00001 // SVN $HeadURL: http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/humanoid_stacks/humanoid_navigation/gridmap_2d/src/GridMap2D.cpp $ 00002 // SVN $Id: GridMap2D.cpp 3276 2012-09-27 12:39:16Z hornunga@informatik.uni-freiburg.de $ 00003 00004 /* 00005 * A simple 2D gridmap structure 00006 * 00007 * Copyright 2011 Armin Hornung, University of Freiburg 00008 * 00009 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 00010 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 00011 * 00012 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 00013 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 00014 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 00015 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 00016 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 00017 * * Neither the name of the University of Freiburg nor the names of its 00018 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from 00019 * this software without specific prior written permission. 00020 * 00021 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 00022 * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 00023 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 00024 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 00025 * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 00026 * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 00027 * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 00028 * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 00029 * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 00030 * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 00031 * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 00032 */ 00033 00034 #include "gridmap_2d/GridMap2D.h" 00035 #include <ros/console.h> 00036 00037 namespace gridmap_2d{ 00038 00039 GridMap2D::GridMap2D() 00040 : m_frameId("/map") 00041 { 00042 00043 } 00044 00045 GridMap2D::GridMap2D(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& gridMap) { 00046 00047 setMap(gridMap); 00048 00049 } 00050 00051 GridMap2D::~GridMap2D() { 00052 00053 } 00054 00055 void GridMap2D::setMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& gridMap){ 00056 m_mapInfo = gridMap->info; 00057 m_frameId = gridMap->header.frame_id; 00058 // allocate map structs so that x/y in the world correspond to x/y in the image 00059 // (=> cv::Mat is rotated by 90 deg, because it's row-major!) 00060 m_binaryMap = cv::Mat(m_mapInfo.width, m_mapInfo.height, CV_8UC1); 00061 m_distMap = cv::Mat(m_binaryMap.size(), CV_32FC1); 00062 00063 std::vector<signed char>::const_iterator mapDataIter = gridMap->data.begin(); 00064 00065 //TODO check / param 00066 unsigned char map_occ_thres = 70; 00067 00068 // iterate over map, store in image 00069 // (0,0) is lower left corner of OccupancyGrid 00070 for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_mapInfo.height; ++j){ 00071 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_mapInfo.width; ++i){ 00072 if (*mapDataIter > map_occ_thres){ 00073 // m_mapInfo.height-1-i 00074 m_binaryMap.at<uchar>(i,j) = 0; 00075 } else{ 00076 m_binaryMap.at<uchar>(i,j) = 255; 00077 } 00078 mapDataIter++; 00079 } 00080 } 00081 cv::distanceTransform(m_binaryMap, m_distMap, CV_DIST_L2, CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE); 00082 // distance map now contains distance in meters: 00083 m_distMap = m_distMap * m_mapInfo.resolution; 00084 00085 ROS_INFO("GridMap2D created with %d x %d cells at %f resolution.", m_mapInfo.width, m_mapInfo.height, m_mapInfo.resolution); 00086 } 00087 00088 void GridMap2D::setMap(const cv::Mat& binaryMap){ 00089 m_binaryMap = binaryMap.clone(); 00090 m_distMap = cv::Mat(m_binaryMap.size(), CV_32FC1); 00091 00092 cv::distanceTransform(m_binaryMap, m_distMap, CV_DIST_L2, CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE); 00093 // distance map now contains distance in meters: 00094 m_distMap = m_distMap * m_mapInfo.resolution; 00095 00096 ROS_INFO("GridMap2D copied from existing cv::Mat with %d x %d cells at %f resolution.", m_mapInfo.width, m_mapInfo.height, m_mapInfo.resolution); 00097 00098 } 00099 00100 void GridMap2D::inflateMap(double inflationRadius){ 00101 m_binaryMap = (m_distMap <= inflationRadius ); 00102 // recompute distance map with new binary map: 00103 cv::distanceTransform(m_binaryMap, m_distMap, CV_DIST_L2, CV_DIST_MASK_PRECISE); 00104 m_distMap = m_distMap * m_mapInfo.resolution; 00105 } 00106 00107 // See costmap2D for mapToWorld / worldToMap implementations: 00108 00109 void GridMap2D::mapToWorld(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, double& wx, double& wy) const { 00110 wx = m_mapInfo.origin.position.x + (mx+0.5) * m_mapInfo.resolution; 00111 wy = m_mapInfo.origin.position.y + (my+0.5) * m_mapInfo.resolution; 00112 } 00113 00114 00115 00116 void GridMap2D::worldToMapNoBounds(double wx, double wy, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const { 00117 mx = (int) ((wx - m_mapInfo.origin.position.x) / m_mapInfo.resolution); 00118 my = (int) ((wy - m_mapInfo.origin.position.y) / m_mapInfo.resolution); 00119 } 00120 00121 bool GridMap2D::worldToMap(double wx, double wy, unsigned int& mx, unsigned int& my) const { 00122 if(wx < m_mapInfo.origin.position.x || wy < m_mapInfo.origin.position.y) 00123 return false; 00124 00125 mx = (int) ((wx - m_mapInfo.origin.position.x) / m_mapInfo.resolution); 00126 my = (int) ((wy - m_mapInfo.origin.position.y) / m_mapInfo.resolution); 00127 00128 if(mx < m_mapInfo.width && my < m_mapInfo.height) 00129 return true; 00130 00131 return false; 00132 } 00133 00134 bool GridMap2D::inMapBounds(double wx, double wy) const{ 00135 unsigned mx, my; 00136 return worldToMap(wx,wy,mx,my); 00137 } 00138 00139 float GridMap2D::distanceMapAt(double wx, double wy) const{ 00140 unsigned mx, my; 00141 00142 if (worldToMap(wx, wy, mx, my)) 00143 return m_distMap.at<float>(mx, my); 00144 else 00145 return -1.0f; 00146 } 00147 00148 00149 uchar GridMap2D::binaryMapAt(double wx, double wy) const{ 00150 unsigned mx, my; 00151 00152 if (worldToMap(wx, wy, mx, my)) 00153 return m_binaryMap.at<uchar>(mx, my); 00154 else 00155 return 0; 00156 } 00157 00158 00159 float GridMap2D::distanceMapAtCell(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const{ 00160 return m_distMap.at<float>(mx, my); 00161 } 00162 00163 00164 uchar GridMap2D::binaryMapAtCell(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const{ 00165 return m_binaryMap.at<uchar>(mx, my); 00166 } 00167 00168 00169 bool GridMap2D::isOccupiedAtCell(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const{ 00170 return (m_binaryMap.at<uchar>(mx, my) < 255); 00171 } 00172 00173 00174 bool GridMap2D::isOccupiedAt(double wx, double wy) const{ 00175 unsigned mx, my; 00176 if (worldToMap(wx, wy, mx, my)) 00177 return isOccupiedAtCell(mx, my); 00178 else 00179 return true; 00180 } 00181 00182 } 00183 00184