
homogeneous_point.hpp File Reference

Real valued x-y-z point with homogeneous representation. More...

#include <ecl/mpl.hpp>
#include <ecl/type_traits.hpp>
#include <ecl/config/macros.hpp>
#include <ecl/exceptions/standard_exception.hpp>
#include <ecl/linear_algebra.hpp>
#include <ecl/math.hpp>
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class  ecl::HomogeneousPoint< T, Enable >
 Dummy parent class for Homogenous points. More...
class  ecl::HomogeneousPoint< T, typename ecl::enable_if< ecl::is_float< T > >::type >
 Container storing a homogenous point. More...


namespace  ecl

Embedded control libraries.


typedef HomogeneousPoint< double > ecl::HomogeneousPointd
 Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in double format.
typedef HomogeneousPoint< float > ecl::HomogeneousPointf
 Eigen style convenience handle for homogeneous points in float format.


template<typename OutputStream , typename Type >
OutputStream & ecl::operator<< (OutputStream &ostream, const HomogeneousPoint< Type > &point)

Detailed Description

Real valued x-y-z point with homogeneous representation.

Essentially a container that stores 4 floats with the last always being fixed at 1.0.

November 2009

Definition in file homogeneous_point.hpp.

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Author(s): Daniel Stonier (d.stonier@gmail.com)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:21:42 2013