1) 00789 00790 print "12 steps, collision-aware, collision_check_resolution of 3" 00791 check_cartesian_path_lists(ik_utilities, approachpos, approachquat, grasppos, graspquat, start_angles, collision_aware = 1, collision_check_resolution = 3, num_steps = 12) 00792 00793 00794 #test ik and fk using a randomly-generated joint pose 00795 def run_ik_and_fk_test(ik_utilities, collision_aware = 0): 00796 00797 #check if two lists of numbers are near each other 00798 trans_near = 1e-4 00799 rot_near = 1e-4 00800 def not_near(list1, list2, near): 00801 return any([math.fabs(v1-v2) > near for (v1, v2) in zip(list1, list2)]) 00802 00803 #random seed based on the current time 00804 random.seed() 00805 00806 #generate a random joint-angle configuration 00807 random_angles = [random.uniform(min, max) for (min, max) in \ 00808 zip(ik_utilities.min_limits, ik_utilities.max_limits)] 00809 00810 #run forward kinematics to get the corresponding Cartesian pose 00811 fk_pose = ik_utilities.run_fk(random_angles, ik_utilities.link_name) 00812 pos1 = fk_pose.pose.position 00813 rot1 = fk_pose.pose.orientation 00814 pos1list = [pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z] 00815 rot1list = [rot1.x, rot1.y, rot1.z, rot1.w] 00816 00817 #run inverse kinematics on that pose to get a set of angles 00818 #that also make that Cartesian pose (starting from all 0 angles) 00819 rospy.loginfo("IK request: pos "+pplist(pos1list)+" rot "+pplist(rot1list)) 00820 (ik_angles, error_code) = ik_utilities.run_ik(fk_pose, [0]*7, ik_utilities.link_name, collision_aware) 00821 if not ik_angles: 00822 00823 #test check_state_validity to see if it is in agreement about random_angles being in collision 00824 if collision_aware: 00825 valid = ik_utilities.check_state_validity(random_angles) 00826 if valid: 00827 rospy.logerr("check state validity thinks random_angles is not in collision!") 00828 00829 return 0 00830 00831 #run forward kinematics on the ik solution to see if the 00832 #resulting pose matches the first 00833 fk_pose2 = ik_utilities.run_fk(ik_angles, ik_utilities.link_name) 00834 pos2 = fk_pose2.pose.position 00835 rot2 = fk_pose2.pose.orientation 00836 pos2list = [pos2.x, pos2.y, pos2.z] 00837 rot2list = [rot2.x, rot2.y, rot2.z, rot2.w] 00838 00839 #test check_state_validity to see if it is in agreement about ik_angles not being in collision 00840 if collision_aware: 00841 valid = ik_utilities.check_state_validity(ik_angles) 00842 if not valid: 00843 rospy.logerr("check state validity thinks ik_angles is in collision!") 00844 00845 #check the resulting solution 00846 if not_near(pos1list, pos2list, trans_near) or \ 00847 not_near(rot1list, rot2list, rot_near): 00848 rospy.loginfo("IK solution incorrect!") 00849 correct = 0 00850 else: 00851 rospy.loginfo("IK solution good") 00852 correct = 1 00853 rospy.loginfo("FK response:pos "+pplist(pos2list)+" rot "+pplist(rot2list)) 00854 if not correct: 00855 return 0 00856 00857 return 1 00858 00859 00860 def test_ik_with_specific_pose(ik_utilities): 00861 pose_stamped = ik_utilities.lists_to_pose_stamped([.62, -.05, .5], [.5, -.5, -.5, -.5], 'kurtana_rackplate_link', 'kurtana_rackplate_link') 00862 print "link name:", ik_utilities.link_name 00863 print "desired pose:\n", pose_stamped 00864 (solution, error_code) = ik_utilities.run_ik(pose_stamped, [0]*5, ik_utilities.link_name, 0) 00865 print "solution:", solution 00866 00867 00868 rospy.init_node('test_ik_and_fk', anonymous=True) 00869 00870 ik_utilities = IKUtilities(wait_for_services = 0) 00871 ik_utilities.check_services_and_get_ik_info() 00872 00873 print "testing ik and fk with random joint angles" 00874 for i in range(2000): 00875 run_ik_and_fk_test(ik_utilities) 00876 00877 print "testing the cartesian path interpolator" 00878 run_cartesian_path_test(ik_utilities) 00879 00880 print "running a specific pose" 00881 test_ik_with_specific_pose(ik_utilities)