
_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > Member List

This is the complete list of members for _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >, including all inherited members.
_allocator_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
_Matrix(int r=Rows, int c=Cols)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
_Matrix(int r=Rows, int c=Cols)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
BaseType typedef_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
BaseType typedef_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
cholesky() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
cholesky() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
cols() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
cols() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
det() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
det() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
diag(const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline, static]
diag(const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [static]
eye(Base factor, int dim=Rows)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline, static]
eye(Base factor, int dim=Rows)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [static]
fill(Base scalar)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
fill(Base scalar)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
inverse() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
inverse() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
multRow(int dest, Base destFactor)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
multRow(int dest, Base destFactor)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
nullSpace(_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &nullS, Base epsilon=std::numeric_limits< Base >::epsilon()) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
nullSpace(_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &nullS, Base epsilon=std::numeric_limits< Base >::epsilon()) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator*(Base c) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*(const _Matrix< Rows1, Cols1, Base > &m) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*(const _Vector< Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*(Base c) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator*(const _Matrix< Rows1, Cols1, Base > &m) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*(const _Vector< Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator*=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &m)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*=(Base c)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator*=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &m)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator*=(Base c)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator+(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator+(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator+=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator+=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator-(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator-(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator-=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator-=(const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > &v)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
operator[](int row) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator[](int row)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator[](int row) const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
operator[](int row)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
outerProduct(const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v1, const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v2)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline, static]
outerProduct(const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v1, const _Vector< Rows, Base > &v2)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [static]
permutation(const _Vector< Rows, int > &p)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline, static]
permutation(const _Vector< Rows, int > &p)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [static]
rows() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
rows() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
sumRow(int dest, Base destFactor, int src, Base srcFactor)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
sumRow(int dest, Base destFactor, int src, Base srcFactor)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
swapRows(int r1, int r2)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
swapRows(int r1, int r2)_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
transpose() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
transpose() const _Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
transposeInPlace()_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base > [inline]
transposeInPlace()_Matrix< Rows, Cols, Base >
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Author(s): Maintained by Juergen Sturm
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 12:00:24 2013