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Namespaces | |
namespace | set_torque |
Variables | |
string | set_torque::__author__ = 'Antons Rebguns' |
string | set_torque::__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Antons Rebguns' |
string | set_torque::__email__ = 'anton@email.arizona.edu' |
string | set_torque::__license__ = 'BSD' |
string | set_torque::__maintainer__ = 'Antons Rebguns' |
set_torque::baudrate = options.baud | |
string | set_torque::desc_msg = 'Turns the torque of specified Dynamixel servo motor on or off.' |
tuple | set_torque::dxl_io = dynamixel_io.DynamixelIO(port, baudrate) |
string | set_torque::epi_msg = 'Example: %s --port=/dev/ttyUSB1 --baud=57600 1 Off' |
string | set_torque::help = 'motors of specified controllers are connected to PORT [default: %default]' |
tuple | set_torque::motor_id = int(args[1]) |
tuple | set_torque::parser = OptionParser(usage=usage_msg, description=desc_msg, epilog=epi_msg) |
set_torque::port = options.port | |
list | set_torque::torque_on = args[2] |
string | set_torque::usage_msg = 'Usage: %prog [options] ID [On|Off]' |