
Geometry Member List

This is the complete list of members for Geometry, including all inherited members.
approach(tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > toolPose, double dist=0.1)Geometry [static]
Geometry()Geometry [private]
getInstance()Geometry [inline, static]
getPose(const char target_frame[], const char lookup_frame[])Geometry [static]
getPoseIn(const char target_frame[], tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > src)Geometry [static]
getRel(const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &root_frame, const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &relative_pose)Geometry [static]
getRelativeTransform(const char source_frameid[], const char target_frameid[])Geometry [static]
getRelInBase(const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &root_frame, const btVector3 &dist)Geometry [static]
getTransform(const char baseframe[], const char toolframe[])Geometry [static]
init()Geometry [static]
instanceGeometry [private, static]
listener_Geometry [private, static]
make_pose(double x, double y, double z, double ox, double oy, double oz, double ow, const char target_frame[])Geometry [static]
make_pose(const btTransform &trans, const char target_frame[])Geometry [static]
printPose(const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &toolTargetPose)Geometry [static]
printPose(const char title[], tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > pose)Geometry [static]
rotateAroundBaseAxis(tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > toolPose, double r_x, double r_y, double r_z)Geometry [static]
rotateAroundPose(tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > toolPose, tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > pivot, double r_x, double r_y, double r_z)Geometry [static]
rotateAroundPose(tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > toolPose, tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > pivot, btQuaternion qa)Geometry [static]
rotateAroundToolframeAxis(tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > toolPose, double r_x, double r_y, double r_z)Geometry [static]
scaleStampedPose(const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &in, double scale)Geometry [static]
scaleStampedTransform(const tf::Stamped< tf::Pose > &in, double scale)Geometry [static]
~Geometry()Geometry [private]
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Author(s): Thomas Ruehr
autogenerated on Tue Dec 4 09:18:47 2012