fake_localization Documentation
- Author:
- Ioan Sucan
fake_localization: fake localization
A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information.
odom_localization Takes in ground truth pose information for a robot base (e.g., from a simulator or motion capture system) and republishes it as if a localization system were in use.
Subscribes to (name/type):
- "base_pose_ground_truth" nav_msgs/Odometry : robot's odometric pose. Only the position information is used (velocity is ignored).
Publishes to (name / type):
- "amcl_pose" geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped : robot's estimated pose in the map, with covariance
- "particlecloud" geometry_msgs/PoseArray : fake set of poses being maintained by the filter (one paricle only).
- "~odom_frame_id" (string) : The odometry frame to be used, default: "odom"